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Drone attack in KP is Act of war; CM KP Pervaiz Khattak

And being a citizen of Pakistan, its my right to criticize Pak Army if they do anything bad. Let the mods of this site decide the fate of my post, if its wrong it will be deleted. You should better keep yourself to your own business instead of teaching others on what to post and what not

As a citizen of Pakistan , you should respect the constitution of Pakistan ... The article 19 of it defines the restrictions on freedom of speech and expression :
19 ) Freedom of speech, etc.
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, [commission of] or incitement to an offence.

In the penal code , defaming Pak Army is a offense punishable by imprisonment ...
And when you talk bad about Pak Army , Then it not "your business" , it is the business of every Pakistani who respects his country
I actually realized that the source from where I got that line was wrong and thus my mistake. I have removed my post, edit your post to remove my quoted post so it can be gone. My bad.
Thanks, No worries mate, i have edited mine as well
As a citizen of Pakistan , you should respect the constitution of Pakistan ... The article 19 of it defines the restrictions on freedom of speech and expression :
19 ) Freedom of speech, etc.
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, [commission of] or incitement to an offence.

In the penal code , defaming Pak Army is a offense punishable by imprisonment ...
And when you talk bad about Pak Army , Then it not "your business" , it is the business of every Pakistani who respects his country

No one is talking bad about Pak Army here, I was saying the facts which are known to everyone. And about freedom of speech and stuff, well just tune Geo right now and you will easily find something against army anytime, where are those defender of this same constitution since years?

Lets not go off topic and better stick to this topic, I don't wanna open a whole new debate here..
I cant blame Americans honestly for targeting Afghanis in Pakistan, no matter how ood friends they have been, the Americans dont care. When we harbor certified terrorists, give them state protection, we are making America's job a hell of lot more easier on moral and legal grounds.

Federal govt's duty is to notice these issues, not provincial or army. PM house is where we should be ringing.
It is indeed an act of war and i wonder which country does that sort of thing you know bombing you're own allies? And our people defend that act under various pretexts. Now when KPK's government holds a stance that they would block the NATO supplies even then people utter trash as if Nawaz Sharif has already shot down drones and we don't need to do a thing anymore. Its unbelievable those who don't do a thing don't get criticised nobody is asking the federal government about what action they have taken yet but the ones who are trying would always have to battle with such pathetic excuses and insults.
No one is talking bad about Pak Army here, I was saying the facts which are known to everyone. And about freedom of speech and stuff, well just tune Geo right now and you will easily find something against army anytime, where are those defender of this same constitution since years?

Lets not go off topic and better stick to this topic, I don't wanna open a whole new debate here..

Saying that Pak Army takes fuking dollars from US (which gives a impression that it works against country`s interests and citizens) is talking "really bad" about army .. These are not the "facts" , but just a part of anti-Pakistan Propaganda . About GEO , Thats totally a different topic
Coming back to original topic .... I would love to see Imran Khan take a firm stand against drone attacks .. CM Khatak is right .. It is act of war against KPK , and according to the constitution article 148 (3) " It shall be the duty of the Federation to protect every Province against external aggression"
Man stop b!tching around everywhere with same old stupid argument, come up with something new. USAID has started projects all over the Pakistan with approval of federal govt. Provincial govts have no say in these matters, go blow yourself out in front of PM house.

And for your info, your beloved Mushi was always at pay check of same US, even your whole army is living on fuking $$$ provided by the same US. Now come to the topic in hand and stop repeating same USAID song ever and ever again..
ok lets, say IMRAN KHAN , munnawar hassan the traitors has the double of the rounded stuff in between thier 2 legs to say, NO USAID at least in KPK, as long as drones are striking in there?
ohh no they, dont! money matters? right after all?
little suleman jemaima khan, & the sons & the daughters of the QAZI jammati, all of them USE the same money, given by US or its NATO allies?
I think CM khataak dont know that, or his accounts hvnt got the fix?

Saying that Pak Army takes fuking dollars from US (which gives a impression that it works against country`s interests and citizens) is talking "really bad" about army .. These are not the "facts" , but just a part of anti-Pakistan Propaganda . About GEO , Thats totally a different topic
Coming back to original topic .... I would love to see Imran Khan take a firm stand against drone attacks .. CM Khatak is right .. It is act of war against KPK , and according to the constitution article 148 (3) " It shall be the duty of the Federation to protect every Province against external aggression"
supporting terrorists & thier cause even politicly, offering them offices, calling those killed by terrorists non shaheeds are the famous acts against state of pakistan, done by the heads of KPK govt?
what about it?
Our army just took $300 in military aid, has requested USA for more military aid, no wonder they are not stopping drone attacks and allowing US to butcher Pakistanis in broad daylight.
Our army just took $300 in military aid, has requested USA for more military aid, no wonder they are not stopping drone attacks and allowing US to butcher Pakistanis in broad daylight.
ohh you still, too ignorant how, much the cake pice KPK govt got from USAID?
& are not stopping terror attacks and allowing TTp to butcher Pakistanis in broad daylight?
I heard on ARY as well as Geo News that among the 7 killed 4 belonged to the Haqqani network and were from Paktia province of Afghanistan. Jang reports that even Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of Jallaudin Haqqani was expected at the Madrassa. Earlier another Haqqani was killed in Islamabad. It appears that no one really cares about Pakistan’s sovereignty.

