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Drinking liqour is not Haram - Federal Shariat Court

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Is smoking Halal???? I need to reconfirm your quotes ... so give me clear references. Chapter and verse....

I think they are Sura 5, Verse 91 and Sura 2, Verse 219.
Why follow religion when it comes to habbits that are haraam for your body.
Drinking excesivly will result in Liver and Spleen damage, Smoking will result in resoiratory damage.
Drinking can be accepted when it is used as a apitizing agent or a heating agent in case of cold countries.
So any thing that is excessive is haraam
they r there 5:91 & 2:219...!!!

go ahead ban them in india...

I was replying to your post.

Was it on India?

In India drinking is allowed.

Heard the ghazals?

They are mostly on jam.
Why follow religion when it comes to habbits that are hallal for your body.
Drinking excesivly will result in Liver and Spleen damage, Smoking will result in resoiratory damage.
Drinking can be accepted when it is used as a apitizing agent or a heating agent in case of cold countries.
So any thing that is excessive is Hallal

I think u r using the wrong word ... u probably wantd to say "haraam" !!!
In Sahi Bukari it is written that "Hur nasha danay wali cheez haram hay".
I am.

Because it is a diktat.

Wiki states

According to the usul al-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence), the fatwā must meet the following conditions in order to be valid:

The fatwā is in line with relevant legal proofs, deduced from Qur'anic verses and ahadith; provided the hadith was not later abrogated by Muhammad.
It is issued by a person (or a board) having due knowledge and sincerity of heart;
It is free from individual opportunism, and not depending on political servitude;
It is adequate with the needs of the contemporary world.

Therefore, I was wondering if the poster has considered the same before foreclosing any options.

Well Well..........You know Islam more than i know!!!!
Than you must have also came across the word 'Haram' in Quran.
The debate here is is about Haram.... which are clearly mentioned in Quran...

I will never debate on Hadith because most of them are made in UK.
In Sahi Bukari it is written that "Hur nasha danay wali cheez haram hay".

Why Quran did not mention the word Haram?

Dear... i need reference from Quran. I have not yet reconfirmed above quoted reference from Quran, but all what i understand from above quote is that every thing which keep us away from 'SALAT' is WRONG.

While we also know 'SALAT' is your right toward Allah, which can be forgiven but Quran mention many rights towards society which can never be forgiven.

Remember 'ZAKAT' is equally important than 'SALAT' and 50% of Pakistan do not pay it !!!!!!!!!!

Point is there are more important issue to debate in reference to Islam and there are things which are clearly forbidden and those include 'CORRUPTION'

IMO... We must focus equally more on what is 'FARZ' on us and there is long list..... because 'SALAT' is farz which is disturbed by wine drinking and while we ignore remaining 'FARZ' intentionaly.

Personally, i'm less disturbed by (occasional) wine drinker than a corrupt person who support the enemies of Pakistan.
Sir we know Abrahamic Religions sir as per Islam no single PROPHET drank alchoal or allowed alcohal for its people they all prohibited it but people later change their teachings and made alcohal legal for themselves

Sir, to be blunt, that is ridiculous. Abraham drank wine. So did Noah (Genesis 9:20-25). So did Jesus.

You can cover your ears and eyes and say "Nyaah nyaah, I don't hear or see any of that! It's not true!" but unfortunately, it is. There is nothing wrong with wine. It is a natural product. What's wrong are fallible people who ABUSE wine.
There is no such thing as moderate smoking. It's all harmful. And it is absolutely intoxicating. No, you won't fall unconscious, but to a new user, nicotine will turn you inside out. Major buzz, nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

So why is tobacco okay? It harms the smoker, and it definitely harms society, as the cost to treat smokers' diseases puts an enormous strain on public health systems.

Hash/MJ... HUGELY popular in the ME. Technically illegal, but overlooked in many places.

Intoxicants are illegal? - how about a nice adrenaline "rush" from skydiving? How about those wonderul endorphins your own body makes while running long distances? The endorphins are basically human-made morphine. That's why many people can become addicted to running.

Caffeine - It's easy to cop a nice buzz with some strong coffee.

There are hundreds of Halal substances that intoxicate. So let's be intellectually honest. Either outlaw all of it, or how about this? Allow an adult to make these decisions. If those decisions harm others, like DUI, then punish. Otherwise, glorious freedom, rather than a slave to others' opinions.
this is a country in which the mullahs give khutba that you should not pray in X mosque, you should beat a ahmadi, you should kill the army people, ye that has happened and in the very mosque near my house.

These so called experts give these khutbas instead of preaching that you should not talk while sermon is being given, you should not walk over shoulders during sermon, the number of steps you tak while walking to mosque for friday prayer translate into sawab for each step.

What can you expect??? :no::no::no:
I also witness a Mullah near in a mosque inspiring to kill on infamous cartoon issue.... i had no doubt that this Mullah is a foreign agent.

In my whole life i never came across such inspiration but only now.
IMO the title is falsified and moderators must change it.. FSC never said that consuming liquor is not Haram rather they only banned the whipping as a punnishment.. which is justified as per Quran and Sunnah. as far as islam is concerned telling lie, giving bribe, eating the wealth of orphan etc all are haram but Hadd is not applied on them.. same goes to consuming liquor which is the worst of all harams.
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