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DRDO readies for ‘Astra’ test

he is right..No comparison between us and them..
what they do with millions of expenditure..we do the same for much less..

I suggest we come back to the topic now...
or the thread will spiral out of control...

Obviously. It is a shame for us Pakistanis to be compared to indians.

I don't care for the topic though....indians are SO dumb that few stupid posts of mine caused them to destroy their OWN thread :lol:
he is right..No comparison between us and them..
what they do with millions of expenditure..we do the same for much less..

I suggest we come back to the topic now...
or the thread will spiral out of control...

And you do much less also ..........
Lets come back to the topic..enough trolling already....
In Saudia Astra Stands for Arab Supply And TRAding. Its a Trading Corporation.
**** Saudi.

I am about to infringe on your avatar.

Do you have any patents for it? (Eve if you do, you aren't getting anything :rofl:)

What else can you Low life Indian do??? Copy others!!! Your rockets are copied from russia and you just Paint them
Despite the trolling, IMO this article is self contradicting
Astra cannot be considered world class yet. A world class weapon is something that is tried, tested and most importantly given preference over other similar systems because of its
A) performance
B) reliability
C) Economies of scale (the degree to which it falls)

That being said, I hope the armed forces don't shelve the project,DRDO despite their shortcomings have delivered in the past.
Despite the trolling, IMO this article is self contradicting
Astra cannot be considered world class yet. A world class weapon is something that is tried, tested and most importantly given preference over other similar systems because of its
A) performance
B) reliability
C) Economies of scale (the degree to which it falls)

That being said, I hope the armed forces don't shelve the project,DRDO despite their shortcomings have delivered in the past.

So true, I just hate Indian media for claiming everything and anything under test as World class. We seriously need to ask them how a system under test be compared with already operational systems. Either DRDO is passing a self praising stories to the media or our media guys have gone nuts and add all their fantasies while reporting about any such events.

I don't mind best marketing for the stuff but not before it is ready to use. In the end, it is the product that has to prove its worth not some silly reports in media channels. Time for DRDO/media to get a bit mature..
LEave Auz alone guys, its that time of the month for him.

Ahhhhh at last one good come back! :cheers: Thanks Given.

crying bharti babies should learn something from you...
lol... I post garbage to Indians most of the time..cuz indians suck on it.

Look what I did to this thread...

There is another Astra threat running on this forum...usko baksh diya hai mein ne ...shukar kr ...:agree:

For which now many of your comrades will pay price, despite being innocent
Same applies to me...i had the same fun as you ,and me too moves on :)

Ok back to Astra...How much of the missile is "Indigenous"?
and what are the specs?

The active radar seeker of the missile and its launcher have been sourced from Russia.
Development Targets were set in 2008

DRDO to undertake first full test flight of ASTRA missile
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 29 July 2008 07:51 - Last Updated Tuesday, 29 July 2008 09:51
In a major technology leap, Indian defence scientists are ready to go ahead with the first full test
flight of its indigenously developed air to air beyond visual range missile, ASTRA.

