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Drone attacks blessing of God: PMLN leader


Apr 27, 2010
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Drone attacks blessing of God: PMLN leader

RAWALPINDI - Terming the US drone attacks on tribal belt as blessing of God, former MPA of ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Zia Ullah Shah, has said that North Waziristan Agency (NWA) has become a safe haven for the foreigners who have waged war against the state and the US is doing the right thing by killing them in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) strikes.

The former provincial lawamker said no civilian was being killed in US drone strikes in tribal areas rather the militants have been meeting their logical end.

“It is our good luck that Pakistan and America have the same enemy, the Taliban. We as a nation should realise the ground realities and support drone attacks at a time when a country like USA not only giving us aid but also combating the terrorists hiding in tribal areas by firing missiles through UAVs,” the PML-N leader added.

Zia Ullah Shah expressed these views while responding to queries of the media men at the concluding session of a two-day workshop, organised by United Press International (UPI) at a local hotel in Rawalpindi on Saturday.

The PML-N MPA, who remained in power from 2008 to 2013 from PP-11 but faced defeat at the hands of PTI candidate Raja Rashid Hafiz in May 11 general elections, maintained that a large number of Uzbek and Chechen terrorists have been hiding in NWA and involved in anti-state activities, destabilising the country.

The former legislator said the security forces were not capable of eliminating the terrorist groups; therefore, the US drone attacks were the only option to get rid of these enemies of the state.

PTI’s protest to block NATO supply was baseless, the MPA said while replying to a question. He said the terrorism weakened the country and the federal government is trying its level best to steer the country out of the crises.

Condemning sectarian violence in Raja Bazaar of Rawalpindi on November 15, the former MPA said that the third hand was involved in the killing of students at the seminary instead of Shias.
“There is no conflict between Shias and Sunnis of the city. Rather miscreants are fanning the sectarianism,” Zia Ullah Shah said.

Source: Drone attacks blessing of God: N leader


Lets just put aside whether civilians are getting killed in drone strikes or not. Even if the tribal areas are full of militants and talibans, how drone strikes by another country into our territory is a Blessing of God? And why only FATA is gifted with this privileged blessing? We should better ask Americans to grant this God's Blessing to Punjab and other provinces too.. :pissed:

Oh, and Riwind too deserves to be blessed with this Blessing of God..

@Leader @Aeronaut @RescueRanger @Armstrong @pkuser2k12 @mafiya @Zarvan @Jzaib @chauvunist @Aamna14 @hasnain0099 @cb4 @Tameem @airmarshal
If drones target terrorist mofos why the hell not!!

and they forgot to target ttp in Afghanistan and while Fazal ullah was there on a 3 years vacation

once a month some ttp gone is arrested in Afghanistan while on a meeting with afghan national secret agency by ISAF not because ISAF is Pakistans friend but because karzai is not singing deal with usa and they want to dirty karzai

only a drone drama to calm home usa crowd that we are doing something and killing terrorists while being bitches in Afghanistan
and they forgot to target ttp in Afghanistan and while Fazal ullah was there on a 3 years vacation

once a moth some ttp gone is arrested in Afghanistan while on a meeting with afghan national secret agency by ISAF not because ISAF is Pakistans friend but because karzai is not singing deal with usa and they want to dirty karzai

only a drone drama to calm home usa crowd that we are doing something and killing terrorists while being bitches in Afghanistan

Yet :
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I think Pakistan should work with US. Provide ground intel on TTP hideouts & let the drones do their job. Drones are good they kill terrorists plus no loss for P.A. there won't be any civilian life loss if someone on ground provides intel on TTP hideouts.
I think Pakistan should work with US. Provide ground intel on TTP hideouts & let the drones do their job. Drones are good they kill terrorists plus no loss for P.A. there won't be any civilian life loss if someone on ground provides intel on TTP hideouts.

Yes, but it should be Us instead of US controlling and operating these drones. Things go wrong when another country violates our territory and drone people inside our borders. Now either US should provide us the tech or we should develop our own and handle this issue at our own.
Lets just put aside whether civilians are getting killed in drone strikes or not. Even if the tribal areas are full of militants and talibans, how drone strikes by another country into our territory is a Blessing of God? And why only FATA is gifted with this privileged blessing? We should better ask Americans to grant this God's Blessing to Punjab and other provinces too.. :pissed:

Oh, and Riwind too deserves to be blessed with this Blessing of God..

Could you please name Last three leaders of Taliban?
Could you please name Last three leaders of Taliban?

Yes sir, I know they are killed in drones but how that legitimize the drone strikes? More importantly how drone strikes are blessing of God? And why rest of the country is not enjoying this blessing of God? We do have Punjabi Talibans, no?
This year drone strikes indicate the precision without civilian casualty. Can PA do that without killing civilians? No. Drones are the lesser of two evils. PTI and IK better make their minds that if Pakistan hosting foreign terrorists and you won't allow PA to conduct Ops to clean them out, then Drones is a natural thing that would follow.

And Negotiating with Terrorists doesn't mean other countries tow your line.
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