People often ignore the fact that Pakistani National Assembly Resolution that censored US for attacking Pakistan’s sovereignty, also said that Pakistani territories will not be used to attack our neighbours.

Here is full text of Resolution.


The National Assembly of Pakistan’s Guidelines for Revised Terms of Engagement with USA, NATO, ISAF and General Foreign Policy, April 2012

Published April 12, 2012


The National Assembly of Pakistan’s Guidelines for Revised Terms of Engagement with USA, NATO, ISAF and General Foreign Policy, April 2012 (PDF)

The National Assembly of Pakistan passed the resolution on April 12, 2012 and revised it on December 2012. The guidelines include policy on Pakistani airspace and territory and unmanned aerial vehicle (drones).

1. Pakistan's sovereignty shall not be compromised. The gap between assertion and facts on the ground needs to be qualitatively bridged through effective steps. The relationship with USA should be based on mutual respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each other.

2. The Government needs to ensure that the principles of an independent foreign policy must be grounded in strict adherence to the Principles of Policy as stated in Article 40 of the Constitution of Pakistan, the UN Charter and observance of international law. The US footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed. This means (i) an immediate cessation of drone attacks inside the territorial borders of Pakistan, (ii) the cessation of infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext, including hot pursuit; (iii) Pakistani territory including its air space shall not be used for transportation of arms and ammunition to Afghanistan.

3. Pakistan's nuclear program and assets, including its safety and security cannot be compromised. The US-Indo civil nuclear agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the region therefore Pakistan should seek from the US and others a similar treatment/facility. The strategic position of Pakistan vis-à-vis India on the subject of FMCT must not be compromised and this principle be kept in view in negotiations on this matter.

4. Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to the elimination of terrorism and combating extremism in pursuance of its national interest.

5. The condemnable and unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack resulting in the martyrdom (shahadat) of 24 Pakistani soldiers, represents a breach of international law and constitutes a blatant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Government of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US for the unprovoked incident dated 25th–26th November, 2011, in Mohmand Agency in addition the following measures be taken; (i) Those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack should be brought to justice; (ii) Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or any other acts impinging on Pakistan's sovereignty will not recur; (iii)Ministry of Defence/PAF should formulate new flying rules for areas contiguous to the border.

6. No verbal Agreement regarding national security shall be entered into by the Government, its Ministries, Divisions, Departments, attached Departments, Autonomous Bodies or other Organizations with any foreign Government or Authority. All such agreements or understandings shall cease to have effect forthwith.

7. No overt or covert operations inside Pakistan shall be permitted.

8. That for negotiating or re-negotiating Agreements/MOU's pertaining to or dealing with matters of national security, the following procedure shall be adopted: (i) All Agreements/MOU's, including military cooperation and logistics, will be circulated to the Foreign Ministry and all concerned Ministries, attached or affiliated Organizations and Departments for their views; (ii) All Agreements/MOU's will be vetted by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs; (iii) All Agreements/MOU's will be circulated to the Parliamentary Committee on National Security. The Committee shall vet and make recommendations in consultation with the stakeholders and forward the same to the Federal Cabinet for approval under the Rules of Business of the Federal Government; (iv) The Minister concerned will make a policy statement on the Agreements/MOU's in both Houses of Parliament.

9. No private security contractors and/or intelligence operatives shall be allowed.

10. Pakistan's territory will not be provided for the establishment of any foreign bases.

11. The international community should recognize Pakistan's colossal human and economic losses and continued suffering due to the war on terror. In the minimum, greater market access of Pakistan's exports to the US, NATO countries and global markets should be actively pursued.

12. In the battle for the hearts and minds an inclusive process based on primacy of dialogue and reconciliation should be adopted. Such process must respect local customs, traditions, values and religious beliefs. (a) There is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and efforts must be undertaken to promote a genuine national reconciliation in an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process. (b) To strengthen security along the Pakistan–Afghanistan border, including the cross border flow of criminal elements, narcotics and weapons, the feasibility of additional measures including electronic surveillance may be evaluated and the process of local joint Jirgas should be encouraged according to local customs and traditions.

