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Drone attack targets Hakeemullah Mehsud

The real wise person never considers the person sitting opposite as a fool. Only the morons with tunnel vision thinks he is the wisest of them all and what's comes out of his mouth is always right. It's a different matter that he will keep changing his stances, Will say something here and say something completely opposite in front of other. Doing it unknowingly is known as CONFUSED SOUL and doing it knowingly is known as HYPROCRITE.

I am not considering you fool or moron ,just told you about concept of real wisdom which is directly linked to Hadayat (which is God gifted thing) as per muslim's believe .

Hadayat mean right path which is mentioned in our Holy Book Quran.

Your vission is not clear about AT , they fought together with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan also Pakistan and USA supported them.

After Afghan Jehad Talaban took control of Afghanistan with help of local Afghan war lords
but Mujahdeen groups including Al AQeada ,JI (Hikmatyar Group) had no involvement in Governance of Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda leadership continued their activities against US from FATA with help of Mehsud and Haqqani groups.

If OBL planned his activities while sitting inside Pakistan boarder how can Mullah Omer could control him?????????

Hoped your confusion cleared.:D

Aik jhoot par 100 jhoot ! khicri buhat pakaai hai magar galli nahein

what about when OBL had planned 911 from Afghanistan in collaboration of mullah omer?????

Your above two statments clearly denying each other.
Once you said that Afghan taliban had captured Afghanistan with support of Al qaeda,US and Pakistan and just below you are saying the take over with help of local Afghan warlords.

I think this is better to come of the your Fallacy.
Certianly! Wisdom/Hidayat is from ALLAH, my belief is now get more firm about that.
Nobody can change ones mind, This is only ALLAH Who turned Hearts.
Aik jhoot par 100 jhoot ! khicri buhat pakaai hai magar galli nahein

US and Pakistan supported Al Qaeada against Russia is it wrong?

what about when OBL had planned 911 from Afghanistan in collaboration of mullah omer?????

:rofl::rofl::rofl:Joke of Day

Your above two statments clearly denying each other.
Once you said that Afghan taliban had captured Afghanistan with support of Al qaeda,US and Pakistan and just below you are saying the take over with help of local Afghan warlords.

You are totally confused here , US and Pakistan supported them(AM) against Russia and after Russian withdrawal Mullah Omar and his students known as Talaban took control of Afghanistan with the help of local tribes and war lords.

I think you are confused between AT & AM.

I think this is better to come of the your Fallacy.
Certianly! Wisdom/Hidayat is from ALLAH, my belief is now get more firm about that.
Nobody can change ones mind, This is only ALLAH Who turned Hearts.

Thanks God, at least we dont have no difference on hadayat:D
So what happened finally? Hakimullah dead or alive?
So what happened finally? Hakimullah dead or alive?

Just listened to the skunk's audio tape, but i am still keeping my fingered crossed!
Intelligence reports indicate Hakimtullah was injured but not killed in Drone attack. Also US carried out Drone attack in Yemen today killing top Al Queda leader Qassam Al Rimi. Massad carried out hit on Iran Scientist on orders of meir Dagan, the head of external Massad operations.
At least 15 killed in drone strike in South Waziristan
Sunday, 17 Jan, 2010

PESHAWAR: A US drone aircraft fired missiles in Pakistan's South Waziristan region on the Afghan border, killing at least 15 militants on Sunday, Pakistani security officials said.

The United States has stepped up pilotless drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal regions since a Dec. 30 suicide bombing killed seven CIA employees at a US base in neighbouring Afghanistan.

“Now the death toll is 15. It could rise further. People are still busy removing rubble,” a senior security official told Reuters.

Most of the casualties were foreign fighters, he added.

Ten days after the Afghanistan attack by a Jordanian double agent - the second bloodiest in the agency's history- Pakistani Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud appeared sitting beside the suicide bomber in a farewell video.

The bomber said he would avenge the death of a Taliban leader killed in a drone strike last year and called for attacks in and outside the United States.

The clip raised Mehsud's profile and suggested his group - which has been fighting the Pakistani state - was now a greater force to be reckoned with and had forged closer ties with al Qaeda, which claimed responsibility for the attack.

Pakistani Taliban militants issued an audio tape on Saturday purportedly from Mehsud, denying he had been killed in a US missile strike two days earlier.

The pilotless drone strikes are a source of friction between the United States and Pakistan, which says they are a violation of its sovereignty. US officials say the missile strikes are carried out under an agreement with Islamabad that allows Pakistani leaders to decry the attacks in public.

Islamabad denies this.

Washington says they are an effective weapon in tribal areas in northwest Pakistan along the Afghan border seen as a global hub for militants, including senior al Qaeda and Taliban figures.

Pakistan has resisted US pressure to tackle Afghan militant groups who use its lawless tribal areas as a rear base for fighting Western troops in Afghanistan, saying they are focused on homegrown Taliban enemies.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | At least 15 killed in drone strike in South Waziristan
Islamabad isn't doing the drone attacks so why are they denying it?

They should just sit and wait.
Twenty killed as drones attack Shaktoi again
Monday, 18 Jan, 2010

“The drones are apparently tracking and targeting Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud
whose presence is frequently reported in the area.”

LADDAH: At least 20 suspected militants were killed in a pre-dawn US drone attack on a residential compound in Shaktoi area of South Waziristan on Sunday, official sources said.

Unmanned drone aircraft had attacked the same area on Thursday and 16 militants were reported to have been killed.

That attack had sparked reports that Hakimullah Mehsud, the chief of the Pakistani Taliban, had been killed. But the militants denied the report and released two audio messages of their leader.

According to officials, some foreigners were among the 20 militants killed in Sunday’s attack. However, the claim could not be verified from independent sources.

Official sources said the US drone fired three or four missiles at around 4am on the compound owned by one Pir Gul, adding that two local commanders and four Uzbeks were among the dead.

Taliban neither confirmed nor denied the claim.

Agencies add: Security officials said US drones appeared to be tracking Hakimullah in a surge in strikes by unmanned spy planes. It was the 10th US drone strike to hit the tribal belt this month.

“The target was a militant compound,” said a security official in the area.

“Twenty militant deaths have been confirmed.”

An intelligence official said that militants had ringed the demolished compound in the remote and mountainous area and were digging out the bodies.

“The drones are apparently tracking and targeting Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud whose presence is frequently reported in the area.”

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Twenty killed as drones attack Shaktoi again
I am waiting for one of you to post a You Tube video where I can see Zaid Hamid say with a chuckle how the ISI tricked Americans to fire on their own agent Hakeemulla Mehsud.

If the latest Zaid Hamid video on this is out do post.
I am waiting for one of you to post a You Tube video where I can see Zaid Hamid say with a chuckle how the ISI tricked Americans to fire on their own agent Hakeemulla Mehsud.

If the latest Zaid Hamid video on this is out do post.
first of all, do your own work. second, no one here hinted at that scenario 'cept for you, why? something tells you that ISI tricked HM into attacking CIA?
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