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Economic Hitmen of Pakistan

Stephen Cohen

Nov 21, 2014
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Economic hitmen


The writer heads the independent Centre for Research and Security Studies, Islamabad and is author of Pakistan: Pivot of Hizbut Tahrir’s Global Caliphate

Explaining his rise to the top echelons of the US multinationals , John Perkins, the author of the best-seller Confessions of An Economic Hitman, talks of how corrupt rulers of smaller developing nations are ensnared in an inextricable debt trap through institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank. The crippling debt leads to financial insolvency and eventually results in compromising their sovereignty – one way or the other, says Perkins.

Are we also dealing with similar hitmen at the moment? Just juxtapose Perkin’s narrative with Pakistan’s current financial health; its net public stands over Rs18.28 trillion mark (up about 35per cent Rs13.48 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2012-13). Additionally, the federal government secured nearly $1.8 billion in fresh foreign loans over in the last quarter of 2016, pushing the foreign debt liabilities beyond $75 billion. Much more alarming; the debt servicing cost Pakistan some $6.5 billion last fiscal year, while the finance ministry data given to the IMF reckons that external debt service obligations will climb to nearly $8.4 billion during 2016-17. This does not include income on direct investment by foreigners, which adds another $3.6 billion to the burden as per projections in the IMFs 12th review. And debt servicing is likely to surge to nearly $ 10 billion a year in 2019, once the country begins repayments on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) related Chinese loans.

Should it be a cause of alarm, particularly when the government – led by the finance minister – is blowing trumpets of ‘economic turnaround’ on the back of the CPEC? Sakib Sherani, one of the noted economists, questions whether an inherently flawed GDP rate can be used as a yardstick for such chest-thumping? He concurs with the opposite narrative that links “growth in the past three years” to debt accumulation and the decline in oil prices, and “not from structural reform or a surge in private investment, and Pakistan’s overall development and socioeconomic indicators remain abysmal.”

He also rightly asks whether there is at all any link between policy effort and GDP growth? “Fixating itself on the growth in GDP also avoids focus and scrutiny of the government’s spending priorities or its taxation policies, its success or lack of in reducing poverty or corruption or strengthening institutions etc,” he says. How can the economy grow in a sustainable and inclusive way in the absence of serious and meaningful structural and taxation reforms?

The Finance Minister and his constituency – the business community are so well-aware of the issues that are stunting the real growth and blocking revenue collection. Similar questions recently echoed at a gathering of economists in Karachi, most of them centering on the absence of real reform.

Professor Dr Samina Khalil, a director at the Applied Economics Research Centre Karachi, for instance, doesn’t believe in the government narrative at all. “Pakistan is heading towards a social and economic hurricane that will cause great damage and will sweep away much of the current economy and Pakistan’s assumptions about the future,” she said. Missing reform, corruption, fiscal indiscipline and politics of patronage were some of the subjects touched upon during the gathering. All this in fact dove-tailed with what Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF had said during her Pakistan in October last year.

Corruption, whether real or perceived, Panama or Bahamas, harms the conomy and foreign directe investment while honesty, transparency and accountability is the best way to address the issue, Ms Lagarde underscored during a press stake-out. She also advised Pakistan to reduce expenditure and increase revenue collection to bring down its overall debt and debt servicing. There are not many options when the country wants to address the issue of debt, she reminded the finance managers. The question here is as to whether those on top are bothered at all about sane advice? What is the incentive for reform if the ruling elites and their finance managers are able to keep the big business houses around them through the decadent system of patronage and tax holidays? This system condones and covers up corrupt practices such as over- and invoicing, through a conniving bureaucracy and businesses, who contrive and connive to evade and avoid taxes. Every body – traders, importers, exporters, vendors, hotel/restaurant owners, private hospital owners and those running the government know how to dodge taxes. That is why tax collection remains abysmal. Are they acting as economic hitmen to eventually push Pakistan into financial insolvency?

Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2017.
Corruption is mother of all derailing or blockade of growth. It is true that PMLn and PPPP, both can be called "Economic Hit-men" or "Economic Terrorists" and falls under the same category even more aggressively. The current elite along-with the previous one, looted the money despite the promising economic rise since the stability and reduction of terrorism but on other hand, in the name of projects and constructions in papers only, huge kickbacks as well as commissions have been transferred to them in abroad accounts. Panama Leaks, Dubai Leaks and accounts in Swiss banks are merely tip of iceberg that if been rightly investigated and are done with justice, we will not only be able to pay the debit but the treasury will rise like a click away.

These thugs are actually harming all over the country while working in a wolf pack style. PTI (Imran Khan's Party) has been highlighting such issues that actually the growth in economy is not a big issue as after a while, it is actually progressing upward but the real threat and the cancer is that these thugs are continuously looting the same through different means and for such thing, one can search about the PM house kitchen expenditure alone, their traveling expenses and etc that list may go sky high. The Economy showed a positive sign since successful War on Terrorism and decline in terrorism but on other hand, these culprits have fooled the nation or in other words I may say, due to blind followers actually are looting everything yet people unable to understand the same as such.

It is also a fact that concerned departments are mostly influenced by political parties due to many relations among them on different notes from personal favours to political affiliation etc that actually also delays the service of justice and transparency on such level where chances of corruption can be discarded on greater level. I am just quoting the eras of Ayub and Musharraf only for the reference here not to praise the dictatorship, that during such times, Pakistan has seen a great progress w.r.t. economy and it was the reason that a big number of corruption was discouraged as well as was dealt strictly as compare to so-called recent democratic times.

Either it is Dar (current FM of PMLn) or the person from Zardari Era, actually all lied to the nation as well as manipulated the expenditure along with fake projects that remained on paper alone while a huge part of money has been spent but of no avail. These are few of the reasons that currently Panama Leak is pending in Court and hopefully, next is about PPPP as well, that will largely help to bring forth the real numbers of growth as well as increase of economic condition.

The Tax Fraudsters and offenders are actually like family with ruling class of Pakistan as there are two groups that one run along PMLn and other accompanies PPPP for these frauds, tax-dodges and hidings to avoid tax payments. Major Business Groups are in camps with these thugs which are basically either businessmen or cheaters that made it to PM House from time to time due to deluded and ethnically inspired people which supports them win election.

The matter is emphasized as Economic Growth is not the major issue but these Hit-Men are that actually plagues the increase of economy and eat it all yet come-up with figures to tell people without describing the real picture otherwise, if we are done with these thugs, the growth is just couple of years away. Also, there is a reason that even being corrupt and low with moral, that mostly people are not aware of, these thugs are warmly welcomed by 1st world countries and are supported widely that too by hiding their black money stored in foreign accounts by the countries that supposedly claim as our friends which actually serves the best purpose for our rivals in reality. If those foreign accounts, details of money in there, the way it made it to those accounts and other details be ever shared only for good and greater purpose in favour of Pakistani people, I am sure, there will a drastic change in minds & hearts of people for those countries that may help our people by unveiling these thugs and their black business. However, such expectations seems to be impossible for us, we have to fight through inside change and currently, these times are viewed as transition phase that I hope we will succeed for the greater cause, prosperity and sovereignty of Pakistan.
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Excellent article...
But we are not ready to listen to such sane voices that warn us about the looming perils... no most of us want just to listen good news coming from all the sides, bury our heads in sand like an ostrich to pretend there is no hurricane..
I have no doubt in my mind that Ishaq Dark and NS are economic and political hitmen, sent with a clear agenda but unfortunately we have an incompetent and corrupt establishment that has failed to recognise the traitors or they have close their eyes.
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Blaming others will not work here. Pakistan is seeking out these loans of its own will and decision-making, not by any outside coercion.
I'm not surprised you said this. It was expected.