13. That Pakistani territory shall not be used for any kind of attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil. Likewise, Pakistan does not expect the soil of other countries to be used against it.

14. The Government needs to review the present focus of foreign policy keeping in view the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. It needs to establish a balance by emphasizing links with our traditional allies and building new relationships for diversifying the sources of economic, military and political support. In this regard it may take the following amongst other steps: (i) Pakistan's foreign policy must continue to focus on creating a peaceful environment in the region to pursue the goals of economic development and social progress; (ii) the dialogue process with India should be continued in a purposeful and result-oriented manner on the basis of mutual respect and mutual interest, including efforts for the solution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Resolutions; (iii) special attention must continue to be paid to developing close cooperative relations with neighbouring countries; (iv) the strategic partnership with China must be deepened in all its dimensions; (v) the relationship with the European Union should be strengthened and enhanced in all spheres; (vi) relationship with the Russian Federation should be further strengthened; (vii) Pakistan's support for the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan remains the cornerstone of its foreign policy; (viii) Pakistan's special relationship with the Islamic world should be reinforced; (ix) Pakistan's full membership of SCO should be actively pursued; (x) Pakistan's bilateral relationships in the region and its institutional partnership with ASEAN and GCC countries must be upgraded and strengthened; and (xi) Pakistan should actively pursue the gas pipeline projects with Iran and Turkmenistan.



I repeat that I am against Drone attacks and I am not justifying it in anyway. Nevertheless in my humble opinion one of the ways of avoiding drone attacks is to stop foreigners using Pakistan as safe haven.

Whether we like it or not, as long as foreigners continue using Pakistani territory to attack US interests in Afghanistan or anywhere else, drone attacks are not likely to stop.
I heard on ARY as well as Geo News that among the 7 killed 4 belonged to the Haqqani network and were from Paktia province of Afghanistan. Jang reports that even Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of Jallaudin Haqqani was expected at the Madrassa. Earlier another Haqqani was killed in Islamabad. It appears that no one really cares about Pakistan’s sovereignty.

People often ignore the fact that Pakistani National Assembly Resolution that censored US for attacking Pakistan’s sovereignty, also said that Pakistani territories will not be used to attack our neighbours.

Here is full text of Resolution.


The National Assembly of Pakistan’s Guidelines for Revised Terms of Engagement with USA, NATO, ISAF and General Foreign Policy, April 2012

Published April 12, 2012


The National Assembly of Pakistan’s Guidelines for Revised Terms of Engagement with USA, NATO, ISAF and General Foreign Policy, April 2012 (PDF)

The National Assembly of Pakistan passed the resolution on April 12, 2012 and revised it on December 2012. The guidelines include policy on Pakistani airspace and territory and unmanned aerial vehicle (drones).

1. Pakistan's sovereignty shall not be compromised. The gap between assertion and facts on the ground needs to be qualitatively bridged through effective steps. The relationship with USA should be based on mutual respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each other.

2. The Government needs to ensure that the principles of an independent foreign policy must be grounded in strict adherence to the Principles of Policy as stated in Article 40 of the Constitution of Pakistan, the UN Charter and observance of international law. The US footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed. This means (i) an immediate cessation of drone attacks inside the territorial borders of Pakistan, (ii) the cessation of infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext, including hot pursuit; (iii) Pakistani territory including its air space shall not be used for transportation of arms and ammunition to Afghanistan.

3. Pakistan's nuclear program and assets, including its safety and security cannot be compromised. The US-Indo civil nuclear agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the region therefore Pakistan should seek from the US and others a similar treatment/facility. The strategic position of Pakistan vis-à-vis India on the subject of FMCT must not be compromised and this principle be kept in view in negotiations on this matter.

4. Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to the elimination of terrorism and combating extremism in pursuance of its national interest.

5. The condemnable and unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack resulting in the martyrdom (shahadat) of 24 Pakistani soldiers, represents a breach of international law and constitutes a blatant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Government of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US for the unprovoked incident dated 25th–26th November, 2011, in Mohmand Agency in addition the following measures be taken; (i) Those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack should be brought to justice; (ii) Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or any other acts impinging on Pakistan's sovereignty will not recur; (iii)Ministry of Defence/PAF should formulate new flying rules for areas contiguous to the border.

6. No verbal Agreement regarding national security shall be entered into by the Government, its Ministries, Divisions, Departments, attached Departments, Autonomous Bodies or other Organizations with any foreign Government or Authority. All such agreements or understandings shall cease to have effect forthwith.

