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DRDO Outlines Future Goals for this year and beyond

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There are many labs under DRDO which don't receive funding for months. For a limited budget, you can't expect them to deliver fast results like the Americans or Europeans. :disagree:

Sir I think what he mean was the wrong management. And NOT the need.

We all agree that we need DRDO. Success and failure is part of game. Both will come eventually.
LCA is fine example of mismanagement and over confidence.

DRDO's reputation is at it's best when it comes to BM. Guess why ??? That project was implemented as it was supposed to be. When we were developing Prithavi there were plans for Agni too. But no one back then talk about Agni. They let Prithavi evolve and then turn to Agni.

Look at LCA project. Mark-1 is still in test phase. Mark-2 isn't even in prototype but we are having news and interviews on how stealthy Mark-3 will be.
DRDO GOALs for this year ... Failing the Project like every year & Finally giving Politicians a Chance to Import More Foriegn Equipments...

why not you try to become a DRDO scientist to make all of us proud,instead of critiscing others. they are doing their job very well with their limited budget and with their limited experience when compared to others. you cant expect everything from the strating itself. so try to do something better or you please better keep watching.but dont criticise others.
Sir I think what he mean was the wrong management. And NOT the need.

We all agree that we need DRDO. Success and failure is part of game. Both will come eventually.
LCA is fine example of mismanagement and over confidence.

DRDO's reputation is at it's best when it comes to BM. Guess why ??? That project was implemented as it was supposed to be. When we were developing Prithavi there were plans for Agni too. But no one back then talk about Agni. They let Prithavi evolve and then turn to Agni.

Look at LCA project. Mark-1 is still in test phase. Mark-2 isn't even in prototype but we are having news and interviews on how stealthy Mark-3 will be.

Sanctions played a major role in delaying Tejas, if Pokhran II didn't happened, there would have been more than 100 Tejas flying in IAF colors. Not to mention DRDO/HAL did design all the major sub systems all by themselves, which could have been easily imported from western vendors.

And fickle mindedness of IAF did the rest of the manage, they kept on changing parameters in the whole development process. It was meant to be a Mig-21 replacement, damn it! Just induct and get done with it.
Sanctions played a major role in delaying Tejas, if Pokhran II didn't happened, there would have been more than 100 Tejas flying in IAF colors. Not to mention DRDO/HAL did design all the major sub systems all by themselves, which could have been easily imported from western vendors.

And fickle mindedness of IAF did the rest of the manage, they kept on changing parameters in the whole development process. It was meant to be a Mig-21 replacement, damn it! Just induct and get done with it.

Not against it. Sanctions do cause delays. But what after that ??? When sanctions where off we already knew our Engine wasnt going to make it. We should have started a JV right then and purchased the stop gap engine. Ene though France didn't impose sanctions on us. But we didn't. What will you call it sir ??? We do agree to start JV which still hasn't be signed yet. We would have been able to save minimum 4/5 years and Mark-2 would have been near induction by now. But would and could don't get us anything.
We are new to something's. I know it will take time to learn but a good management could have made a better situation for Tejas. Don't you agree ???
Brilliant minds in DRDO are now implementing the suggestions those are here on PDF from years.

Need I say more :rofl:

Why avoid replying to Bolded part about responsibility ??? Hard isn't it ??? So you are saying qualified people aren't able to pin-point who's the accountable for failure ???

..because I don't entertain fools.

As said before don't need your certificate on my language skills or it's the only thing you can reply to avoid the actual topic ???

The topic is 'DRDO Outlines Future Goals for this year and beyond' .... and I thank the DRDO scientists for their transparency, dedication to the nation and sharing the outlines of Future Goals with Indians. :tup:
Need I say more :rofl:

..because I don't entertain fools.

The topic is 'DRDO Outlines Future Goals for this year and beyond' .... and I thank the DRDO scientists for their transparency, dedication to the nation and sharing the outlines of Future Goals with Indians. :tup:

Hahahahah why not just fu@k off than trying to amuse me ;)
Guess what I am not even interested in the amusement by the Fools :rofl:
Hahahahah why not just fu@k off than trying to amuse me ;)
Guess what I am not even interested in the amusement by the Fools :rofl:

Its more fun tearing down fcuk's who are mindwashed by 50 cents army to pick on DRDO in pdf and thinking no one will object :P
Not against it. Sanctions do cause delays. But what after that ??? When sanctions where off we already knew our Engine wasnt going to make it. We should have started a JV right then and purchased the stop gap engine. Ene though France didn't impose sanctions on us. But we didn't. What will you call it sir ??? We do agree to start JV which still hasn't be signed yet. We would have been able to save minimum 4/5 years and Mark-2 would have been near induction by now. But would and could don't get us anything.
We are new to something's. I know it will take time to learn but a good management could have made a better situation for Tejas. Don't you agree ???

