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"Drones are using Pakistan's airspace to enter Afghanistan's and target us.

Just curious. What would you have done?
I would have done what Musharraf did post 9/11 and exactly what IK did post shooting down, i.e. return the pilot.

I was using IK's example to illustrate the stresses on the country and its interests to those who lambast Musharraf and claim that IK would have sorted it all out. No, he would have done exactly what Musharraf had done.

Talk is cheap when you are not in the hot seat. Getting Pakistan devastated by foreign sanctions or an unwanted kinetic war is not an option for Pakistan. Both Musharraf and IK were right in what they did.

Just in time for this turmoil when Pakistan is facing flooding disaster.
Only if we, like total idiots, make this a problem for Pakistan just for the sake of local, domestic political point-scoring (i.e. GoP bashing). On this issue, with one voice, we should tell the EA to lump it and go forth and multiply and I am being civil here. ;-)
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Drones are using Pakistan's airspace to enter Afghanistan's airspace and target us.

I would have done what Musharraf did post 9/11 and exactly what IK did post shooting down, i.e. return the pilot.

I was using IK's example to illustrate the stresses on the country and its interests to those who lambast Musharraf and claim that IK would have sorted it all out. No, he would have done exactly what Musharraf had done.

Talk is cheap when you are not in the hot seat. Getting Pakistan devastated by foreign sanctions or an unwanted kinetic war is not an option for Pakistan. Both Musharraf and IK were right in what they did.

Agree somewhat. The anti-US rhetoric of IK has been found by myself to be very populist at times, ignoring the ground realities. Anyways, could haves should haves might haves, all are in the past.

Only if we, like total idiots, make this a problem for Pakistan just for the sake of local, domestic political point-scoring (i.e. GoP bashing). On this issue, with one voice, we should tell the EA to lump it and go forth and multiply and I am being civil here. ;-)

I agree with you that we should tell them to kump it, but can we do that? I, as many others, have been very surprised by the very open pandering to their tantrums, both by the civilian and military setups in Pakistan. I can fully understand why would Pakistan want to be in their good books as a counter to India and to prevent India from making inroads there, but at what cost?

Ham to bilkul hi dul gaye hain un kay samnay, and in return, what have we got? Almost nothing. They refuse to stop the TTP from operating cross border, they refuse to give them a tough time, and their only positive role for us is as a 'mediator'. When they are only going to be using their influence to make us both sit down at a table, and not use it to convince the TTP, then is it really worth it?

On the flip side though, if we do tell them to lump it, then we have very hostile borders on both sides. Can we really afford it right now? Considering the political mess we have, and the pre-occupation of some of our military command in these shenanigans? (I know you disagree with this and do not like it, but it is a fact).
Hey Talibani Cunts, Stop Harboring TTP/BLA/ISIS and we will stop Drones, As I always say Afghans are the Filth of Humanity, sometimes I wish someone just nuke them and be done with them for the good of World.
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Bajwa is certain to keep Pakistan plunged into an endless war. Bajwa hates Pakistan to the core and is pushing for its destruction.
Wouldnt be surprised if he is a disciple of Modi.
Now you are getting closer to the reason why the PTI govt expelled from power ...lol
It's clear as day light however the international community has deliberatly been blinded by PDM, neutrals, western governments/media lies and deceptions.
Those circus mafias sat at the top do not want the country to develop.
Talibans should eliminate ttp first then we will talk .
The question is how did they track the drone when they dont have any radar?
Or they just want to blame PAKISTAN for their own failure .
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To my fellow country men who are blaming PAKISTAN for this please dont go against your country infront of any outsider.
Hey sorry IEA,

Even we bloody civilians have no control over our airspace, we’ve sold out to usa etc
The levels of cluelessness exhibited by PTI fanboys is astonishing. Imran's policy of bending over for Afghanistan has backfired miserably - just because he did, doesn't mean you have to blindly follow him.

For all the flaws this abomination of a gov't has, at least it will stand up to Afghanistan's terrorism. How many more centuries of Afghan terrorism will it take you to call them out for what they truly are - a terrorist nation?

The Taliban only understands one language, and that's of drone strikes and JDAMs.
If anyone thinks bombing Afghanistan is the solution

then go on and kill all 30 million afghans to achieve your peace which US and Russian
s couldn't achieve after 40 years
Those Blaming IEA for TTP should compare the number of attacks by TTP using Afghan soil happening when the US was in Afghanistan to IEA government, there were very few attacks in the last few months.
And who was harboring TTP in Afghanistan before IEA?
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The levels of cluelessness exhibited by PTI fanboys is astonishing. Imran's policy of bending over for Afghanistan has backfired miserably - just because he did, doesn't mean you have to blindly follow him.

For all the flaws this abomination of a gov't has, at least it will stand up to Afghanistan's terrorism. How many more centuries of Afghan terrorism will it take you to call them out for what they truly are - a terrorist nation?

The Taliban only understands one language, and that's of drone strikes and JDAMs.

Because now US regret feeding Talibaan…They thought it will only harm Pakistan and Afghans in the name of Islam. but hey it betrayed mother US…and she is mad now.

Pakistani soldiers lost a lot of lives helping US in war,a lot of funding and what was the result;Pakistan is the most dangerous country of the world.Leave this dangerous country alone now.When they need help they use Pakistan like tissue paper and throw it.

I’m proud of PM Imran khan for this brave step he took for refusing to offer stations to US.

The world’s most dangerous country treat foreigners like celebrities or any person who come as guest.They get special treatment
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The levels of cluelessness exhibited by PTI fanboys is astonishing. Imran's policy of bending over for Afghanistan has backfired miserably - just because he did, doesn't mean you have to blindly follow him.

For all the flaws this abomination of a gov't has, at least it will stand up to Afghanistan's terrorism. How many more centuries of Afghan terrorism will it take you to call them out for what they truly are - a terrorist nation?

The Taliban only understands one language, and that's of drone strikes and JDAMs.
I’m not pti supporter….i hate all these politicians equally

I’ve even said in few threads that Pak should’ve fired big missiles to put afghans into the shit they are. One or 2 missiles and they’ll firget about crossing the pak borders for centuries…..but our own ppl don’t wanto take harsh measures, kerp playing brother brother and crap, saying oh thats too extreme etc
The soft approach never works on any borders, gotta be ruthless and extreme if u wanto prevent infiltration, terrorism, etc. start by sending thosr illegal afghans back to their country, no more hosting and no more bhai chara shit til they first fix their own house.
**** the complete border with devastating results fir them. That will truly end all issues on thiss bordrr then u can focus on the indian borders
Also time to stop stupid ceremonies and close that kartarpur and wagah borders. Stop all movements till kashmir issue resolved.

Because now US regret feeding Talibaan…They thought it will only harm Pakistan and Afghans in the name of Islam. but hey! it betrayed mother US…and she is mad now.

Pakistani soldiers lost a lot of lives helping US in war,a lot of funding and what was the result;Pakistan is the most dangerous country of the world.Leave this dangerous country alone now.When they need help they use Pakistan like tissue paper and throw it.

I’m proud of PM Imran khan for this brave step he took for refusing to offer stations to US.

The world’s most dangerous country treat foreigners like celebrities or any person who come as guest.They get special treatment
Our own people are pathetic that they willing to lie down in front of any 3rd class gora/gori from any western nation……uske agay lait jatay hain pata nai inka inferiority complex kab niklega…..
They let thrm in their homes, feed them, let their women freely entertain the goray, while strict parda in the mohalla

YouTube is full of such rollover Pakistanis. Cringe wirthy and pathetic

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