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ECC meeting: Power consumers to pay for CPEC security

Devil Soul

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ECC meeting: Power consumers to pay for CPEC security
By Shahbaz Rana
Published: September 24, 2016


ISLAMABAD: Irrespective of his income level, every electricity consumer of the country will pay an amount for the security of the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet decided on Friday.

“The ECC approved a summary of the Ministry of Water and Power for issuance of a policy directive to Nepra [National Electric Power Regulatory Authority] to allow 1% of the capital cost (of the project) on account of [CPEC’s] security,” announced Finance Ministry Ishaq Dar after chairing the ECC meeting.

Pakistan aware of hostility towards CPEC

The Ministry of Water and Power’s summary was not part of the official agenda of the ECC, issued on Thursday. Bringing matters that are not part of the agenda on the meeting forum is said to be in violation of Rules of Business of 1973. The chair can allow tabling such summaries only in exceptional matters but this has become a norm, said an official of the Cabinet Division on condition of anonymity.

After the ECC decision, 1% additional cost on account of the CPEC security will be built in the total capital cost of ongoing and upcoming energy projects. The Water and Power Ministry will direct Nepra to make this 1% cost part of tariff determination, which will eventually be recovered from power consumers.

“The amount will be distributed annually starting from the construction period till the term of the Power Purchase Agreement,” said the Finance Ministry. The recovered amount will be paid to the federal government that will pass it on to the military to meet the security expenses of the CPEC, according to a Finance Ministry official.

“In case of new projects, the 1% cost will be built in the total cost while in case of under implementation projects, the cost will be included as ‘variable charges’,” said the official.

There was an official move to seek Chinese financial assistance to meet expenses on CPEC security but they did not agree, said sources in Ministry of Planning and Development. However, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal denied that Pakistan asked China to foot the security bill.

CPEC: Chinese work ethic and its implication for Pakistan

“Providing security is our responsibility. They [Chinese] are working in our country,” said Defence Minister Khawaja Asif.

The electricity consumers are already paying various kinds of charges like Neelum Jehlum power project surcharge, Pakistan Television Fee, circular debt interest payment surcharge and power cost recovery surcharge.

The decision came two days after Dar met with army chief General Raheel Sharif to discuss the issues of CPEC security and related expenditures.

Pakistan has decided to raise two special security divisions for the protection of the CPEC –an umbrella project of $46 billion that will link China’s hinterlands with Gwadar –the deep-sea port on Arabian Sea.

Pakistan aware of hostility towards CPEC

The CPEC success is contingent upon the provision of secure environment amid growing challenges posed by arch rival India. On August 31, the army chief announced to set up a second Special Security Division, to be called South SSD that would provide security from Rawalpindi to Gwadar. The first North SSD would ensure CPEC security from Khunjrab to Rawalpindi besides assisting the stakeholders, including provinces, in matters relating to the CPEC.

The ECC also allowed Habib Bank Limited to open a bank branch in Urumqi area of China, as increasing economic cooperation is creating more business opportunities.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2016.
Mubarak ho Eik aur variety ka danda desi mirch kat saath
Well what the heck happened to sasti bijli without load shedding? Weren't these projects supposed to provide cheap power? The electric bills are already squeezing common man to the limit. Alot of people have high hopes on CPEC if it becomes a burden, views will start changing rapidly.
Hmm... Pakistani consumers should definitely pay for security of CPEC. Its details are kept hidden on pretext of national security after all. Slowly but surely the finer details will come out.
Thank you for burdening the Pakistani people even further.
Who needs enemies when we have these political-oppressors?
For CPEC security we dont mind paying but all the other BS like the never ending Neelum Jhelum surcharge, circular debt and PTV fees needs to go. Plus tax should be added according to income level and bills and not like a flat bracket for everyone.
Correction: Not all electricity consumers will pay for this security, only the ones that pay their bills.
bingo! :lol:

That's what we call over and above budget spending requirements. For Zarb e Azb, military gets funded by super tax. Now for CPEC security, consumers again pay. With defence procurement coming on loans and separate funding for internal operations where does the actual military budget go?
In Baboon league,s Pakistan half the population spends 50% on food burdening them additionaly is an excelent idea jiye baboon and aley baboon
Pitch in guys and feel proud. If the citizens won't pay who else do you expect to pay our bills? and the same fanboys are crying who want to buy every weapon ever produced in big quantities.
Hmm... Pakistani consumers should definitely pay for security of CPEC. Its details are kept hidden on pretext of national security after all. Slowly but surely the finer details will come out.

Remember the great cyclone disaster of Bengal 1970? Guess how long the remaining Pakistanis paid a surcharge for this disaster? What better way to finance an extra Division now? Pretty clever, in my view.

bingo! :lol:

That's what we call over and above budget spending requirements. For Zarb e Azb, military gets funded by super tax. Now for CPEC security, consumers again pay. With defence procurement coming on loans and separate funding for internal operations where does the actual military budget go?

Hush now. Only traitors ask such questions! :D
Remember the great cyclone disaster of Bengal 1970? Guess how long the remaining Pakistanis paid a surcharge for this disaster? What better way to finance an extra Division now? Pretty clever, in my view.

Yes.. Quite clever indeed.

Wonder if Maoism will also travel on the new roads being constructed. Now that higher mountains have been bored into and seas have been bridged over.
how about ishaq the dar man pay from it after all he is the self confessed money launderer......i say try the lot in court, hang them and confiscate their assets...
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