The test flight from an IAF Sukhoi fighter aircraft could be undertaken "anytime in the next 45
days", top DRDO officials said.
A successful test flight of ASTRA will plunge India into a select group of nations to have such a
Only US, France, Russia and China have so far produced such advance missiles, which
enables fighter pilots to lock-on and shoot down enemy aircraft almost 90-120 km away.
Describing ASTRA as a futuristic missile, DRDO scientists said the weapon will intercept the
target at mach 1.2 to 1.4 speed.
The missile has already been tested on ground to prove its avionics, guidance and other
sub-systems including propulsion.
Any success with air to air ASTRA missile will come as another milestone in defence research
and cap recent strings of success the DRDO scientists have had in building at producing for the
country -- short to medium range -- surface to surface missile system capable of delivering
nuclear war heads at long distances.
The test firing of the ASTRA missile may coincide with the second test firing of country's
anti-missile missile, which is also due by September this year.
The defence scientists are also near breakthrough in test firing the country's first underwater
launch ballistic missile, Sagarika.
Sagarika has already been test fired from a pontoon, but now DRDO is planning a full-fledged
test of the missile from a sub-marine and for this purpose may use the services of a Russian
Amur class sub-marine.
Planned to arm the country's indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas, ASTRA after user trail by
IAF may now be initially integrated with the SU-30 MKI and later with LCA.
Though DRDO scientist refused to give out the range of the ASTRA missile, sources said for
extreme high altitude interdiction the initial series of ASTRA missile will have 90-110 km skill
But at lower altitudes of up to 30,000 ft the missile will have a range of 44 kms and those
launched at sea level of up to 30 kms.
1 / 2DRDO to undertake first full test flight of ASTRA missile
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 29 July 2008 07:51 - Last Updated Tuesday, 29 July 2008 09:51
DRDO officials said ASTRA could also arm the IAF's frontline aircraft MIG-29 and Mirage 2000
which are to go in for mid-life upgradation this year.
Notwithstanding the test firing of ASTRA, the upgraded Mirage 2000 are also likely to be armed
with MBDA's new meteor world-class air to air beyond visual range missiles.
Along with undertaking testing of various range of missiles, the DRDO is pursuing with vigour
new futuristic missile technology based on hyper-sonic rockets.
Under this project, the Indian scientists are developing a hyper-sonic vehicle which will have a
dual use technology.
These hyper-sonic missiles with a speed of more than Mach 5 can be converted as long-range
cruise missiles of the future.
"The laboratory trails are progressing well and when finally developed this hyper sonic rocket
systems can also be used for launching satellites at low cost," DRDO officials said.
The DRDO is also focusing on development of multiple role missiles, under which a single
missile would incorporate precision guided sub-munitions which would attack multiple target
instead of a single target.

Some Specs are as follows.

The 3.8 metre long missile, having a diameter of 178 mm with an overall launch weight of 160 kg, can carry a warhead containing conventional explosives weighing 15 kg. It can be fitted to any fighter aircraft.

The active radar seeker of the missile and its launcher have been sourced from Russia.

IAF must be aiming for a cheap[er alternative of imported missiles,as these BVR missiles can be expensive...
Same applies to me...i had the same fun as you ,and me too moves on :)

Ok back to Astra...How much of the missile is "Indigenous"?

Much more than any pakistani one .........;)

and what are the specs?

Weight 154 kg
Length 3570 mm
Diameter 178 mm
Warhead 15 kg (33 lb) HE fragmentation directional warhead

Detonation mechanism - Radar proximity fuze

Engine Solid Fuel Rocket
Wingspan 254 mm

Operational range 80-110 km

Flight ceiling 66,000 ft
Speed Mach 4 + (4780 Km/h)

Guidance system - Inertial, mid-course update and terminal active radar homing (15 km)



Developmental Trial of Astra Missile Conducted


India today conducted developmental trial of its indigenously developed beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile 'Astra' from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, 15 km from here.

The sophisticated missile was test-fired from a launcher in launch pad-2 of the ITR at about 01:25 pm targeting a flying object being supported by a pilotless target air-craft 'Lakshya', defence sources said.

The single stage, solid fuelled 'Astra' missile is more advanced in its category than the contemporary BVR missiles and is capable of engaging and destroying highly manoeuvrable supersonic aerial targets.

The 3.8 metre long missile, having a diameter of 178 mm with an overall launch weight of 160 kg, can carry a warhead containing conventional explosives weighing 15 kg. It can be fitted to any fighter aircraft.

It is intended to be eventually integrated with Sukhoi-30 MKI, MiG-29, Mirage-2000, Jaguar and the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft of the Indian Air Force, the sources said.

Describing 'Astra' as a futuristic missile, DRDO scientists said the weapon could intercept the target at supersonic speed.

"Before being made fully operational, the complex missile system will undergo some more trials, though tests of its navigation, control, air frame, propulsion and other sub-system have been validated," the sources said.

DRDO scientists are working to ensure that 'Astra' performs effectively at different altitudes - one at an altitude of 15 km with 90 to 110 km range, another at an altitude up to 30,000 ft having a range of 44 km while the third at sea level with a range of 21 km, the sources added.

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