For JV, one has to get nod of affirmation from Ministry of Defense, which my sir, is incompetent in making any long term assessment.
For JV, one has to get nod of affirmation from Ministry of Defense, which my sir, is incompetent in making any long term assessment.

Ok I agree with you on this. But what about the DRDO's claims on the Engine is going to make it ??? If they would have understand it before then the time su@king MOD procedure would have started earlier. There are tonns of articles and statements from DRDO about Engine. MOD are not technical people they see only papers but DRDO guies are techies. Why they wait till total closing of project. And if I am not wrong MOd made them close the project as it was over running costs without results.
Ok I agree with you on this. But what about the DRDO's claims on the Engine is going to make it ??? If they would have understand it before then the time su@king MOD procedure would have started earlier. There are tonns of articles and statements from DRDO about Engine. MOD are not technical people they see only papers but DRDO guies are techies. Why they wait till total closing of project. And if I am not wrong MOd made them close the project as it was over running costs without results.

Kaveri project is not closed, and if you follow other engine developments throughout the world, DRDO ain't doing that bad. Look at china for that matter, still reluctant to fit WS-10 on their fighters, even if it's satisfying the thrust criteria. And the mean time between critical depot level maintenance is pathetically poor.

There are many aspects of engine development, thrust, weight, reliability and mean time between maintenance and such.
Comprehension problem nutcase ??? I said skip means fu@k off
1. What bluff ??? Come out in reality
Brilliant minds in DRDO are now implementing the suggestions those are here on PDF from years. Need more details goto somebody technically aware like @sancho but I know you are happy with your ...whatever
2. Yes my ignorance is burden so is yours. Why avoid replying to Bolded part about responsibility ??? Hard isn't it ??? So you are saying qualified people aren't able to pin-point who's the accountable for failure ??? I am not expecting anything form you :rofl: be happy in your wonderland :tup:

3. As said before don't need your certificate on my language skills or it's the only thing you can reply to avoid the actual topic ???

Total waste of time and bandwidth. So just try not to quote again and again

Keep preaching bro. What we are all saying on this forum makes sense and there are ppl in the govt who notice. I am convinced that if one of us post logical sound advice it will get picked up and implemented. But what bothers me is that folks like us are able to make such great contributions yet our govt and burecrats lack this ability. The reason like someone suggested. It is called inheritance politics. Take a look throughout the entire political spectrum. Ministers are getting their kin elected to take their former seats to lead us. They are just as incompetent as their fathers. The Indian govt is controlling social media more than ever to control the we hear and read and so we the ppl don;t organize effectively.
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Kaveri project is not closed, and if you follow other engine developments throughout the world, DRDO ain't doing that bad. Look at china for that matter, still reluctant to fit WS-10 on their fighters, even if it's satisfying the thrust criteria. And the mean time between critical depot level maintenance is pathetically poor.

There are many aspects of engine development, thrust, weight, reliability and mean time between maintenance and such.

Sorry didn't make it clear
- Not saying Kaveri is closed. I wanted to say Kaveri application in LCA was not possible with IAf's changed requirements. That was the fact DRDO should have understand. Then instread of modifying they would have gone for a stop gap engine
- you are right on the other engine developments around the world. But nobody in the world had build a new plane around a new engine. They built it around tested engine and then develope new engine.
- China isn't ready to add WS-10. That's exactly my point sit. They are going for Tested Russian engines over their unsure engine. We did exactly opposite. Didn't we ???
- I am not saying developing engine is simple thing and we should have done that by now. Kaveri itself is a big achievement. But it caused LCA 5/6 years delay
Sorry didn't make it clear
- Not saying Kaveri is closed. I wanted to say Kaveri application in LCA was not possible with IAf's changed requirements. That was the fact DRDO should have understand. Then instread of modifying they would have gone for a stop gap engine

Then what is F404 and F414?

- you are right on the other engine developments around the world. But nobody in the world had build a new plane around a new engine. They built it around tested engine and then develope new engine.
- China isn't ready to add WS-10. That's exactly my point sit. They are going for Tested Russian engines over their unsure engine. We did exactly opposite. Didn't we ???
- I am not saying developing engine is simple thing and we should have done that by now. Kaveri itself is a big achievement. But it caused LCA 5/6 years delay

No, engine development though a bit late, but i won't rate it abnormally slow. I can site you dozens of engine projects around the world. Compared to that, DRDO is working for pennies.

And there were many aircraft projects which were abandoned because of non availability of required engine parameters. Glad Tejas is not going that way.
Then what is F404 and F414?

No, engine development though a bit late, but i won't rate it abnormally slow. I can site you dozens of engine projects around the world. Compared to that, DRDO is working for pennies.

And there were many aircraft projects which were abandoned because of non availability of required engine parameters. Glad Tejas is not going that way.

The question should be when than what Sir.
A ten year old article first para
The Hindu : LCA economics

We agree to disagree. But got to go sir. New years eve. Party is waiting. Happy new your to you in advance. :D
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