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Drone Strike Civilian Death Analysis


Nov 27, 2008
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Analysis: A look at US airstrikes in Pakistan through September 2009

By Bill Roggio and Alexander Mayer
October 1, 2009 12:38 AM
Long War Journal

Despite the sharp increase in both the frequency and total number of casualties resulting from Predator strikes since mid-2008, civilian casualties have remained very low. Naturally, it is difficult to determine the exact number of civilians killed in Predator strikes for many reasons - including intentional exaggeration by Taliban spokesmen, and vague accounts by Pakistani media sources which frequently report that a certain number of "people" were killed in a strike, but rarely offer a follow-up report identifying which victims were civilians and which were militants. However, it is possible to get a rough estimate of civilian casualties by adding up the number of civilians reported killed from the media accounts of each attack. According to this method, a total of 94 civilians were reported killed as a result of all strikes between 2006 and September 29, 2009.
Considering that drone strikes have resulted in 979 total casualties during that same time period, our numbers show that only 9.6% of the casualties reported have been identified as civilians. While our number is undoubtedly a low estimate, this extremely small percentage suggests that the accuracy and precision of these strikes have improved along with the increased pace of these strikes over the past few years.

The US air campaign in Pakistan has focused almost exclusively on the tribal agencies of North and South Waziristan. Of the total of 88 strikes in Pakistan, 78 strikes, or 88.6 percent, have struck targets in North Waziristan (36 strikes) and South Waziristan (42 strikes). This trend has only increased after the US branched out and struck several targets outside those two tribal agencies during the fall of 2008 and winter of 2009. Since the April 1, 2009 strike in Arakzai, all 30 of the subsequent strikes have been in North and South Waziristan.

The vast majority of the US attacks inside Pakistan have focused on areas under the control of five influential leaders. Twenty-three percent of the attacks (20 attacks total) took place in Baitullah Mehsud's tribal areas. This number rose dramatically since the spring of 2008, when only 10 percent of the attacks hit in Baitullah's tribal areas. This drastic increase reflects the US effort to kill Baitullah, who, as leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, remained closely allied with al Qaeda and sought to bring down the Pakistani state. Since Baitullah's death in August of 2009, Waliur Rehman Mehsud has taken control of Baitullah's territories in South Waziristan, and Hakeemullah Mehsud has taken command of the overall Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan.

The territories of South Waziristan Taliban chieftain Mullah Nazir were also hit 20 times (23 percent of the strikes). The Haqqani Network rounded out the top three, with 22 percent of the strikes (19 strikes total) taking place in their territories. North Waziristan leaders Abu Kasha al Iraqi (eight strikes) and Hafiz Gul Bahadar (five strikes) finish out the top five. In all, nearly 81 percent of the strikes targeted the territories of these five tribal leaders.

First and foremost, the primary objective of the air campaign has been to disrupt al Qaeda’s external network and prevent the group from striking at the US and her allies. The campaign has targeted camps known to house foreigners as well as trainers and leaders for the network. Al Qaeda operatives known to have lived in the West and holding foreign passports have been killed in several Predator strikes. One such strike on an al Qaeda camp in South Waziristan on Aug. 30, 2008, killed two Canadian passport holders as they trained in the camp. Also, Abu Sulayman Jazairi, the former chief of al Qaeda’s external operations branch, was killed in a strike on May 14, 2008.

Another major objective has been to disrupt the Taliban operations in Afghanistan. The Taliban in Afghanistan receive significant support from within Pakistan. Taliban groups that are very active against Coalition forces in Afghanistan, such as the Haqqani Network, the Mehsud Taliban, and Mullah Nazir, have flourished in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas. The US has targeted both Taliban leaders and fighters during these strikes. Several large Taliban training camps that are known to train fighters for the Afghan front have been the targets of attack. For instance, a training camp in Kurram operated by an Afghan Taliban commander was hit on Feb. 16, 2009.
Along with targeting al Qaeda's external operations network and the Taliban's Afghan operations in Pakistan, the US has also targeted Pakistani Taliban commanders who threaten the stability of the Pakistani state. The US hunted Baitullah Mehsud for a year before killing him in a strike in early August of 2009. The US has an interest in preventing nuclear Pakistan from becoming a failed state and needs to keep its supply lines through Pakistan and into Afghanistan open. More than 70 percent of the US and NATO supplies travel through Pakistan's northwest.

