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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

24 terrorist-soldiers killed in north Sinai this morning.
they were unarmed they were returning from sainai to their families we will have our revenge be sure of that
after all there is no greater glory than giving your life to your country
they were unarmed they were returning from sainai to their families we will have our revenge be sure of that
after all there is no greater glory than giving your life to your country

Your country dosent give you eternal salavation, they have killed innocent muslims, forsaken God for nationalism..

Now lets see what nationalism will bring them on judgment day

they were unarmed they were returning from sainai to their families we will have our revenge be sure of that
after all there is no greater glory than giving your life to your country

Unarmed ?????????

So were the thousands of innocent muslims the egyptian army has murdered
Yessss. This is excellent news, one of the best I heard in a long time.

Now these scholars will be taken out like flies and the Kingdom will push a Liberal hardliner approach finally. These bearded scum will soon eat dirt.
Haha you funny.. maybe start with allowing females to drive before any" hardline liberal approach":omghaha:. Your country enforces total sharia inside the desert and funds kuffar and mass-muslim killers like Sisi with Billions outside its borders.
So your government is western slave hypocrite if you don't mind me saying.

The reason why alsauds are terrified of the brotherhood is because they are their biggest threat. ANY election held in your desert will result in total Islamist victory and that's why they have to destroy them to survive.
I'm always with the people, therefore I'm with the Egyptian people, if Egyptians wanted Morsi, he would have stayed, however Egyptians wanted Morsi gone...thus he is gone...

Why don't you support you own brethren then against the tyrant Assad?
Since democracy got butchered and raped, just make him president allready. :blink:

Mubarak’s lawyer says expects former Egyptian president to be freed this week after prosecutor clears him in corruption case.
Why don't you support you own brethren then against the tyrant Assad?
He is supporting his own...Assad was one of them...He is as we are against the intrusion of wahabi lab technicians that are destroying the Syrian fiber.

He's a christian siding with Assad.

What religion has to do with his opinions..after all both of them are Syrians, and what concerns one concerns the other.
Most of the Egyptian army are conscripts aren't they? Many of them probably come from religious families too. I can't understand how the soldiers haven't rebelled against their officers yet.
That what happens when you bring the military to do police job. After saying that, don't think for one second that the MB's are angels...MB's created the mayhem to draw the Egyptian army in the fight. They wanted blood in her hand and they got it...Sad that the Egyptian army fell for it..




the picture that went around the world.


The arab league between supporters, neutrals and against the Army...


Green pro morsi
purple pro army
Gray neutral

C..Shia influence

S sunni inluence.
If such a huge majority of Egyptians are against the Brotherhood what are they worried about? They obviously are not going to get many seats in parliament in another election are they? Or is it the fear that they might?
If such a huge majority of Egyptians are against the Brotherhood what are they worried about? They obviously are not going to get many seats in parliament in another election are they? Or is it the fear that they might?

Why are you so desperate for religion to be political?

Why can't you live in a country where the government runs the country without religion, and the individual citizens choose whether they want to pray 5 times a day and cover from head to toe?

Why do you have to IMPOSE and SUBJUGATE and TELL everyone what to do?

Why are you so desperate for a MUSLIM government?

You're so backwards that dogs are starting to catch up with you in intellect and social modernity.
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