Loans that actually add something to the country are welcome, ones that only fill the pockets of politicians and add debt on the common man, is not. But your hate filled head, won't let you say that.
Anybody with a clear and logical mind can see that what Pakistan does with its loans is its internal issue. If Pakistanis do not like their politicians, then it up to them - and them alone - to change the situation.
Excellent article...
But we not ready to listen to such voices that warn us about the looming perils... no most of us want just to listen goood news coming from all sides, bury our heads in sand like an ostrich to pretend there is no hurricane..
I have no doubt in my mind that Ishaq Dark and NS are economic and political hitmen, sent with a clear agenda but unfortunately we have an incompetent and corrupt establishment that has failed to recognise the traitors or they have close their eyes.

Not just PMLn (Ishaq Dar and NS) but these corporate thugs actually works in gangs and can go to any limit for their own personal gains/greed of money. Just look at them and their accounts, expenditures etc that never broke nor faced any loss in business but being rulers of Pakistan, the economy of country continuously declines yet they gain more than before. Even their personal gains and increase of personal accounts/business attracts a number of voters that states as these thugs can help rise Pakistan Economy like their family business yet we do not understand that actually, they come to power to polish their expertise further as well as for the raise in personal accounts. There was a reason that during Zardari Era, China denied him straight away with any funding in Pakistan or any economic help knowing that he is not going to spend a penny here but the same will end in Swiss or Dubai. Thenafter, same goes to Chinese investment in CPEC that actually raised and trusted after surety of RS/Military and not NS alone that we never see him in good mood with China but is more interested with Qatari Relations for LNG/Kick-Backs as well the lovely letters as a favour in Panam Leaks but the same wouldn't affect much that I hope, their (PMLn+PPPP & all the thugs) time shall be near to be a done deal otherwise, the same may continue and we will be under more burden than before as the time passes.
Pakistan won't default (due to several reasons)..I don't know why people keep repeating this from last 15 to 20 years when we were worst at every economic indicator then today..Loans used for development and generating economic activities are not bad...But when politicians with vested interested fill there pockets and Swizz bank accounts in addition to Panama (one of such islands) then it is an issue..
Rest it is defiantly our own mistakes that we are ban-jar in producing a leader after Jinnah.
To some extent IK is honest and love pakistan..I hope one day he lead pakistan
Not just PMLn (Ishaq Dar and NS) but these corporate thugs actually works in gangs and can go to any limit for their own personal gains/greed of money. Just look at them and their accounts, expenditures etc that never broke nor faced any loss in business but being rulers of Pakistan, the economy of country continuously declines yet they gain more than before. Even their personal gains and increase of personal accounts/business attracts a number of voters that states as these thugs can help rise Pakistan Economy like their family business yet we do not understand that actually, they come to power to polish their expertise further as well as for the raise in personal accounts. There was a reason that during Zardari Era, China denied him straight away with any funding in Pakistan or any economic help knowing that he is not going to spend a penny here but the same will end in Swiss or Dubai. Thenafter, same goes to Chinese investment in CPEC that actually raised and trusted after surety of RS/Military and not NS alone that we never see him in good mood with China but is more interested with Qatari Relations for LNG/Kick-Backs as well the lovely letters as a favour in Panam Leaks but the same wouldn't affect much that I hope, their (PMLn+PPPP & all the thugs) time shall be near to be a done deal otherwise, the same may continue and we will be under more burden than before as the time passes.
But sir question is that why not our powerful military gets rid of these crooks..They are corrupt to the core and they entrenched themselves deep in the system. People of Pakistan cannot get rid of them..and I think the election are totally rigged regardless of who people vote for, the ones selected by external establishment will the get through...a seat here and there does not make much difference but they ensured that NS made the govt and PPP made the opposition so they can keep on bulldozing the economy recklessly..
But sir question is that why not our powerful military gets rid of these crooks..They are corrupt to the core and they entrenched themselves deep in the system. People of Pakistan cannot get rid of them..and I think the election are totally rigged regardless of who people vote for, the ones selected by external establishment will the get through...a seat here and there does not make much difference but they ensured that NS made the govt and PPP made the opposition so they can keep on bulldozing the economy recklessly..

