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East Aleppo Offensive: Cheetah Force Have Captured 35km of Territory from ISIS


Apr 22, 2014
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The Syrian Arab Army’s “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) and their allies from the National Defense Forces (NDF) are rolling along the east Aleppo front after capturing over 40km of territory from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the last two weeks.

Unfortunately for ISIS, these last 14 days have been equivalent to hell for them, as they have conceded several villages and towns to the Syrian Armed Forces, while also sustaining heavy casualties and the loss of their heavy weaponry due to the Russian Air Force’s relentless airstrikes over the Deir Hafer Plains.

On Wednesday morning, the situation did not get any better for the terrorist group in the Deir Hafer Plains; instead, they got relatively worse, as the Cheetah Forces and the National Defense Forces entered the strategic town of Sheikh Ahmad, which is situated approximately 2km away from the Kuweires Military Airport.

Following their success at Sheikh Ahmad, the Cheetah Forces and the National Defense Forces finally took full control of Al-Halabiyah and Tayr Al-Ward after intense firefights with ISIS militants on Wednesday afternoon.

The Syrian Armed Forces are currently engaged in a fierce battle with ISIS at the town of Sheikh Ahmad; this is a crucial battle that will determine whether or not the pro-government forces will be able to lift the two year long siege imposed by ISIS at the Kuweires Military Airport.
East Aleppo Offensive: Cheetah Force Have Captured 35km of Territory from ISIS
I hope Al-Assad wins. He is the only hope for Syria.
What a joke... Syria no longer has any hope. Half the country has fled, entire cities lay flattened, hundreds of thousands dead... All could've been prevented if Assad had simply stepped down..
What a joke... Syria no longer has any hope. Half the country has fled, entire cities lay flattened, hundreds of thousands dead... All could've been prevented if Assad had simply stepped down..

If Al-Assad had stepped down what would have happened? The FSA was never united it was a group of factions working together. There would have been a civil war over which faction takes over and Syria might have become Iraq 2.0

Al-Assad is the only unified force in Syria who can command some respect from the populace and rebuild the nation.
Assad should open the door to the rebels for surrender and improve the political system, its neighboring countries should also stop sponsoring rebels. Let peace come.
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