Analysis: A look at US airstrikes in Pakistan through September 2009 - The Long War Journal
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The most disgraceful part is that Drone Strikes happen with the connivance and active support of our political and military leadership. Drones have operated from Pakistani soil to attack its own areas.

Never once, for a change, any of the defenders of the nation attempted a shoot down.
The most disgraceful part is that Drone Strikes happen with the connivance and active support of our political and military leadership. Drones have operated from Pakistani soil to attack its own areas.

Never once, for a change, any of the defenders of the nation attempted a shoot down.

Come join your brothers they need you actually all like you where ever u are hidding come fight with your brothers and hope fully you get to meet Hellfire missile face to face.
Come join your brothers they need you actually all like you where ever u are hidding come fight with your brothers and hope fully you get to meet Hellfire missile face to face.

Pathetic comments like these, is not helping anyone here to sympathize even those innocents, who are being killed in these acts of terrorism by US on behalf of Pakistan.

The majority of victims are poor and frightened men, women, and children. They have little to do with militants who are fighting the NATO occupation forces in Afghanistan. To escape future drone massacres of their families, thousands of residents living in target areas, have left their homes and businesses to seek asylum in other parts of Pakistan. Wretched stories of these IDPs and their trail of tears have made little news in the international media and people who suffered tremendous losses with no hope of returning to their homes because of these terrorist acts by US drone attacks, but the govt of Pakistan is sitting as a silent spectator as well and are busy in filling their own pockets with the aid given to help these IDPs.

Death to our merciless corrupted elites...

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One night as I lay on my bed I wondered, what must it fee like to be living in those areas where the drones fly. I just could not even imagine the fear - or pain faced by normal villagers.

Imagine you never did nothing wrong , and you lived a great life , looking after you sheap and family and your biggest worry was , where will you take your sheep to graze , as the dry season is very harsh....

You slept and looked out of the window, and your small lamp in your home by the window flickered with passage of each nighly breeze.

And then an explosion , your whole existance shakes , and you don't know what happened all you find when you get out of the rubble is that people are crying and your home that was once home is gone ...

Most of the ppl in your village are dead - you don't understand it , and all you hear every one say is that someone attacked the village
and killed all your family members , with no evidence what so ever.

Terror comes in all shapes and figures. Would you be ever be able to sleep while not wonder if another missile would come

I wonder how must the children or elderly manage what kind of stress they face, they don't have expensive doctors or other services.

How does the terror inflicted by some , differs other forms of terror.

Isn't the definition of terror , exactly that a grave injustice - that befalls the victim's existance ...

I feel sincerely sorry for lost civilians , and children and elderly that have been effected - by war. No one should be killed just to take out suspected targets - collective punishment has always been considered wrong and will always be wrong with in confines of war.
Predator UAV are basically weapons of Mass Terror. Their use has created the justification of the use of similar weapons and tactics against the US Army of occupation in Afghanistan.

Once a wrong is repeatedly justified, aided and abetted by our political and military leadership they create the justification for any kind of atrocity.
Pathetic comments like these, is not helping anyone here to sympathize even those innocents, who are being killed in these acts of terrorism by US on behalf of Pakistan.

The majority of victims are poor and frightened men, women, and children. They have little to do with militants who are fighting the NATO occupation forces in Afghanistan. To escape future drone massacres of their families, thousands of residents living in target areas, have left their homes and businesses to seek asylum in other parts of Pakistan. Wretched stories of these IDPs and their trail of tears have made little news in the international media and people who suffered tremendous losses with no hope of returning to their homes because of these terrorist acts by US drone attacks, but the govt of Pakistan is sitting as a silent spectator as well and are busy in filling their own pockets with the aid given to help these IDPs.

Death to our merciless corrupted elites...


