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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

20 million + signatures, a fraud.

This spring, I participated in the grass-roots “Tamarod” campaign organized to protest the government of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. My group, the April 6 Youth Movement, collected more than 2 million signatures from people seeking to withdraw confidence in Morsi and calling for early presidential elections.

There are, however, reasons for serious concern with the actions of the Egyptian military. Our support for the transitional road map to new elections was predicated on the military’s pledge that it would not interfere in Egypt’s political life. The expanding role of the military in the political process that we are nonetheless witnessing is disconcerting.

The escalation in hateful rhetoric in the media by liberals against Morsi supporters and by Morsi supporters against liberals also concerns me a great deal. Rhetoric that encourages the extermination of a whole political faction or calls for imprisonment of its members, regardless of their views, is wholly unacceptable. We refused to treat members of Mubarak’s regime this way after they were ousted from power. How can we support such treatment of the Brotherhood now?

Moreover, I cannot accept that, once again, the government is exerting control over the media on the pretext of the war on terror. Based on my previous experiences with the military — I was arrested and beaten for my activism in 2008 — I cannot help but fear that I may be accused of terrorism if I criticize the new regime.

No one can defend the mistakes committed by Morsi or the Brotherhood. But is it not my right to question, with great concern, the deaths of more than 100 Morsi supporters, many of them by bullets to the head and chest?

Despite my support for the June 30 revolutionary wave, and despite the fact that it was a people’s movement before it was a military intervention, I now see much to fear. I fear the insurrection against the principles of the Jan. 25 revolution, the continued trampling of human rights and the expansion of restrictive measures in the name of the war on terror — lest any opponent of the authorities be branded a terrorist.

In Muslim Brotherhood crackdown, Egyptian army harms rights - The Washington Post
20 million + signatures, a fraud.


The idiocy.

If you could read you would know what the hell he was talking about.

"My group, the April 6 Youth Movement, collected more than 2 million signatures from people seeking to withdraw confidence in Morsi and calling for early presidential elections.

The April 6 Youth Movement gathered 2 million signatures among its members and the general public independently of Tamarod and that's whats stated here. The article makes no mention of the final number of signatures collected by the Tamarod movement as a whole.
lol, I just heard people saying Sissi rejected Interim puppet govts who wants to crush the supporters, he knows he can't kill his people because we are millions, childrens and womens staying outside and the only thing he fear is getting overthrowed by the army if that happens. That's why Pissi called the EU and US to help but everything is rejected by the democratic MB.

Anyway, offering foodies :pop:



all night every day like this.
The tents and food distributors being set up :sleep:
Meanwhile, on other side Alexandria. :tup:
Mass demonstrations in Alexandria against the military coup - YouTube
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Immature thugs in Tahrir talking about condoms and blabla...

and that's the uhmm "activist" or "tamarod" supporters right?

later, Mahmoud Shab3n managed to escape to the bright side :smokin:

receives a walm welcome..
Giving out speech about exposing the real face of the immature thugs in Tahrir (evil side)
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Immature thugs in Tahrir talking about condoms and blabla...

and that's the uhmm "activist" or "tamarod" supporters right?

later, Mahmoud Shab3n managed to escape to the bright side :smokin:

receives a walm welcome..
Giving out speech about exposing the real face of the immature thugs in Tahrir (evil side)

So you're offended when people or politicians make blanket statements about those who support Morsi but you do the same to those you oppose. Hypocrisy at its finest.

You make no mention of those who went into Rab3a and never returned as well. So does the death of those 11+ human beings mean nothing to you simply because they arent famous or support the same cause? At least he left with his life. Does the death of those people reflect the character of all pro-Morsi protesters, because if I used the same logic you did it would, and you as usual would be offended. He's a thoroughly unpleasant man but didn't deserve what happened to him. You've also failed to mention the wide condemnation from political groups etc.

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It had already been exposed. After the Westerners discovered there was ongoing Morsi supporting protest, they started to read more about it.
Click CC.

The crowds were still bigger than the politcal Islamist's could muster. Funny how Aljazeera didn't do the same analysis for Rab3a as the MB also has a habbit of over exaggerating its support. Rab3a and Alnahda are no where near as big as Tahrir and Alitahidiya or do you not know the streets of Cairo?

Whats also funny is that in 2011 this same news channel reported that Tahrir alone had over 2 million people in it, really funny isn't it. But I've already mentioned this yet you seem to ignore me every time and never answer my questions, why is that?

By the way no one has questioned the number of Tamarod signatures, just the numbers of protesters. Theres still a consensus that those who opposed Morsi outnumber those who supported him by far.
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The crowds were still bigger than the politcal Islamist's could muster.
Imagination, people think it's all beard and niqab women who supported Morsi but in reality, it's not.