IMO, taking over by Military is not the solution otherwise, you would have observed as well, the so-called friends will hit us firstly with major sanctions to dent us as much as could be then also, look at the people's approach towards coup even if such step is taken in the interest of nation so all in all this is not the solution. However, while looking at the times of RS that by strengthening other institutions as well as helping them to investigate and bring forth the real facts without any pressure, is the best solution to deal with this cancer. Look at the improvements and possibility of transparency during his times that indicates as Institute can play a major role by the way of law however, still people follows these thugs due to ethnic etc affiliation. Zardari was on self-exile knowing that what's coming next yet recently visited Pakistan after RS and still people were there to welcome while NS & Co has been not just embarrassed but unveiled to the public for its crimes and loot but still, you see the crowd follows without a clue that what we are doing.

The expected reforms needs to be done through proper channel and may need some time so while looking at current developments with respect to proceedings in Courts and Public Awareness, I expect interesting and good times ahead. It is actually up-to people that have to come forward for the change and seek the right person. The real power lies with people of Pakistan that are not fully aware yet however, getting aware and soon the change is expected if the very unfortunate don't happens. The unfortunate can be counted as the masters of these thugs wouldn't let it happen like this and wouldn't like their investment go down the drain so can cause harm to transition phase by civil unrest or chaos in society through mislead and propaganda of media which is an effective tools in these times. These external forces can provoke people through different means and even ruling elite is expecting the suicide attack that they can be called political martyrs and may have an excuse in next term to fool the masses again and play a victim card so it is necessary that current Panama Case may reach its logical end and public can see that or next strategy can be planned but not before that.
IMO, taking over by Military is not the solution otherwise, you would have observed as well, the so-called friends will hit us firstly with major sanctions to dent us as much as could be then also, look at the people's approach towards coup even if such step is taken in the interest of nation so all in all this is not the solution. However, while looking at the times of RS that by strengthening other institutions as well as helping them to investigate and bring forth the real facts without any pressure, is the best solution to deal with this cancer. Look at the improvements and possibility of transparency during his times that indicates as Institute can play a major role by the way of law however, still people follows these thugs due to ethnic etc affiliation. Zardari was on self-exile knowing that what's coming next yet recently visited Pakistan after RS and still people were there to welcome while NS & Co has been not just embarrassed but unveiled to the public for its crimes and loot but still, you see the crowd follows without a clue that what we are doing.

The expected reforms needs to be done through proper channel and may need some time so while looking at current developments with respect to proceedings in Courts and Public Awareness, I expect interesting and good times ahead. It is actually up-to people that have to come forward for the change and seek the right person. The real power lies with people of Pakistan that are not fully aware yet however, getting aware and soon the change is expected if the very unfortunate don't happens. The unfortunate can be counted as the masters of these thugs wouldn't let it happen like this and wouldn't like their investment go down the drain so can cause harm to transition phase by civil unrest or chaos in society through mislead and propaganda of media which is an effective tools in these times. These external forces can provoke people through different means and even ruling elite is expecting the suicide attack that they can be called political martyrs and may have an excuse in next term to fool the masses again and play a victim card so it is necessary that current Panama Case may reach its logical end and public can see that or next strategy can be planned but not before that.

In my opinion the solution for Pakistan is to create its own political system. With this Pakistan can act as a lighthouse for the rest of the Muslims world in terms of how to proceed with their own system and that is what the Quaid and Allama wanted. Military dictatorships will not be good in the long run and we all know by now that democracy is certainly being exploited by the powerful elites in Pakistan.
In my opinion the solution for Pakistan is to create its own political system. With this Pakistan can act as a lighthouse for the rest of the Muslims world in terms of how to proceed with their own system and that is what the Quaid and Allama wanted. Military dictatorships will not be good in the long run and we all know by now that democracy is certainly being exploited by the powerful elites in Pakistan.

That is why, Zardari use to say, Democracy is the best revenge so IMO, the current democracy system is actually the best revenge against Pakistan that haters can take on. I agree that political reforms are must and need of hours and Military Option is only a short term solution but actually affects in long terms. Public awareness and strengthening other institutes can do such job in future and that is what Military can assure other departments through trust and confidence that even Judiciary will be free of influence however, we are fighting with a strong international gang here that needs time and proper steps, strategies and decisions in time.

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