You no whats pathetic its people like you who still after all this dont get it either you are extremely dumb or you benefit from the terrorist(i gave you great respect by calling you a person trust me u dont deserve to be called human)
US drones killed 123 innocent Pakistanis in January alone
Mon, Feb 1 06:25 PM

Lahore, Feb. 1 (ANI): At least 123 innocent civilians were killed in 12 US drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas in January alone.

The deaths were caused because ten out of 12 deadly missile strikes missed their targets causing heavy casualty. The remaining two successful drone strikes killed three al-Qaeda leaders, wanted by the Americans, The News reports.

The rapid increase in the US drone attacks in the Pakistani tribal areas bordering Afghanistan can be gauged from the fact that only two such strikes were carried out in January 2009, which killed 36 people.

The highest number of drone attacks carried out in a single month in 2009 was six, which were conducted in December last year. But the dawn of the New Year has already seen a dozen such attacks.

The unprecedented rise in the predator strikes with the beginning of the year 2010 is being attributed to December 30, 2009 suicide bombing in the Khost area of Afghanistan bordering North Waziristan, which killed seven CIA agents.

The consequent increase in US strikes, first in North Waziristan and then South Waziristan, specifically targeting the fugitive TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud clearly shows that revenge is the major motive for these attacks. (ANI)
Lahore, Feb. 1 (ANI): At least 123 innocent civilians were killed in 12 US drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas in January alone.

This statement is not factual. It is the opinion of whoever wrote the piece. It isn't journalism. It is terrorist propaganda masquerading as news. No one knows how many "innocents" are killed in the drone strikes because the terrorists will not let any unbiased authorities investigate. Indeed, if the terrorists would permit the GoP to bring its writ of authority to these areas, there would be no drone strikes.
Is there any literature affirming the possibility of severely high civilian casualties by these drone strikes? How many are women and children within this 123 number.

"The deaths were caused because ten out of 12 deadly missile strikes missed their targets causing heavy casualty..."


No. It's an ATGM that's been well-tested. Works fine.


TruthSeeker, how can anybody be so sure that the killed was Al-Qaeda or civilian? Don't you think tha any article or piece of reporting that claims to know, distinctly, the numbers and their layout would be biased to begin with?

You will see different numbers from different sources, some claim that the civilian to militant ratio is 2:1 or worse, and they pull out news reports to back that up. There is a student in England who maintains a so-called "drone attack" list, and according to him, the ratio is nearly 4:1. In any case, no report ever claims "militants killed", it's always "suspected militants killed". Depending on what side you're on, these "suspects" get branded as either "innocent civilians" or "hardcore militants".

The only people who could really confirm these numbers are people who don't open their mouths about this stuff. Fact remains, though, that the drone attacks are, fundamentally, the violation of sovereignty. It may have the Green light from the government and the military leadership, but we Pakistanis don't like it and reserve every right to protest against it. Unfortunately, nobody really cares what we Pakistanis think.
"The deaths were caused because ten out of 12 deadly missile strikes missed their targets causing heavy casualty..."


No. It's an ATGM that's been well-tested. Works fine.

Don't take it too seriously, it's ANI news, the lowest of the low. Don't take my word for it, Google it and see for yourself. Propagandists extraordinaire.
World top Terrorist USA/ISreal
I fully and totally support the Drone Attacks.

They have very effective in decapitating the Taliban Nazi Leadership.

I hope they continue until these animals are wiped out.
TruthSeeker, how can anybody be so sure that the killed was Al-Qaeda or civilian? Don't you think tha any article or piece of reporting that claims to know, distinctly, the numbers and their layout would be biased to begin with?

Fact remains, though, that the drone attacks are, fundamentally, the violation of sovereignty .... we Pakistanis don't like it and reserve every right to protest against it. Unfortunately, nobody really cares what we Pakistanis think.

I agree. As to violations of your sovereignty, the most egregious violators are the very people that the drone strikes are trying to take out. In reality the GoP is not sovereign in the places where drone strikes occur. The USA does respect the sovereignty of the parts of Pakistan that are, in fact, under effective GoP control. The way to stop drone strikes is to achieve Pakistani sovereignty over FATA.
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