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Drought worsens as millions wait for rain


Jun 27, 2008
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Drought worsens as millions wait for rain

* Source: Global Times
* [02:50 March 19 2010]
* Comments


By Fu Wen

The worst drought in a century has turned much of southern China into parched fields and dry rice paddies, with no tap water for thirsty villagers; riverboat tourism cut in half, and cracks in an airport runway threatening passenger safety.

After several weeks with hardly a drop of rain, the drought is affecting millions of people in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chongqing, which represent 83 percent of drought-stricken areas in the entire nation.

The latest statistics from the office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquar-ters showed that 20.43 million people and 6.45 million hectares of farmland are affected.

Zhang Yi, a member of a drought control expert team organized by the Ministry of Agriculture to help the provinces, told the People's Daily Thursday that the drought will reduce by one half the spring wheat harvest.

"The drought is far beyond my expectation when I arrived in Yunnan on March 5 and inspected some counties," said Zhang. "We estimate the economic loss of crops for Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi will hit 10.92 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) this year."

In addition, the drought also posed a threat to aviation safety and tourism development. At Kunming Wujiaba International Airport, Yunnan, three broken concrete slabs were found on the runway because of a drop in groundwater.

A five-day repair program has been underway since Tuesday, and up to 50 flights a day were unable to land.

In South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the most popular tourist attrac-tion, the Lijiang River, is suffering from the lowest water level in recent memory, forcing tourism companies to cancel more than half of regular sightseeing boat rides on the river, China National Radio said Thursday.

The National Meteorological Center published a drought alert at 6 pm Wednesday, indicating that there will not be enough rain to help the drought region over the next three days, and water shortages may worsen in the provinces.

Limited rainfall in a large area is expected from next Monday to Thursday in Gui-zhou Province but it may not help the drought much, CCTV reported Thursday.

In efforts to help resolve a drinking water crisis, the Ministry of Water Resources and State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters held emergency meetings to help drought-stricken provinces carry out detailed water supply plans and water resource management.

The Ministry of Finance has allocated 155 million yuan ($22.7 million) to help the drought control project.

Heavy rainfall is not predicted for Chongqing until mid April. Meanwhile, 144 aircraft guns and 66 artillery rocket launchers have been moved to more than 20 counties and districts, prepared to shoot chemical pellets into the clouds and stimulate artificial rainfall.

The major obstacles in drought relief are believed to be limited funds for drought control, water shortages for agriculture and the uncertainty of climate change, said Zhang.

Zhang suggests the government invest more money to promote drought-resistant agri-cultural techniques over larger areas before drought conditions arise.
hope this drought ends. with our government we can do anything, we'll divert the 雅鲁藏布江 if necessary.
It is sad news.

But, what i appreciate about china is their managment in fewer resources.

In India we have got more arable land but we don't care.

And china produces more in less land.

Also, do u know about 30% of agriculture production like wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits got spoiled in India. Because there is so much production that govt don't care and let the grains rot in open sun and rain.
It is sad news.

But, what i appreciate about china is their managment in fewer resources.

In India we have got more arable land but we don't care.

And china produces more in less land.

Also, do u know about 30% of agriculture production like wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits got spoiled in India. Because there is so much production that govt don't care and let the grains rot in open sun and rain.

wow. so jealous of india's land. if china did not have genetic engineering and massive environmental damage to sustain irrigation and heavy fertilizer use, our population would seriously be starving.
It is sad news.

But, what i appreciate about china is their managment in fewer resources.

In India we have got more arable land but we don't care.

And china produces more in less land.

Also, do u know about 30% of agriculture production like wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits got spoiled in India. Because there is so much production that govt don't care and let the grains rot in open sun and rain.

I once read the stats that india's arable land is near 50% more than china's, plus you have warmer climate. Actually arable land in north china is very barren. but your production is 40% is china's. I can't believe this. i think your government should really care more about your farmers.
I once read the stats that india's arable land is near 50% more than china's, plus you have warmer climate. Actually arable land in north china is very barren. but your production is 40% is china's. I can't believe this. i think your government should really care more about your farmers.

