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Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary


Dec 31, 2010
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Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

Fahim Reza Shovon
  • Published at 09:07 pm February 26th, 2020


File photo of Nurul Haque Nur Collected

Nur urged world leaders to boycott Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as it will spread riots across Asia

Dhaka University Central Students' Union (Ducsu) Vice President (VP) Nurul Haque Nur has said a river of blood will flow if Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attends Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebrations.

He was speaking during a demonstration at the base of Raju Memorial Sculpture on the Dhaka University campus on Wednesday.

Nur said: " Following the 2002 Gujarat riots, the US refused to give Modi a visa despite his being the chief minister of the Indian state.

“If he attends the birth centenary of Bangabandhu in March, it will be a dishonour to our Father of the Nation."

He also said: "Bangladesh has invited many other non-communal leaders from India like Pranab Mukherjee, the former President of India. We appreciate those invitations and salute these individuals too.”

“We will not allow the image of Bangabandhu during his birth centenary inaugural program to be tarnished by Modi being invited here,” he added.

Ducsu Vice President Nur speaks during a demonstration at the base of Raju Memorial Sculpture on the Dhaka University campus on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 | Dhaka Tribune

Nur urged the government not to allow Narendra Modi to join this historic occasion.

The Ducsu vice president also urged world leaders to boycott the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist volunteer organization, of which Modi has been a member since the age of eight.

Otherwise the organization will spread riot across the Asian continent, as Nur fears.

He doubted that the violent attack on him at his Ducsu office on December 22, 2019 was fueled by India.

Nur requested everyone not to slander the Hindu community for Modi’s deeds.

After the demonstration, Nur and his platform, Bangladesh Students' Rights Council, which was earlier known as Bangladesh General Students’ Rights Protection Council and was renamed on February 17 --- its second anniversary, brought out a procession across the campus.

At least 23 people have been killed and nearly 200 wounded in violent clashes between Hindus and minority Muslims over the controversial citizenship law, with many suffering gunshot wounds amid looting and arson attacks in Delhi coinciding with a visit to India by US President Donald Trump.

Base of a future Bangladesh where Bangabandhu will always be recognized and honored as father of nation, but Indian dalali will no longer exists!

Wishing the success of this new generation. Many future leaders will rise from the new student movement.
Nur urged world leaders to boycott Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as it will spread riots across Asia

Nur should be more concerned about the activities of the banned terror group Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) for their alleged role in supplying money, arms, ammunition and explosives for a terror attack in Dhaka in 2016 that killed many foreign tourists, including an Indian teenager. Eighteen foreigners were among those shot and hacked to death in the 10-hour siege that began on July 1, 2016 at the Holey Artisan Bakery, an upmarket cafe in Dhaka, before military commandos stormed the building and freed some two dozen hostages.
Nur should be more concerned about the activities of the banned terror group Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) for their alleged role in supplying money, arms, ammunition and explosives for a terror attack in Dhaka in 2016 that killed many foreign tourists, including an Indian teenager. Eighteen foreigners were among those shot and hacked to death in the 10-hour siege that began on July 1, 2016 at the Holey Artisan Bakery, an upmarket cafe in Dhaka, before military commandos stormed the building and freed some two dozen hostages.

Our country our rules buddy. We decide who is welcome - or not...
Our country our rules buddy. We decide who is welcome - or not...
Agreed, yr country yr rules. The title of OP says Rivers of Blood will flow,Kindly educate us in what way Rivers of Blood will flow. In the past Mr Modi has visited Bangladesh. Did he orchestrate any violence in your country
Agreed, yr country yr rules. The title of OP says Rivers of Blood will flow,Kindly educate us in what way Rivers of Blood will flow. In the past Mr Modi has visited Bangladesh. Did he orchestrate any violence in your country

What happened in the past and what is going to happen in a few days are two different contexts.

I am sure Nur is talking about violent protests on Modi's arrival here to show our disapproval of CAA/NRC - and showing our solidarity with Indian Muslims.

In fact - Hasina is being too diplomatic. If she actually had a backbone, she'd cancel the invite for Modi.
I am sure Nur is talking about violent protests on Modi's arrival here to show our disapproval of CAA/NRC - and showing our solidarity with Indian Muslims.
In fact - Hasina is being too diplomatic. If she actually had a backbone, she'd cancel the invite for Modi.
CAA/NRC are India's Internal matters, Nur should know that. How will u fell If India interfers in your Bangladeshi internal matters. About CAA there is nothing wrong. U cannot travel to any country without valid passport, visa.
CAA/NRC are India's Internal matters, Nur should know that. How will u fell If India interfers in your Bangladeshi internal matters. About CAA there is nothing wrong. U cannot travel to any country without valid passport, visa.

There is such a thing as global standards of inclusion, diversity and equal rights when seeking opportunities as propagated by the UN.