Whats also funny is that in 2011 this same news channel reported that Tahrir alone had over 2 million people in it, really funny isn't it. But I've already mentioned this yet you seem to ignore me every time and never answer my questions, why is that?
Nearly the majority of the Egyptians wanted Mubarak out, there was no coverage on who wanted him in power that's why the whole mainstream media aired it to prove the majority want him out. The 2013 coup protest is different; Egypt is divided, and Aljazeera, local, private and itself media networks did a good job pointing the perspective on both side. Western medias controls journalist and forced to focus on anti's so they can't say a word on their own POV so instead they post their views on social and blog sites and their POV is different than what the Western media says.
Imagination, people think it's all beard and niqab women who supported Morsi but in reality, it's not.

Actually that's the reality of things and there hasn't been a single source of news has reported otherwise even Aljazeera has conceded that the crowds that gathered to support Morsi were smaller. If you think people care about beards and niqabs either in the west or Egypt then you're mistaken. You're also mistaken in your thinking that these protests represent a wide spectrum of Egyptian people. Granted, you may have one or two Copts who joined (who you insist on demonizing) and some fake April 6th Movement members that you parade and two fake Ultra's Ahlawy that jump on stage to improve morale but you simply don't represent anyone other than those who support or are sympathetic to political Islam. Whether youre bearded in a niqab or clean shaven and have your hair free wont affect your politcal views. There Islamist's who don't wear a Hijab and are clean shaven.

Nearly the majority of the Egyptians wanted Mubarak out, there was no coverage on who wanted him in power that's why the whole mainstream media aired it to prove the majority want him out.

No, the majority of the Egyptian public are A-political (hezb Alqanaba) and didn't protest. They were neither with Mubark nor against the revolution (which political Islamist's joined late) and so didn't hit the streets. The National Democratic Party at that time had over 3 million members yet they were oddly absent from the scene. If those members went out into the streets they would have outnumbered the revolutionaries but that didn't happen. Without any other crowds on the street there wasn't anything else to report except a small demonstration for Mubarak which fizzed out quickly.

The 2013 coup protest is different; Egypt is divided, and Aljazeera, local, private and itself media networks did a good job pointing the perspective on both side.

No, Aljazeera did not do a good job. You may believe it did but that's because you agree with what its publishing and so you believe its neutral but it simply isn't. No news source within the Arab world and Egypt was neutral throughout the past month. The only sources that reported with neutrality were the foreign media/press.

Western medias controls journalist and forced to focus on anti's so they can't say a word on their own POV so instead they post their views on social and blog sites and their POV is different than what the Western media says.

Have you been living under a rock?

There were plenty of foreign reports (and still are) from the POV of those in Rab3a. Name me one trusted news source that hasn't given the MB point of view, just one. The journalists opinion on the matter is a matter for him and not the paper. people have views which you may not agree with, get over it. Because you dont agree with someone doesnt instantly make them controlled or puppets or whatever drivel they tell you to say and feed your minds with.
there are some thugs and terrorist in the protest but most MB is trying to do peacefully protest
all they can do just sit in

the Egypt Military always controlled the country until now it is doing not a good sign
Erdogan has minimal effect in reality. All he's really capable of is alienating people and getting backhanded by Egypt's foreign minister. The MB are surrounded, no amount of money will help them. They have no choice but to make concessions and get involved in the transition.

The side which frayed at the edges and remained without another alternative options but mass killing is Pissi and his junta staff. the bill turned wrong..Just look how USA and GCCs FMs and diplomats endeavor in non stop to concince MB in order to save Pissi junta team. but MB rejects all proposals....Bribed gen.Pissi know very well if he continue to kill severals hundreds more civilians he will be have to kill severals thousands, if he kill several thousands protestors he will be have to kill ten thousands more..Right now he have realized very well if he insist on killings he will be get drowned in the red blood of people just like the pharaoh had drowned in the Red sea.

I really wanted know how many times gen Pissi had to go to toilet when he read that news
no doubt some day Egypt too gonna to live same process.


Why can't the MB calm down and hold a truce, at least during Ramadan .-.

If only you said why sellout junta of Pissi couldnt wait for next election and why other parties didnt prepare theirselves for next election by new attractive economic, social programms and claims to increase people support so that they could come in power through legal methods..

Or at least, you should have said why junta didnt calm down and cant postpone killing hundrends of innoceent citizens in holy Ramadan month .. This resistance is holy as much as helding ramadan. if ramadan cant be postponed then, risistance cant be postponed as well..
The side which frayed at the edges and remained without another alternative options but mass killing is Pissi and his junta staff. the bill turned wrong..Just look how USA and GCCs FMs and diplomats endeavor in non stop to concince MB in order to save Pissi junta team. but MB rejects all proposals....Bribed gen.Pissi know very well if he continue to kill severals hundreds more civilians he will be have to kill severals thousands, if he kill several thousands protestors he will be have to kill ten thousands more..Right now he have realized very well if he insist on killings he will be get drowned in the red blood of people just like the pharaoh had drowned in the Red sea.

