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Dreaming India super power by 2020

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In that case, according to your twisted logic. you guys got your satisfaction ....... your own kids, is that willing and for satisfaction's sake ?

India is home to more than 375 million children, comprising nearly 40 percent of the country’s population, the largest number of minors in any country in the world. Despite its ethos of non-violence, tolerance, spirituality and a new trillion-dollar economy, India hosts the world's largest number of sexually abused children, at a far higher rate than any other country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every four girls and one in every seven boys in the world are sexually abused, hardly encouraging, but still far below India’s totals.
Asia Sentinel - Hidden Darkness: Child Sexual Abuse in India

Rather than fighting and coming with all these URLs why don't you tell communist the state of Chinese women hooked to White men in America, I see flag with stars and stripes on ur profile?
Whats the big fuss here ? rather than doing your daily dose of mental-ma......, let the "Truth" prevail, obviously an extreme poverty country's women always need to sell their body for money, am i right ? even children are no exception.

ACCORDING TO Human Rights Watch, there are approximately 15 million prostitutes in India.
Prostitution: A burning issue in India today
Official: More than 1M child prostitutes in India - CNN.com

Well, bro, this issue, (I am all concerned with, I know everything) is important, because China as a nation is rising.

I am not talking about prostitutes. I hate prostitutes whoever they are.

But, I am talking about Chinese girls who are students and who migrated to the US.

Is it correct that they get obsessed with the white Caucasoids and start hating the Mongoloids?

I know the Mongoloid girls of South East Asia like South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc and even of Taiwan and Japan are traitors who back stab their own race and get polluted, give birth to some identity less polluted blood bastardized children.

See this identity less girl:


She is Misa Campo. Her mother is a Filipina who married a Dutch.

She is not a Filipina, I don't know whether she claims to be a Dutch or not...

Now, this polluted blood mixture hates the original Filipinas who are Austronesians very close to Asians in terms of DNA features.

This has been happening in Asia. Once a Mongoloid girl sleeps with a Caucasoid boy, the girl gets polluted and starts hating her own race. In Taiwan such wholesale blood pollution is happening. Once, the majority Hans there get polluted in blood, they will start hating being Chinese. They will adopt a new identity.

Identity comes from your DNA.

Nearly 40% Japanese women have been polluted.

I want to know whether this is true in case of the Chinese.

Here I support the Falun Gong's Falun dafa ideology, that purity of blood matters. Hitler also said the same thing. Thats why I am a follower of Hitler.
This has been happening in Asia. Once a Mongoloid girl sleeps with a Caucasoid boy, the girl gets polluted and starts hating her own race. In Taiwan such wholesale blood pollution is happening. Once, the majority Hans there get polluted in blood, they will start hating being Chinese. They will adopt a new identity.

Does it not sound like caste system mentality in India as if you marry some other caste you get polluted and then you claim all sort of nonsense for the caste system...........
^^ mixed babies are more beautiful than original Asian babies thats a well known fact!! thats why American Chinese/ East Asian girls have sharper and beautiful features!! plus they have broad shoulders, height-weight-proportion(HWP) is very good in mixed people.
This has been happening in Asia. Once a Mongoloid girl sleeps with a Caucasoid boy, the girl gets polluted and starts hating her own race. In Taiwan such wholesale blood pollution is happening. Once, the majority Hans there get polluted in blood, they will start hating being Chinese. They will adopt a new identity.

Does it not sound like caste system mentality in India as if you marry some other caste you get polluted and then you claim all sort of nonsense for the caste system...........

I strongly support the caste system.

I strongly support the endogamy that Manu said in his Smriti.

Caste is your identity.

Similarly, in China, the Falun dafa says Chinese women should not marry Caucasoid boys.
@ communist. dude stop the petty rambling. My fiance' is from Taiwan, I don't appreciate your ridiculous comments. And fyi, she does not hate her own race, in fact she is damn proud of it.
^^ mixed babies are more beautiful than original Asian babies thats a well known fact!! thats why American Chinese/ East Asian girls have sharper and beautiful features!! plus they have broad shoulders, height-weight-proportion(HWP) is very good in mixed people.

No no.... beauty of a woman is not eternal.

As soon as the woman grows older, the beauty gets vanished.
No no.... beauty of a woman is not eternal.

As soon as the woman grows older, the beauty gets vanished.

^^ That is another reason why Asian women are so liked in America, they remain young and look like in their teens even when they are in 40's
I strongly support the caste system.

I strongly support the endogamy that Manu said in his Smriti.

Caste is your identity.

Similarly, in China, the Falun dafa says Chinese women should not marry Caucasoid boys.

no i dont support you on this. as long as caste division is based on your birth it is correct but if you make it as per your birth it is plain wrong. marrying within the same gene pool do create problems its wrong but that does not mean that inter caste or inter ethnicity marriages should be banned. we live in globalized village. of course there are many indians and chinese alike who are of pure blood who hate there own country. just marrying some one from other caste or other ethinicity does not make you a traitor
Rather than fighting and coming with all these URLs why don't you tell communist the state of Chinese women hooked to White men in America, I see flag with stars and stripes on ur profile?

Did you see marks behind your ... ? if yes, please speak up for yourself and the rest of those poor souls in India, god bless "Children in India". 69%, no typo here
Incest in India-How Safe are Our Daughters?
^^ That is another reason why Asian women are so liked in America, they remain young and look like in their teens even when they are in 40's

Yes, I know that.

Thats why I support the Falun Gong practitioners.

I just don't understand what the commie regime in China wants. Does it want to see Caucasoid boys coming to China and steal Chinese women?

Then what will the Chinese men do? Who will they marry? Will they marry lamp posts?
Did you see marks behind your ... ? if yes, please speak up for yourself and the rest of those poor souls in India, god bless "Children in India". 69%, no typo here
Incest in India-How Safe are Our Daughters?

^^ you look to me as a frustrated soul. Did you see recently a Chinese girl making out with an American Guy and now please don't go on rampage like other Chinese are doing back in China, going to School and killing kids and teachers!!
Yes, I know that.

Then what will the Chinese men do? Who will they marry? Will they marry lamp posts?

It's better not to marry than marrying a wrong one. Plus there are lot of conservative Chinese girls back in China, they will marry each other.
^^ you look to me as a frustrated soul. Did you see recently a Chinese girl making out with an American Guy and now please don't go on rampage like other Chinese are doing back in China, going to School and killing kids and teachers!!

I think, the Chinese males must realize this looming danger of ethnic cleansing.

If things go like this, Chinese will become an extinct race.

I appreciate the ancient practice called Jauhar-brat of the historical Rajput women of Rajputana. Though, they pursued this policy under different circumstances. But Chinese women need to learn from them. Rajput women accepted death instead of getting polluted by alien races who invaded Rajput forts to plunder.

Chinese women, if they are patriotic, must not get polluted by Caucasoid males. It is an insult of Mother China. It is disgusting. Had I been a brother of father of any Chinese woman who loves any Caucasoid male, I would have surely killed her before her blood gets polluted, no matter whatever the punishment is. Honor is my first preference. I will protect the honor of the nation at any cost.

On Chinese Adolf Hitler said:

On Chinese , Hitler said on the record: in his Politial Testament

" In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them".
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It's a very difficult thing when you live in US, you are in between beautiful and attractive people, it's human nature to go for the best. This patriotism and nationalism are good but humans are bit selfish in nature. They will choose a beautiful partner than sacrificing their lives on some jingoism
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