You cannot discriminate on the basis of religion in India and do whatever illegal (by international law like UN standards) measures you want, like a Banana Republic.

If you do, then you can expect to be discriminated in return.

Your citizens go begging for low level jobs in the gulf all the time, and your IT guys go beg for H1B visas in the US, even today. Yours is not a rich country by any means.

Hindu Indians get those opportunities to make money because Hindus don't get discriminated in those places - which aren't Hindu-Majority countries.

If you start discriminating against Muslims in India - then you will see a backlash in those countries and it is going to affect your remittances in significant manner. This is inevitable.

I am tired of this pointless debate and I believe I have made my points, let's not waste anymore time one this.

Do let me know how CAA affects Indian muslims in what way. What about Afghans who have been deported back to Afghanistan by Pakistan. We don't go begging for jobs in Gulf, the Arabs need us else why should they invite Indians in the first place. What about the Bangladeshis who work in Non Muslim countries, do they travel without valid visa.

Hindu Indians get those opportunities to make money because Hindus don't get discriminated in those places - which aren't Hindu-Majority countries.
Apart from non discrimination,What about qualification,skill talent
Do let me know how CAA affects Indian muslims in what way. What about Afghans who have been deported back to Afghanistan by Pakistan. We don't go begging for jobs in Gulf, the Arabs need us else why should they invite Indians in the first place. What about the Bangladeshis who work in Non Muslim countries, do they travel without valid visa.

Apart from non discrimination,What about qualification,skill talent

1. CAA is introduced after NRC to protect the excluded Hindus who are the majority

2. CAA is based on false claim that Hindus went to India just for persecution whereas truth is most Hindus were economic migrant upto 1990s and to unite with family members

3. Their intention is to exclude as many Muslim as possible through NRC as many poor Muslim people don’t have any document as record keeping is low in India but Hindus will be included through CAA

4. When there are so many other persecuted groups in India from all other region only certain group from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan is chosen

5. If you look those people to be covered in CAA lives mostly in two states Assam and West Bengal. Which indicates it is a communal politics and to target Muslim in other part of India

6 Isolating Muslim from other group

This is not just giving shelter to some persecuted minorities only but has far bigger plan behind it
Agreed, yr country yr rules. The title of OP says Rivers of Blood will flow,Kindly educate us in what way Rivers of Blood will flow. In the past Mr Modi has visited Bangladesh. Did he orchestrate any violence in your country
River of blood will flow, is only a rhetoric but it's a message for you that common Bangladeshi folks are not with butchers. However it's just to show that how much hate in common people for your current Modi regime.

And this vp Nur isn't working with any well established political parties, but they ( with common students) are actually acting as positive opposition against AL govt. They are protesting against every odd of AL while common middle class folks like us ( who are sort of isolated from mainstream mass) who only keep praising positive works of govt most of times, and ignoring negative works because of a fear that if we raise voice, it will in the end help the demons ( previous regime from 2001 - 2006, who literary planed to turn Bangladesh as a failed state) .

But the common students who elected vp Nur and this type of guys are much younger than us and they are the future of Bangladesh. I see that they will not leave anything unchallenged like we are doing. And it's a good sign. If we got such sharp people as successors, Bangladesh has a better future. Because they are protesting every negative works of Bangladesh govt ( who have done lots of positive works) so I hope they are not going to help any demonic power being beneficial again from Bangladeshi politics.

So yes if they are saying something Modi should not take it lightly. It's the sign of a future Bangladesh who neither belong to left wing nor to right wing, neither belong to India influenced nor belong to Pakistan influenced politics.

They are purest type of Bangladeshi who only care about motherland Bangladesh and it's honor and prosperity and reject a docile foreign policy.

So it's you guys who have to choose between a friendly Bangladesh or a hostile Bangladesh; it will heavily depend upon you and our other neighboring countries.

Because after a period of time no parties are going to rule who are not pro Bangladesh!
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India's Chaiwala PM needs a good rebuke by the people of Bangladesh. His hate policy should be protested because it affects not only the relationship but there is also a prospect that BD will be engulfed with refugees from India.

BD people should act now to prevent a future exodus of people from India.
CAA/NRC are India's Internal matters, Nur should know that. How will u fell If India interfers in your Bangladeshi internal matters. About CAA there is nothing wrong. U cannot travel to any country without valid passport, visa.
Just ask your BJP leaders to keep their mouth shut so that they never say negative against Bangladesh. If there is any illegal Bangladeshi that you want to send back, simply show us their valid papers as Bangladeshi citizens. Otherwise you can dump them in sea , because they are your own Muslim citizens and not our concern. Also the world doesn't expect better from a savage country.( All we can do is to condemn your butcher PM for such inhumane act against your own people, only because they are Muslim).

Just ask the bloody BJP politicians to shut their fuking gab against Bangladesh.
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