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Early Warning - The Phalcon “Phallacy”

My name is Shahid Kamal Khan (426-S). I am from 9th Entry, joined the PAF, flew fighters, retired August, 1998, as an Air Commodore. I was born in Abbotabad, Pakistan. I did my initial schooling in Quetta, (St. Francis Grammar School) and then joined PAF School Sargodha in 1959. (426-S). Passed my Senior Cambridge in the First Division (two distinctions, I think (stood second in the school) and then joined the PAF in 42 GD(P) entry.

I was selected for training at the Royal Air Force College in Cranwell, England. Returned to Pakistan in 1968 as a Flying Officer and continued to fly fighters in the PAF at various locations but the bulk of my service was spent in Sargodha. The PAF life was quite varied and exciting. I did a number of exciting jobs both on the ground and in the air. I am an A1 instructor category holder from the Central Flying School of the Royal Air Force and a graduate of the Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell. I have studied for a while at the University of Southern California, flew F16s when they came to Pakistan, commanded an F16 Squadron, a Wing and a Base.

I retired as an Air Commodore after 32 years of Service in August, 1998. In September, 1994, I was sent as Managing Director of Shaheen Air International, the PAF sponsored Airline.
we had witnessed the dismemberment of our country, we had fought an inconclusive war.

That statement made no sense.

How is the dismemberment of your country an Inconclusive war.

I think when your country gets split in half it is very conclusive.
I am getting a sense that sometimes older generation does not feel comfortable with introduction of new technology and often term it unnecessary. I have seen older generations dislike for mobile/computers in initial days. Also I could not understand that, how knowing in advance can be disadvantages. But in all well written and has a point of view. I am nobody you can judge him, juts put what came across my mind.
Come on Guys rather Fighting over Date issues lets make a debate over the actual contents of the Article.

My Humble Query :

I have One Qs. For the Author : If the Falcon was being offered to Pakistan and it could buy it, does the Author Still feel that It would be WRONG to buy the Best AWACS bcos :

This is bound to drive them into a state of frenzy. And this is what we need to capitalize upon.

In acquiring the ability to see further, you have simply amplified your insecurity. You have also ensured colossal waste of precious resources.

Also, as per his critism of the Falcon, and focusing on his demerits of AWACS Induction, does he opposse the SAAB Eyrine Induction in PAF ?

BTW, It would be interesting to know his openions on This : http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...-plane-incorporated-paf-fleet.html#post600764
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Also, as per his critism of the Falcon, and focusing on his demerits of AWACS Induction, does he opposse the SAAB Eyrine Induction in PAF ?

If you would have cared to read the entire article ... or only the last 3 paragraphs of the article you would have gotten the answer ... so quoting them here as is.

The Phalcon system shall enable the Indians to see more. Let us show them more. A whole lot more. Let us devise means that overwhelm their early warning systems. Let us excite their defences, encourage them to expend their weapons, their energies, their countermeasures. Let us deplete their inventory and their will. Done rightly and purposefully it can redress the force imbalance at far lesser cost and with substantially more effectiveness.

Or we can buy ourselves an AWACS package and see a whole lot more ourselves. Redeploy to Quetta and other distant locations that provide us strategic depth! Far away places where we can protect our big fat assets while we scare ourselves to death!

He gives PAF two choices.

1. Confuse the hell out of Indian Phalcon with decoys and UAVs to the point where they start wasting resources or start doubting the Phalcon itself.
2. Buy an AWACS of our own, to let us know more but at the same time letting India confuse us and doubt us and make PAF waste its very limited resources.

Personally, I think there should be an option 3.
3. All of the above.
And PAF rightly chose 3.
We are making UAVs and buying jammer/ECM/EECM pods from US, Korea, S.Africa and China and at the same time we are inducting Saab2000 which will make us know more and be "aware" simultaneously.

All i can say is Good-Choice ...

Really interesting point of view! I believe that when experts in their field(such as this officer) are putting forward their point of view, it is better to read the article a couple of times before objecting or disagreeing with him/her. Come to think of it, at least he has seen the inside of a fighter plane:-) How many of us can say that? Less than 5 in this forum, I think.
Just an update.

1) The first PHALCON is commissioned into the IAF and is operational. The home base is Agra.

2) Second PHALCON is ready and is under testing in Israel.

3) The airframe (Il-76) for the third PHALCON is delivered and the fittings of the PHALCON system are undergoing in Israel.


This article is from 2004 and has been posted quite a few times at this forum. As you read it, you should be mindful that the Air Cdre wrote this when neither side had an AEW capability and as such it made perfect sense for both sides to take a pause and perhaps they should not have gone for this capability. However given the current case where one side has acquired it at the beginning of 2009, it would be to the major detriment of the side that does not possess this capability. As such this article is somewhat obsolete yet a good read about the logic of not going for such systems.
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That statement made no sense.

How is the dismemberment of your country an Inconclusive war.

I think when your country gets split in half it is very conclusive.

First point is in reference to the 1971 war, the other to the 1965 war.
I am getting a sense that sometimes older generation does not feel comfortable with introduction of new technology and often term it unnecessary. I have seen older generations dislike for mobile/computers in initial days. Also I could not understand that, how knowing in advance can be disadvantages. But in all well written and has a point of view. I am nobody you can judge him, juts put what came across my mind.

His points are all extremely valid but for when they were voiced which was back in 2004. He writes extremely well and knows what he is writing about professionally and first hand.
Come on Guys rather Fighting over Date issues lets make a debate over the actual contents of the Article.

My Humble Query :

I have One Qs. For the Author : If the Falcon was being offered to Pakistan and it could buy it, does the Author Still feel that It would be WRONG to buy the Best AWACS bcos :


His whole point is around "how much early warning is good?"

This is something that should be pondered by both sides.
Also, as per his critism of the Falcon, and focusing on his demerits of AWACS Induction, does he opposse the SAAB Eyrine Induction in PAF ?

Yes his point was against the acquisition of such capability by either side.
Really interesting point of view! I believe that when experts in their field(such as this officer) are putting forward their point of view, it is better to read the article a couple of times before objecting or disagreeing with him/her. Come to think of it, at least he has seen the inside of a fighter plane:-) How many of us can say that? Less than 5 in this forum, I think.

True. :smitten:
At least he has seen the inside of a fighter plane.
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