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Drinking liqour is not Haram - Federal Shariat Court

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There is no such thing as moderate smoking. It's all harmful. And it is absolutely intoxicating. No, you won't fall unconscious, but to a new user, nicotine will turn you inside out. Major buzz, nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

So why is tobacco okay? It harms the smoker, and it definitely harms society, as the cost to treat smokers' diseases puts an enormous strain on public health systems.

Hash/MJ... HUGELY popular in the ME. Technically illegal, but overlooked in many places.

Intoxicants are illegal? - how about a nice adrenaline "rush" from skydiving? How about those wonderul endorphins your own body makes while running long distances? The endorphins are basically human-made morphine. That's why many people can become addicted to running.

Caffeine - It's easy to cop a nice buzz with some strong coffee.

There are hundreds of Halal substances that intoxicate. So let's be intellectually honest. Either outlaw all of it, or how about this? Allow an adult to make these decisions. If those decisions harm others, like DUI, then punish. Otherwise, glorious freedom, rather than a slave to others' opinions.

there is a difference between "running 15 km to get 6 mm endorphins" and "lying on the restroom's couch of a night club and buying the morphine"...lol
where i come from it's easier to get hash than it is to get a Sugarfree Redbull.....

me personally, I found that the best drug in the world is one that comes naturally (endorphins). All you really need to do is wake up early and play squash or tennis; or do a quick 15 lap run around a 400 meter track.

the best part is, the only hangover you feel is increased alertness and better mood. (as opposed to being comatose)

but regardless of what your drug or vice is --- if your gonna do something (out of curiosity, or just out of habit) at least know to do it in moderation....because too much of anything is bad in life. And by anything i really mean -- ANYTHING.

as for the whole haram/halal thing --- yes alcohol is haram. There are logical reasons behind it, as someone partly outlined earlier. But humans are only humans and are imperfect and will die imperfect.

Only God (if you truly believe) can judge in the end. Your parents, siblings, friends etc. can only help guide you. Rest is up to you.
there is a difference between "running 15 km to get 6 mm endorphins" and "lying on the restroom's couch of a night club and buying the morphine"...lol

the difference lies in the thickness of your wallet and the cells (or lackthereof in some cases) in the brain

by the way, since when do nightclub bathrooms have couches? Where are you hanging out sir? :D
I think that the full-bench of the FSC comprising Chief Justice Haziqul Khairi, Justice Salahuddin Mirza and Justice Fida Mohammad Khan, were drunken!!
They also might have heared that famous song before passing the judgment, "Nasha sharab mmain hota tou nachhte botal" :)
I remember one ghazal by Akbar Allahabadi, Sung by Ghulam Ali. "Hungama hai kyon barpa, Thodi si jo pee li hai". Its history is also very amazing. Just picking quotes from someone-

Let me say a couple of things about this particular ghazal.Generally,it is believed that this ghazal is about peena-pilana(taking liquor).It is not really, my dear friends!People ,who have read other works of Akbar Allahabadi know very well how he use to write.Incidenatlly,he never even touched wine in all of his life(like a true devout muslim).This particular piece of poetry has a sense of history and a particular background.It was written when the differences between the congress and Muslim League were at its peak.They were totally divided and fighting with each other.The English were very successful in propagating their(or infamous) famous”Divide and Rule policy”.Sir Syed (Founder of AMU) was a prominenet Muslim leader and was with british establishments.Even at this point of time Akbar Allahabadi was talking about the unity of Hindus and Muslims.Detractors of Akbar Allahabadi concluded that Hindus have offered some Nasha (liquor) to him and this is the reason he was talking totally out of tune and context! Akbar Allahabadi wrote this particular ghazal to address them.If you listen even to the small peice of this ghazal sung beautifully by Ghulam Ali,you may notice that in one of shers that “Us may se nahi matlab jo ………. Maksood(meaning) hain us may se dil hi mein chanati hain………..

Hope it makes sense to at least some of you!!
1) No alcohol, ever - probably a good choice in life

2) Glass of beer or wine with a meal - no problems, potential health benefits, still under debate


3) getting ripped, blotto'd, smashed, trashed - haram

How about making intoxication haram? And what about smoking? Smoking is just as bad, if not worse, than alcohol.

