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Economy under threat: Saudi Arabia to use forex reserves to defend currency peg

:lol: Really? Get a life, dude.

How many "peaceful" nuclear reactors Saudi Arabia is operating. How many particle accelerators Saudi Arabia is operating? How many nuclear enrichment plants Saudi Arabia has?

Putting up a board on an empty building saying, it is the headquarters of Saudi super-duper Atomic Energy Research and then coming here and comparing yourself with Iran and Russia, is just laughable. :rofl:
Iran?! are you seriously not embarrassed talking about science and achievements in your monopolized revolutionary guards propaganda mullahstan?!




Dude don't even begin to compare your propaganda machine of a country to any country on earth in terms of achievements and science.
I can list a good dozen or so Iranian PhD students and quite a few Iranian professors that I know from my university (one of Canada's best in my field). That too this was during the sanctions period too.

Saudi? Big fat no. Saudis do not have the industrial drive like Iranians....it is quite easy to see.

Just recently my buddy who is completing his own Phd is in the process of passing off his research to continue under an Iranian guy who has just arrived last year...and that guy has good work experience in space satellite based communications. Can KSA produce people of this caliber to permeate all across the world like this? Very doubtful.

There was maybe 1 or 2 Arabs that had a good technical acumen and drive in undergraduate studies (but even they did not continue to postgrad). The rest I came across were quite lazy and just frittering away their oil scholarship/daddy's money....no pursuit of excellence....no drive to create something new. Just a chance to flaunt their cars, screw some girls, drink some booze and party while they could....and go back to big oil eventually to marry some woman wearing a blanket and sit at a desk and look important....with a degree to frame and put on the wall.

This is what happens when a country and society get hooked on oil, just like a diabetic on sugar.

Iran is nowhere near perfect, but their people are more balanced. It shows.
I can list a good dozen or so Iranian PhD students and quite a few Iranian professors that I know from my university (one of Canada's best in my field). That too this was during the sanctions period too.

Saudi? Big fat no. Saudis do not have the industrial drive like Iranians....it is quite easy to see.

Just recently my buddy who is completing his own Phd is in the process of passing off his research to continue under an Iranian guy who has just arrived last year...and that guy has good work experience in space satellite based communications. Can KSA produce people of this caliber to permeate all across the world like this? Very doubtful.

There was maybe 1 or 2 Arabs that had a good technical acumen and drive in undergraduate studies (but even they did not continue to postgrad). The rest I came across were quite lazy and just frittering away their oil scholarship/daddy's money....no pursuit of excellence....no drive to create something new. Just a chance to flaunt their cars, screw some girls, drink some booze and party while they could....and go back to big oil eventually to marry some woman wearing a blanket and sit at a desk and look important....with a degree to frame and put on the wall.

This is what happens when a country and society get hooked on oil, just like a diabetic on sugar.

Iran is nowhere near perfect, but their people are more balanced. It shows.


1- Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean jack shit.

I too knew a Canadian here in the US who was a borderline retard. thus, Canada sucks balls.

2- There are more Saudi made satellites in space right now than Iranian + Egyptians made ones COMBINED.

As I said before, Mullahs and Mullah sympathizers should educate themselves first before posting.

1- Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean jack shit.

I too knew a Canadian here in the US who was a borderline retard. thus, Canada sucks balls.

2- There are more Saudi made satellites in space right now than Iranian + Egyptians made ones COMBINED.

As I said before, Mullahs and Mullah sympathizers should educate themselves first before posting.

How many of these satellites are actually physically made in KSA?

HellasSat 4/SaudiGeoSat 1 | Spaceflight Now
2- There are more Saudi made satellites in space right now than Iranian + Egyptians made ones COMBINED.

Saudi made satellites, as in... made by Saudi engineers, or white engineers hired with oil money? :P
You guys are hopeless, Saudi made is self explanatory. I didn't say Saudi owned, I said made.
You guys are hopeless, Saudi made is self explanatory. I didn't say Saudi owned, I said made.

Any pictures of Saudi satellites being assembled by Saudis in KSA?

SaudiSat series? Cute and interesting.

But for most part, the main multi million LM birds are not being made in KSA.

It will take much more time to produce serious space hardware in KSA...and is the investment really worth it? What competitive edge can KSA provide to world space industry?

With Iran I can see something since they have developed quite a few things in house. But KSA has too much "import" fetish....thus any cost and efficiency margins are lost.

Anyways I will let you guys go back to discussing KSA economy and its reserves etc.
I did not know that Saudis write in Cyrillic.

By the way, didn't Russia just threaten to bomb Saudi Arabia? Then how come you are posting their pictures. :lol:
Launch module. Even the US used Russian rockets to transport cargo and astronauts to space. It's cheap and makes economical sense.

Anyway you didn't respond to the Qaher achievement. Good job persians.
SaudiSat series? Cute and interesting.

But for most part, the main multi million LM birds are not being made in KSA.

It will take much more time to produce serious space hardware in KSA...and is the investment really worth it? What competitive edge can KSA provide to world space industry?

With Iran I can see something since they have developed quite a few things in house. But KSA has too much "import" fetish....thus any cost and efficiency margins are lost.

Anyways I will let you guys go back to discussing KSA economy and its reserves etc.


Saudis are going bankrupt. And it won't be pretty since Saudis do not produce their own food and bankruptcy would mean famine there.

Launch module. Even the US used Russian rockets to transport cargo and astronauts to space. It's cheap and makes economical sense.

US can do that, since it has its OWN launch capability.

Saudis can not even launch an imported apple to orbit. Get a life. Saudi Arabia has no scientific capability.

Saudis are going bankrupt. And it won't be pretty since Saudis do not produce their own food and bankruptcy would mean famine there.

US can do that, since it has its OWN launch capability.

Saudis can not even launch an apple to orbit. Get a life. Saudi Arabia has no scientific capability.
Lol, right back at you, you're the Iranian who's blabbering about Saudi affairs and capabilities even though you have 0 knowledge about the subject.

Daneshmand: "NO NO NO saudi is a desert with nothing but tents and camels, please let me live in my illusions, i cant accept reality, bla bla bla bla, Qaher doesn't exist bla bla bla Iran is in the same category as russia bla bla bla"

Saudis are going bankrupt. And it won't be pretty since Saudis do not produce their own food and bankruptcy would mean famine there.

US can do that, since it has its OWN launch capability.

Saudis can not even launch an imported apple to orbit. Get a life. Saudi Arabia has no scientific capability.
R u sure they don't have any scientific knowldge ??i wrote u before Every morning Shias woke up and pray with Aytullahs for Saudi distraction like village Marasi no matter what happens u guys will remain marasi get life .
Lol, right back at you, you're the Iranian who's blabbering about Saudi affairs and capabilities even though you have 0 knowledge about the subject.

Daneshmand: "NO NO NO saudi is a desert with nothing but tents and camels, please let me live in my illusions, i cant accept reality, bla bla bla bla, Qaher doesn't exist bla bla bla Iran is in the same category as russia bla bla bla"

The whole world knows about your capabilities. I have explained those capabilities here: An 'ontology' of Iran-Saudi "rivalry": From Churchill's snobbish sneeze to Abdullah's fear of snakes
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