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Economy or military growth of Pakistan is important

Ecnomicical growth or military growth

  • Economy

    Votes: 38 86.4%
  • Military

    Votes: 6 13.6%

  • Total voters

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
United Arab Emirates
The big mistake was made by the rulers of past focusing only to strength military without taking lessons from past.

Japan and Germans were at the peak in 40s as new super power of the world but vanished due to not giving importance to economy but creating huge military projects but both nations learned the military could not develop at the cost of economy so they changed and created huge ecnomicical projects investing in human capital industry which at the end generate money to fund military automatically

What they say today every one listens even china did it giving first half of portion it's focus on economy now they created huge military because they have money and influence to sell their products selling few jets and tanks here and there won't help economythis is why today Russia is suffering they are military power even tough they have half of world resources but their economy is nothing compare to Germany Japan.

Our military was given unnecessary divine power to influence themselves on everything in Pakistan from business to politics they run it like it or not

Huge chunk of our business eaten by them schools universities industries run by them this is why civilians can't run their business against them they are hitting common people pocket directly

Pakistan should understand huge powerfully military at the cost of economy is a treason in itself learn from Israel they are small military but they converted military in selling military hardware and directly state benefits not institution

Economy should be the only focus for next ten years if we achieve our goals in economy every one sell their weapons at our door step
The economy is more important, but what's the use of the economy if we can't defend the nation? So they both go hand to hand with each other.

Pakistan did focus on the economy in the 60s, 80s and 2000s, but we were always trapped with wars, internal conflicts and national security issues. For example, we can't say we will take care of the Taliban after 20 years if they are killing our people this year
We are facing worst crisis in history of Pakistan worst than in 1947 creation

Hopefully we now focus on only one goal economy economy economy only

Develop industry jobs give loans to civilians without any interest rate

China Israel Japan Germany are prime examples they faced worst too but they understood human capital investment is important

Our leaders don't have seriousness keep fighting each other for musical chair Imran Khan is not one who can take us out neither those sharifs zardaris

Hope we get a person who take all maters in his hand and ask institution to do their job which is described in constitution

No mafia should be spared controling population is a big task so resources match the number of people to be divided

Our nation is also a stupid one looks for showbaz type people without asking sensible question they run behind these polititions for one meal of biryani

Most of our citizens are illiterate which also caused us to be in this situation

Control economy population politics military and mafia things will definitely change
The economy is more important, but what's the use of the economy if we can't defend the nation? So they both go hand to hand with each other.

Pakistan did focus on the economy in the 60s, 80s and 2000s, but we were always trapped with wars, internal conflicts and national security issues. For example, we can't say we will take care of the Taliban after 20 years if they are killing our people this year
Sir agreed but what if we have a gun but we can't fire it because we have under dept and ecnomicical bomb is worst than nuclear bomb Japan rise from ecnomicical bomb but countries who don't take economy seriously they live like slaves no matter how big power you are bullets are under the debters lockers.

With economy we can be military power whenever we want
The big mistake was made by the rulers of past focusing only to strength military without taking lessons from past.

Japan and Germans were at the peak in 40s as new super power of the world but vanished due to not giving importance to economy but creating huge military projects but both nations learned the military could not develop at the cost of economy so they changed and created huge ecnomicical projects investing in human capital industry which at the end generate money to fund military automatically

What they say today every one listens even china did it giving first half of portion it's focus on economy now they created huge military because they have money and influence to sell their products selling few jets and tanks here and there won't help economythis is why today Russia is suffering they are military power even tough they have half of world resources but their economy is nothing compare to Germany Japan.

Our military was given unnecessary divine power to influence themselves on everything in Pakistan from business to politics they run it like it or not

Huge chunk of our business eaten by them schools universities industries run by them this is why civilians can't run their business against them they are hitting common people pocket directly

Pakistan should understand huge powerfully military at the cost of economy is a treason in itself learn from Israel they are small military but they converted military in selling military hardware and directly state benefits not institution

Economy should be the only focus for next ten years if we achieve our goals in economy every one sell their weapons at our door step
Countries where military interfe in governments and talks about economy can never prosper neither can they built their economy.

Those people who destroyed the economy can be whitewash and installed. Never in my wildest dreams i thought of ppp by the new ladli.
Hasnt sindh being poor then somalia enough prove.

Establishment and army's interference is illegal. And hence they need crooks to give them legality. It is sad. It is sad.
Do you job and stop interfering.

You cannot have military without economy
If that would lessen the influence of our army and make them army and not a shadow government then be it. Otherwise this army would destroy whats left of Pakistan.

Seriously. Jaisa Bangladesh har ke aya yeah bhi har dai ga
If today ksa china IMF stop fund us military cannot defend and civil war be in Pakistan so better faster we learn the better it be

Military always used it's power wrongly they should have asked to focus on economy and waited for economy to be better and shut their business so civilians get the direct benefit of running their business and contribute in gdp

Countries where military interfe in governments and talks about economy can never prosper neither can they built their economy.

Those people who destroyed the economy can be whitewash and installed. Never in my wildest dreams i thought of ppp by the new ladli.
Hasnt sindh being poor then somalia enough prove.

Establishment and army's interference is illegal. And hence they need crooks to give them legality. It is sad. It is sad.
Do you job and stop interfering.

If that would lessen the influence of our army and make them army and not a shadow government then be it. Otherwise this army would destroy whats left of Pakistan.

Seriously. Jaisa Bangladesh har ke aya yeah bhi har dai ga
Bhai everyone is responsible for today situation PPP mqm PTI military etc

should prevail in stupid minds of our nation

We need to invest in human capital today there is no govt neither it was ever been every political party has excuses for us but we never hold them accountable to make example of them these crook knew mentality of our nation one biryani meal get rid of these idiot minds are necessary too other wise one day we learn lesson hard way by blood shed only in civil war when things won't be in any ones hand hopefully political system understand the emergence of our economy

And plz no more bail out packages in future take one time loan and build on it
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You just got regime changed for $50 million and you broke too. :lol: Having some backbone would be a good start.
You just got regime changed for $50 million and you broke too. :lol: Having some backbone would be a good start.
Every one want to have chunk of money in pak due to poor economical system get what out if situation is a cup of tea in pak

I'm seeing a bad future if things are run like this for few months
We need polititions who has full stacks In pak

Imran him self imported Shahbaz fill and finance minister from USA

USA don't need kill us by sending dance F 15 they just ask plz return complete IMF loan with interest and we are gone

So plz stand ecnomicicaly on our feet rather begging everytime

Need both, economy just a bit more
Without economy military is useless see the current situation our military is powerfully but we are beggers better stand on feet

If you have money on pocket which is earned by yourself you can buy anything and seller will come to sell you at door step

If china stop selling us military hardware than who will sir

There is no friends of Pakistan and there are no free apples you have to service masters to get few bucks
Pakistan would be a trillion dollar economy right now with exports 100+ billion dollars had our leadership been good for the last 30+ years.
Pakistan would be a trillion dollar economy right now with exports 100+ billion dollars had our leadership been good for the last 30+ years.
Yes but you have to decrease imports and make good policies create everything in country no agriculture policy been focus by ik govt

Remember pak total economy us 2 trillion and USA just given free COVID vaccines to its citizens worth 2 trillion dollars

USA population 33 crores pak 22 crores
You need to have a military that doesn't take dictation from the US.

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