There is no doubt in my mind that Alcohol is Haram, and the punishment for it is lashings which are on record for having been administered to a Sahabi .Incidentally we also find the prophet going to the same Sahabi after his lashings and talking to him kindly and even joking with him. The prophet however rejected the suggestion of Umar that as this Sahabi was caught for the same crime 3 times , he should be beheaded.
In order to understand the teachings of Islam you have to understand the logic behind its rulings. Islam understands that for every act of moderation(for instance 95% of christians always drink in moderation and dont get intoxicated, but 5%do and get addicted) there will be a small minority that would not be able to control themselves. So Islam's answer is to abstain from a potentially bad act which might bring harm to some of the people. It is because till such time that you start , you will never know how you will behave. This principle is the basis of all the commands that Islam enforces on the muslims. I hope you understand why it is not allowed to drink in Islam.
Smoking was declared Haraam by Azhari scholars in the 1920s. Reading that short fatwa was very instructive of how their thought process worked. I''ll try to grab a hold of it again if I can.

The basis for this is the Ayat in Surah Baqara translated as "do not knowingly bring your self to harm" Interestingly the original translation suggested that it was in relation to Muslims donating money to support the war effort and thereby becoming subjugated.
I remember one ghazal by Akbar Allahabadi, Sung by Ghulam Ali. "Hungama hai kyon barpa, Thodi si jo pee li hai". Its history is also very amazing. Just picking quotes from someone-

I could not double thank you for bringing this to light so thank you again!! Akbar Illah abadi was indeed a great and pious man and a devout muslim.
Drinking Alcohol is HARAM ... end of story

You must know the reason for it as well. That way instead of showing a rigid attitude, you express knowledge and act wisely.
It would be pertinent to mention here that throughout the golden era of Islam, alcohol was widely available and used not only in science but socially as well.
It would be pertinent to mention here that throughout the golden era of Islam, alcohol was widely available and used not only in science but socially as well.

Availability should not translate into freedom of use for Muslims. Indeed the keeping, using, buying and selling of Alcohol is haram in Islam. However during the era, we lived amongst Christians and Pagans who consumed and manufactured Alcohol. So where as it was sold and consumed by these pagans, it was considered a crime for muslims to drink alcohol.
Availability should not translate into freedom of use for Muslims. Indeed the keeping, using, buying and selling of Alcohol is haram in Islam. However during the era, we lived amongst Christians and Pagans who consumed and manufactured Alcohol. So where as it was sold and consumed by these pagans, it was considered a crime for muslims to drink alcohol.

...... and yet it WAS used, bought and sold freely during the the hundreds of years of the Islamic golden era without any harm to the Muslims. We are still on the same planet with "christians and pagans" who consume and manufacture alcohol.
...... and yet it WAS used, bought and sold freely during the the hundreds of years of the Islamic golden era without any harm to the Muslims. We are still on the same planet with "christians and pagans" who consume and manufacture alcohol.

As long as the parameters are in use and proper punishments are dealt out JUSTLY!! I dont have any problem with alcxohol being sold. It is a similar matter that in order to avoid people getting addicted we long ago banned Morphine from being manufactured. Tell you what. People just found other drugs to get addicted to.
There is no doubt in my mind that Alcohol is Haram, and the punishment for it is lashings which are on record for having been administered to a Sahabi .Incidentally we also find the prophet going to the same Sahabi after his lashings and talking to him kindly and even joking with him. The prophet however rejected the suggestion of Umar that as this Sahabi was caught for the same crime 3 times , he should be beheaded.
In order to understand the teachings of Islam you have to understand the logic behind its rulings. Islam understands that for every act of moderation(for instance 95% of christians always drink in moderation and dont get intoxicated, but 5%do and get addicted) there will be a small minority that would not be able to control themselves. So Islam's answer is to abstain from a potentially bad act which might bring harm to some of the people. It is because till such time that you start , you will never know how you will behave. This principle is the basis of all the commands that Islam enforces on the muslims. I hope you understand why it is not allowed to drink in Islam.

actually these people know all this info, but just act ignorant

every american can see what happens when they become drunk, they may never know they wake up in a garbage can next morning
As long as the parameters are in use and proper punishments are dealt out JUSTLY!! I dont have any problem with alcxohol being sold. It is a similar matter that in order to avoid people getting addicted we long ago banned Morphine from being manufactured. Tell you what. People just found other drugs to get addicted to.

Exactly. Let it be, and just guide and educate people properly, that is all. After all, self-inflicted damages are by definition self-limiting.
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