7. No overt or covert operations inside Pakistan shall be permitted.

8. That for negotiating or re-negotiating Agreements/MOU's pertaining to or dealing with matters of national security, the following procedure shall be adopted: (i) All Agreements/MOU's, including military cooperation and logistics, will be circulated to the Foreign Ministry and all concerned Ministries, attached or affiliated Organizations and Departments for their views; (ii) All Agreements/MOU's will be vetted by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs; (iii) All Agreements/MOU's will be circulated to the Parliamentary Committee on National Security. The Committee shall vet and make recommendations in consultation with the stakeholders and forward the same to the Federal Cabinet for approval under the Rules of Business of the Federal Government; (iv) The Minister concerned will make a policy statement on the Agreements/MOU's in both Houses of Parliament.

9. No private security contractors and/or intelligence operatives shall be allowed.

10. Pakistan's territory will not be provided for the establishment of any foreign bases.

11. The international community should recognize Pakistan's colossal human and economic losses and continued suffering due to the war on terror. In the minimum, greater market access of Pakistan's exports to the US, NATO countries and global markets should be actively pursued.

12. In the battle for the hearts and minds an inclusive process based on primacy of dialogue and reconciliation should be adopted. Such process must respect local customs, traditions, values and religious beliefs. (a) There is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and efforts must be undertaken to promote a genuine national reconciliation in an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process. (b) To strengthen security along the Pakistan–Afghanistan border, including the cross border flow of criminal elements, narcotics and weapons, the feasibility of additional measures including electronic surveillance may be evaluated and the process of local joint Jirgas should be encouraged according to local customs and traditions.

13. That Pakistani territory shall not be used for any kind of attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil. Likewise, Pakistan does not expect the soil of other countries to be used against it.

14. The Government needs to review the present focus of foreign policy keeping in view the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. It needs to establish a balance by emphasizing links with our traditional allies and building new relationships for diversifying the sources of economic, military and political support. In this regard it may take the following amongst other steps: (i) Pakistan's foreign policy must continue to focus on creating a peaceful environment in the region to pursue the goals of economic development and social progress; (ii) the dialogue process with India should be continued in a purposeful and result-oriented manner on the basis of mutual respect and mutual interest, including efforts for the solution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Resolutions; (iii) special attention must continue to be paid to developing close cooperative relations with neighbouring countries; (iv) the strategic partnership with China must be deepened in all its dimensions; (v) the relationship with the European Union should be strengthened and enhanced in all spheres; (vi) relationship with the Russian Federation should be further strengthened; (vii) Pakistan's support for the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan remains the cornerstone of its foreign policy; (viii) Pakistan's special relationship with the Islamic world should be reinforced; (ix) Pakistan's full membership of SCO should be actively pursued; (x) Pakistan's bilateral relationships in the region and its institutional partnership with ASEAN and GCC countries must be upgraded and strengthened; and (xi) Pakistan should actively pursue the gas pipeline projects with Iran and Turkmenistan.



I repeat that I am against Drone attacks and I am not justifying it in anyway. Nevertheless in my humble opinion one of the ways of avoiding drone attacks is to stop foreigners using Pakistan as safe haven.

Whether we like it or not, as long as foreigners continue using Pakistani territory to attack US interests in Afghanistan or anywhere else, drone attacks are not likely to stop.

Right! But did US tell us these guys living in your country have these x=charges against them. How is occupation of US all kosher now and Haqqanis allegedly fighting it are terrorists?

Its not even that. If any individual has a charge against him, US cant be judge, jury and executioner. We have handed Al-Qaida types by the dozens. Such actions like killing of Haqqani in Islamabad or drone strikes is clearly an attempt to destabilize our country.

US has millions of illegal immigrants. If I take your argument, then US should also ship out these immigrants or kill them as they breach its sovereignty. Despite immense resources and constant patrolling on Mexican borders, there are people crossing it as I m typing these lines.

Dont be such a simpleton in accepting everything coming from these Western countries.
Our army just took $300 in military aid, has requested USA for more military aid, no wonder they are not stopping drone attacks and allowing US to butcher Pakistanis in broad daylight.

Pak Army can not shoot down drones unless directed to do so by the Ministry of Defence , Govt. of Pakistan or by the direct orders of the president of the Islamic republic of Pakistan . Pak Army has said that they have the ability to shoot down any drones ." If necessary orders are given, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) may shoot down US drones that enter the country’s airspace to bombard the northwestern region bordering Afghanistan," Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, had said a few years back ...
but our elected Govt. never gave any such orders !! So it is the politicians who are to be blamed for allowing US to butcher Pakistanis in broad daylight , not Pak Army !!
And the reports revealing "Pak-US political understanding on drones" surely carry some "weight"
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