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ECP finds PTI guilty of accepting prohibited funds

Im confused. Political parties here in America gather money from their supporters during elections all the time. Why is this such a crime in Pakistan. Its as if these laws were implemented to only to be used against someone selectively.
In Pakistan , this is not the case...

So basically, if I want to screw with a political party, all I have to do is donate through a company account? and the political party will be held responsible?
Can I donate 1 SAR to PPP, PML-N and JUI through a company and they will face the same consequences? NICE!!! :hitwall:
Another strike on PTI. Unable to provide 13 account information. Show cause notice issue to PTI by ECP.

The foreign funding allegation is dropped.

The example of foreign funding, JUIF received funds directly from Gaddafi/Libyan govt.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday ruled that PTI did indeed receive prohibited funding and issued a show-cause notice to the party.

The commission announced the verdict in a case filed by PTI founding member Akbar S. Babar which had been pending since November 14, 2014. The verdict, which was reserved on June 21, was expected at 10am but was delayed by almost half-an-hour.

On Tuesday, the three-member ECP bench comprising Chief Election Commissioner Sikander Sultan Raja also ruled that the party received funds from business tycoon Arif Naqvi and from 34 foreign nationals. It said that the party had taken ownership of eight accounts and kept 13 hidden.

The ECP decided to issue a show-cause notice to the PTI to explain why the commission should not seize the funds it received. The commission also said that PTI chief Imran Khan had submitted a “misdeclaration” with the commission.

The security in Islamabad’s ‘red zone’ was put on high alert ahead of the ECP’s verdict. It has been decided to deploy 1,000 police personnel in the area, and the anti-riot force will also remain in the red zone. Unrelated persons will not be able to enter the Red zone.

As time for the verdict drew closer, footage broadcast on television showed Islamabad police with riot shields standing outside the building as staffers can be seen unrolling spools of concertina wire.
PTI needs to explain itself instead of blaming its opponents in Noon league or in uniform.
Makes no sense to punish or ban the party for this. Just question and act against those who knew they were violating the rules and submitted false documentation knowingly. Impose a fine and confiscate funds. Not sure if more is warranted pending the outcome of the show cause.
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Yes the accounts. So much foreign funding. Here comes one another example.
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The guy is Pakistani, dual national but his wife is Indian. He pays PTI from joint account our awesome competent ECP divides that amount with 2 and declares half as Foreign funding. Like I am done with stupidity. It's time ECP jokers are audited I am pretty sure these fools spend more money on tea and biscuits and food over eight years while hearing this case and recovered less then that. And even all this amount pretty sure PTI declared it that is why ECP knows about them. Even the guys who paid are known. How open a party can be ?

Makes no sense to punish or ban the party for this. Just question and act against those who knew they were violating the rules and submitted false documentation knowingly. Impose a fine and confiscate funds. Not sure if more is warranted pending the outcome of the show cause.
Good so from 40000 they find 13 un announced ?
a single droplet of fitch in a bucket of purified water or milk will make the entire thing contaminated,
1 or 2 or way too many.
whataboutism wont cut it.
bringing in what about zardari what about nawaz will only mean that the PTI apologist are putting their leaders in the same league of other politicians who they curse day and night,
@mods @admins can we please change the topic from foreign funding to prohibited funding.
All this confirms is that there will be more turmoil in the country. Neutrals refuse to do a course correction , must have conditions in their contract to get the full $.
Further strengthens my beliefs that the next COAS will work on Bajwa doctrine.

PDM thinks they are setting a trap for PTI but like before they are digging their own grave.
a single droplet of fitch in a bucket of purified water or milk will make the entire thing contaminated,
1 or 2 or way too many.
whataboutism wont cut it.
bringing in what about zardari what about nawaz will only mean that the PTI apologist are putting their leaders in the same league of other politicians who they curse day and night,
PTI has already given the response. Every single dollar came from official channels.

Under Pakistani law from what I understand, the worst penalty PTI can get is a fine for that amount that they claim was prohibited funding. Nothing more, rest words are being twisted to paint a picture.
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