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Eastern Ladakh: India, China agree to maintain stability on ground; avoid any new incidents


Feb 8, 2021
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India and China have agreed on the need to resolve the outstanding issues in an “expeditious manner in accordance with the existing agreements and protocols” during the 11th round of military dialogue in eastern Ladakh to reduce tensions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), according to a statement issued by the Indian government on Saturday. The statement came a day after the corps commander level meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border on Friday.


“In this context it was highlighted also that completion of disengagement in other areas would pave the way for two sides to consider de-escalation of forces and ensure full restoration of peace and tranquility and enable progress in bilateral relations,” the ministry of external affairs said in the statement.

“The two sides agreed that it was important to take guidance from the consensus of their leaders, continue their communication and dialogue and work towards a mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining issues at the earliest. They also agreed to jointly maintain stability on the ground, avoid any new incidents and jointly maintain peace in the border areas,” it added.

Both sides have been locked in a standoff for more than 11 months and are currently negotiating a withdrawal of troops and weapons from friction points on the disputed border. The talks--which were led by Lieutenant General PGK Menon, the commander of the Leh-based 14 Corps--began at 10:30am on Friday on the Indian side of the Chushul-Moldo meeting point.

The 11th round of talks between corps commander-ranked officers was expected to focus on outstanding problems with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at Hot Springs, Gogra and Depsang. A complex disengagement process was completed in Pangong Tso in mid-February with the pull back of front-line troops and weapons, the officials said. The 10th round of talks—which lasted for around 16 hours—between corps commander-ranked officers of the two armies took place on February 20, two days after the completion of disengagement on strategic heights on the North and South banks of the Pangong Lake.

Can't trust Indian military snakes. They will come at night.



  • Eu73Be2VgAApJRR.jpg
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The chinese will talk the Indians around in circles for decades.... just like India did with Pakistan over kashmir ...

there is going to be no change on the ground.... this is a new reality that India will need to learn to live with.
These are all Indian sources. Fake propaganda.
Before the British Raj colonised the Indian Subcontinent, every one in India knew the border to China was to the North and to the Chinese, the way to India was to the South.

Then like in all its colonies, the British Colonialists believed that they will ruled these place indefinitely.
So they started land grabs and refined the borders and the Kingdoms within these occupied land e.g. Karen, Shan in Burma.

As for China and India, if there is a will, all these issues can be resolved peacefully like in ancient times. Just keep on talking.
isn't that what people of the South do best?
Why stop now?

:coffee: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
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