Yeah, India has most arable and fertile land on earth after USA.

But our production is enough.

Even more than 30% of our production get wasted due to lack of storage.

The govt. can't do much as there are some communist they always oppose anything good for people. And being a democracy we can't kill them or put them in prison.

But we have to build more storage capacities and govt. is building them.
before 1949, millions of famrers are starved to death or died in floods every year. When famine occurred every year, the prices in Shanghai's population-traffic market will drop sharply.

After 1949, chinese govt built great number of dams and irrigation systems. Mygrandfather worked for hydraulic burea of our province. He participated the construction of first Modern dam (Fouzilin Dam) in china's history in the days of Korea war. Today these tragedy never happened again.

Chinese government also built lots of Agricultural technical stations in every countys, spreading the application of hybrid rice, fertilizer and other techs. that is the reason why china's grain production is so high. Last year, My father visited the farm where he was deported during the cultural revolution, the grain production is three times as high as it was when i was there
Yeah, India has most arable and fertile land on earth after USA.

But our production is enough.

Even more than 30% of our production get wasted due to lack of storage.

The govt. can't do much as there are some communist they always oppose anything good for people. And being a democracy we can't kill them or put them in prison.

But we have to build more storage capacities and govt. is building them.

It's nice you think in this way

The reason is quite simple. your govt don't care about the mass. Our govt assume the responsibilty

It's nice you think in this way

The reason is quite simple. your govt don't care about the mass. Our govt assume the responsibilty


Being a democracy after 5-6 years government get changed but we are not complaing as we have freedom and also development.

And govt. from this year is starting a subsidized scheme to provide food to poor people a choice to buy Rice or Wheat as per their requirements.

At the rate of Rs. 2/- per kg for 35 kg in month.

i.e. 2 X 35 kg of food = Rs. 70/- or less 2 dollar for whole month's ration.

1 US dollar = around 45 Indian rupees
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Being a democracy after 5-6 years government get changed but we are not complaing as we have freedom and also development.

And govt. from this year is starting a subsidized scheme to provide food to poor people a choice to buy Rice or Wheat as per their requirements.

At the rate of Rs. 2/- per kg for 35 kg in month.

i.e. 2 X 35 kg of food = Rs. 70/- or less 2 dollar for whole month's ration.

1 rupee = around 45 US dollars

your country is very famous for its big plans.:azn: how much money is spent on every single farmer every year in reality? how many roads and irrigation projects your govt build for every countys? statistics speak louder than your big plans

Almost every country on the earth is developing, nothing worse you do. even North Korea. For what you think your government reflects the interests of the people than the other country? isn't sad every indian member here use self-proclaimed democracy as an excuse for evry thing
your country is very famous for its big plans.:azn: how much money is spent on every single farmer every year in reality? how many roads and irrigation projects your govt build for every countys? statistics speak louder than your big plans

Almost every country on the earth is developing, nothing worse you do. even North Korea. For what you think your government reflects the interests of the people than the other country? isn't sad every indian member here use self-proclaimed democracy as an excuse for evry thing

so now ur showing ur true colors.

the scheme has already started in many provinces.

Do you know India have world's biggest mid day meal scheme where more than 120 million school students of Govt schools get free of cost lunch hot cooked and served daily.


so now ur showing ur true colors.

the scheme has already started in many provinces.

Do you know India have world's biggest mid day meal scheme where more than 120 million school students of Govt schools get free of cost lunch hot cooked and served daily.



How hard is it for you to understand my post. Stop embarrassing yourself by posting stupid pics about lunch plans. the eyes of malnutritional kids tell you the truth. i don't want to waste my time repeating it again. Statistic speaks louder than your big plans. even NK do better than you.

someone in this forum said "compelling others to admit the reality is a type of abuse". I decide to take his advice

A piece of advice for you, don't try to fool others with fake exchange rate. it's too lame. lying is a bad habbit, my little curry friend

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