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Dubai signs deal to build infrastructure in occupied Kashmir: Indian govt

Who cares about trees.

Trees can be pretty and ugly, like humans.
One thing I give Emiratis credit for, they sure know how to troll Pakistanis.
No surprises here, they’ve made it loud and clear where they stand, on the path to hell.
Their ruler is being made a laughing joke the world over with his divorce, the kidnapping of his kids etc.
Looks quite different, except the mountains in the background. Just look at the trees in both sets of pics.

I think Uttarkhand has more Nepal-like vibes.
yeah was thinking the same, its different
No surprises here, they’ve made it loud and clear where they stand, on the path to hell.
Their ruler is being made a laughing joke the world over with his divorce, the kidnapping of his kids etc.
if they cant stand up for their fellow Arabs IE Palestinians
what can we say about Kashmir?
These pathetic beduins are the yahudi agents in the Muslim world. Pakistan shouldn't accept any investment that gives legatimacy to Indian occupation and should fund targeting of it by freedom fighters.
Kashmir is not deemed Occupied by anybody outside of Pakistan
Hence Arabs countries happy to invest in Indian Kashmir ........They see no issue
Pak Agenda on Kashmir is not recognised any where
Himachel Pradesh

Sits next to Kashmir ABOVE northern Indian Punjab



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UAE is epic centre of money laundering and organized crimes, The sheikh only wants money even if they have to sell their own mother and daughters. If they can ditch palestinians then muslim ummah can expect anything from these arab leeches, Hopefully the mujahideens will take the war of independence to the next level.
No surprises here, they’ve made it loud and clear where they stand, on the path to hell.
Their ruler is being made a laughing joke the world over with his divorce, the kidnapping of his kids etc.
If that's the benchmark then none are going to heaven from Muslims countries. Everyone follows their national interest, otherwise Pakistan would not be silent on Muslims in China, where some of the Chinese spouses have been put in jail for just marrying Pakistanis.
Trees can be pretty and ugly, like humans.
You have a lot to learn about how big India is and how diverse India is,if you think kashmir the only beautiful place in india ,it is definitely one of the beautiful places in India.
We blame Iran for reasons related to Iran, We blame KSA/UAE for their own reasons and while in reality we should be blaming ourselves for our own incompetence first and then our ummah chummah sentiments; half of us are loyal towards Iran, the other half towards KSA/UAE, and none to our own self. The day we will stand for ourselves, is the day we will feel a change for the better. PDF can be a good start for now.
who is we? who blame KSA / UAE?
we cant commit such blasphemy because it will result in annulment of our Nikkah and brand us as sleeper cell of Ayatollahs 😁😂😁
Wow this is unbelievable that a fcking little desert oil city.after selling out al-Aqsa masjid and its Moslems Is now coming to Kashmiris occupation threatening a nuke Pakistan by its nasty actions inside there. I’m beginning to see why we need a nationalist murdering Pakistani ataturk to disconnect us totally from Arabs and Iran alternative is looking like that we will have no Pakistan on map soon :-(
No surprises here, they’ve made it loud and clear where they stand, on the path to hell.
Their ruler is being made a laughing joke the world over with his divorce, the kidnapping of his kids etc.

That’s dirt on their faces, need outside white boy support to protect their wife’s. After that the country should have buried itself and died.
Wow this is unbelievable that a fcking little desert oil city.after selling out al-Aqsa masjid and its Moslems Is now coming to Kashmiris occupation threatening a nuke Pakistan by its nasty actions inside there. I’m beginning to see why we need a nationalist murdering Pakistani ataturk to disconnect us totally from Arabs and Iran alternative is looking like that we will have no Pakistan on map soon :-(

I've been saying for years that we Pakistanis need to become as fiercely nationalistic as the Israelis are. Pakistani nationalism is the ONLY answer. "Ummah" doesn't exist. Pakistan does.
Who remember the say about us « Pakistanis are more Arabs than Arabs » ?
at least we will get a developed Kashmir once we take it back :dance3:
at least we will get a developed Kashmir once we take it back :dance3:

first take back the chineese side ok kashmir, they robbed u without a war.
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