I really wanted know how many times gen Pissi had to go to toilet when he read that news
no doubt some day Egypt too gonna to live same process.

Erdogan may have reinvigorated Turkey's economy but he sure as hell didn't improve the level of education.

The side which frayed at the edges and remained without another alternative options but mass killing is Pissi and his junta staff.

The military had no reason to confront the MB after the 30th of June and didn't. It is only after provocation by not so peaceful protesters and peaceful protesters in front of the Republican Guard officers club that resulted in the unfortunate killings, however, if the military was intent on committing massacres it would have done so on the very first day it ousted Morsi and we would be looking at thousands of casualties and not just over 120 (from the MB and its affiliates).

the bill turned wrong..Just look how USA and GCCs FMs and diplomats endeavor in non stop to concince MB in order to save Pissi junta team.

Its the other way round. The interim government is surprisingly stable in such a tumultuous time and the path to elections and an amended constitution is on track. Its the leadership of the MB (who have already sold Morsi) who are negotiating their own prisonless exit from Rab3a and the possible exile of Morsi (to save face). Without concessions the MB has no option but to keep protesting which cannot last forever (people have lives and things to attend to) or continuously up the ante which will only further incriminate its leadership and alienate the majority of Egyptians.

but MB rejects all proposals....Bribed gen.Pissi

Publicly yes but that still begs the question why the MB leadership are still willing to negotiate if they wont accept any proposals......

If the MB leadership were truly set on their principles (of Morsi's return) there would be no reason to negotiate and therefore no reason to allow mediators. The MB are in the weakest position they have to comply if they want to play politics again.

Bribed gen

You're telling me the General Leader of the Armed Forces and the Minister of Defence and the Minister for Military Industry Gen/Abdulfattah Elsisi needs money....... Hes set for life already......

Theres no proof of him receiving any bribes or anything else. Any reports of such are just cases of shoddy journalism and ta3rees.

know very well if he continue to kill severals hundreds more civilians he will be have to kill severals thousands, if he kill several thousands protestors he will be have to kill ten thousands more..

Is there a reason clashes are spread apart by several weeks or days, surely if this was a actual movement to eradicate the MB and its supporters the number of dead would be in the thousands, wouldn't it?

The only people who actually want a violent confrontation are those who talk of peace when they are the source of violence and religious corruption so they can get a better seat at the negotiating table.

have realized very well if he insist on killings he will be get drowned in the red blood of people just like the pharaoh had drowned in the Red sea.

You sure love your fiction don't you. Did you know the majority of Pharaohs didn't rule with authoritarian decree?

If we are to take the word of holy books as literal facts then Morsi was much more of a Pharaoh than Elsisi is...

1) Elsisi isnt the head of state. 2) Elsisi hasnt given himself absolute legislative power 3) One drowned himself because he wouldn't listen to his people (I will leave you to decide which one that is).

I really wanted know how many times gen Pissi had to go to toilet when he read that news
no doubt some day Egypt too gonna to live same process.

More like how many times did Erdogan have to convince himself he was still relevant on the international scale after Morsi was ousted and how he had to reshuffle top military brass quickly before they get ideas. Our process will come but it wont be as dickish.

Oh yeah... Stop writing the same old things in every single post its bloody boring and shows the level of politcal understanding you have. Plus stop ridiculing names I'm not sure why you and your Ikhwangy buddy insist on doing this but it shows how immature you are even though you may be in your 30's. Finally, as of yet I haven't seen a single convincing/intelligent argument on why Morsi should return or a valid politcal evaluation of the situation (both of which exist and I have seen). So really you are giving a pisspoor example of Islamist thinking.........
@Jamaal Yelmaaz

There is no smoke without fire my friend. The MB had miserably failed to run Egypt during the year they were in power.

1- Failure to form a coalition Gov't

2- Failure to redraft the constitution.

3- Failure to maintain law and order.

4- Failure to restore foreign relations.

5- Failure to fulfill the 100-day pledge to fix the Egyptian economic status, locally and internationally.

Is that enough? And now you are asking us why are we against them when they embrace violence over dialogue?
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If we set up another election and you lose, will you accept the will of the majority this time?
Just look at promursi guys IDs:
Jihad, Islamrules, al awlaki,
plus that erdoganist fanboy who calls majority of Istanbul folks terrorists.
@Jamaal Yelmaaz
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