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Economy or military growth of Pakistan is important

Ecnomicical growth or military growth

  • Economy

    Votes: 38 86.4%
  • Military

    Votes: 6 13.6%

  • Total voters
Soviet Union is a great example of how a strong military was useless, in the face of a weak economy.
Yes you sumed up right here our stupid political system polititions and iletrate nation need complete over haul

Most of our nation is iletrate don't want to follow rules and mafia these all need to be dealt harshly
You need good economy to grow military; it’s not a choice between two.
Agree for 70 years Pakistan Army, ISI and Military Establishment has been solely responsible for the destruction of Pakistan, its economy, its people and this is what everyone in the world is saying. Sole responsibility is on Military Establishment and its continuous likes and dislikes and its touts in media and everywhere interference. Pakistan is in default due to Army.
We are facing worst crisis in history of Pakistan worst than in 1947 creation

Hopefully we now focus on only one goal economy economy economy only
The nation was soon after 47 effectively incorporated into serving the Military and its interests with the aid of the chosen few you call the establishment.
Their hold on ALL levers of power and the near unquestioning love they have carefully nurtured in several generations of Pakistanis cannot be erased without a genuine revolution which can NEVER happen in Pakistan as the indoctrination is absolute.
The army and their handmaidens will always frustrate any attempt at genuine change.
Pakistan has walked this road and will continue down this path until total collapse or moving from one crisis to another.
The dye was cast soon after its birth and cannot be washed away . IK, Nawaz, Bhutto, Zardari, PPP, PML etc all mere pawns the establishment created and move these pieces to give an impression of changing and movement.
That drama is what PDF and the populace is mesmerised with daily. In fact it just cannot escape this world of faked daily dose of drama to raise its eyes and see the reality of a nation fashioned to serve the interests of " The Establishment" whose hold is absolute.
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It shows that Military as an independent unit is functioning the best in Pakistan since flow of newer weapons is constant and increasing. Economy of Pakistan is in the hands of inept ministers.
The nation was soon after 47 effectively incorporated into serving the Military and its interests with the aid of the chosen few you call the establishment.
Their hold on ALL levers of power and the near unquestioning love they have carefully nurtured in several generations of Pakistanis cannot be erased without a genuine revolution which can NEVER happen in Pakistan as the indoctrination is absolute.
The army and their handmaidens will always frustrate any attempt at genuine change.
Pakistan has walked this road and will continue down this path until total collapse or moving from one crisis to another.
The dye was cast soon after its birth and cannot be washed away . IK, Nawaz, Bhutto, Zardari, PPP, PML etc all mere pawns the establishment created and move these pieces to give an impression of changing and movement.
That drama is what PDF and the populace is mesmerised with daily. In fact it just cannot escape this world of faked daily dose of drama to raise its eyes and see the reality of a nation fashioned to serve the interests of " The Establishment" whose hold is absolute.
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Economy builds a stronger military, economy builds a stronger foreign presence, the military gives a stronger quick resolution to problems that can't be solved diplomatically.

But the budget alone doesn't make a good military. Training, morale, unity and skill are also really important. The most powerful economies are the strongest militaries, China and America.

Pakistan has one of the best militaries but the economy holds it back.
It shows that Military as an independent unit is functioning the best in Pakistan since flow of newer weapons is constant and increasing. Economy of Pakistan is in the hands of inept ministers.
Well.. function is the key term. Is the function only to bring in weapons or overall security.
Because in that case there are many useless weapons and ancillary equipment purchases as well that belie that “best” moniker apart from other things.

At the end, it isn’t the economy nor military but the product that Pakistan produces. Both consumable from external buyers and internal.

For the most part that product in hard form has been reducing in agro-industrial product and other consumables along with Generally no service industry development that isn’t tainted by a grey or black economy.

In terms of soft exports - which compound into the country’s image and goodwill also are not in demand.

India for e.g. soft exports its culture(Yoga, Bollywood) and IT expert image.
Pakistan is limited to turbaned men persecuting or killing other people.

So based on that that the military can continue to drive, fly or shoot it weapons to its merry contentment until the state doesn’t exist anymore
Indo-Pak were known as sone ki chiriya, we know what happened to that. Pak must invest in military too- it is bread and butter and not bread vs butter.

Economy is most important.
No economy, no meat to feed the military.

It's important to build a strong economy first before building your military.

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