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DRDO lab engineer held for sharing information on India’s missile programme with ‘Pakistani spy’

What kind of stupid statement is that? All's fair in love and war. Just train your troops that loose lips sink ships and to keep their dicks in their pants and you wont have a problem.

But saar jee, sexy chat with REAL Pakistani gural is worth selling national secret...

Yaar it's very simple

It's a sting,, you have ISI teams trained to con Indians

The teams will entirely consist of men, they will then use fake pictures, mostly just obtained from the internet to hook desperate Indian military officials

Then continue to use the internet as source material to continue to lead these Indians on and obtain information

Any female agent will have short term involvement and will be surrounded by handlers at all times all recording information and providing support

Indians have fallen for this repeatedly and given up sensitive information on numerous Indian military programmes

I can confirm this. I have a weirdo cousin that used to pretend to be a girl and call guys to get free shit and humiliate/record/embarrass/blackmail them. I thought he was a weirdo chuttiya until I realized all his friends do this and he probably learned this from them. Apparently, Pakistanis guys are experts at this shit.
They were interacting for two years. So you can imagine what he and she exchanged.
Indians are dumb there is a thing called the internet it doesn't take 2 seconds to download fake bob and vagina pics the question of what she exchanged should be pretty simple.

Ekattor Dada,

I wonder if Indians employ the same tactics on Pakistanis too and if they had any success.

Doubtful. Modest success if at all.

1. Pak women are too beautiful, it is unlikely that Pak soldiers would fall for Indian honey traps.
2. Whatever be our differences with Pak as a nation, no one can deny the patriotism of Pak Army.

I wonder if Indians employ the same tactics on Pakistanis too and if they had any success.

Doubtful. Modest success if at all.

1. Pak women are too beautiful, it is unlikely that Pak soldiers would fall for Indian honey traps.
2. Whatever be our differences with Pak as a nation, no one can deny the patriotism of Pak Army.


Or maybe they don't publish it. Which makes me wonder why the Indian military publishes about such people being nabbed. They can quietly be court-martialed. I mean, we civvies know it only because the Military decided to go public with it isn't it? Do you think there is more than meets the eye?

Ekattor Dada,

I wonder if Indians employ the same tactics on Pakistanis too and if they had any success.

Doubtful. Modest success if at all.

1. Pak women are too beautiful, it is unlikely that Pak soldiers would fall for Indian honey traps.
2. Whatever be our differences with Pak as a nation, no one can deny the patriotism of Pak Army.


I saw what you did there :devil:
Or maybe they don't publish it. Which makes me wonder why the Indian military publishes about such people being nabbed. They can quietly be court-martialed. I mean, we civvies know it only because the Military decided to go public with it isn't it? Do you think there is more than meets the eye?

Ahem I was suggesting this. Men are men, all over the world, throughout history men fell for honey traps. It will continue into the future until AI powered humanoid companions become mainstream and affordable.

Despite Indian military publishing it, it remains a fact that the Indian military needs to provide further training to it's personnel.


Ekattor Dada,

I wonder if Indians employ the same tactics on Pakistanis too and if they had any success.

Doubtful. Modest success if at all.

1. Pak women are too beautiful, it is unlikely that Pak soldiers would fall for Indian honey traps.
2. Whatever be our differences with Pak as a nation, no one can deny the patriotism of Pak Army.


They indeed are as per the assertions of Pakistanis. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Refer to my reply above.

PS: I did notice your sarcasm.
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AT some level
it does get down to ordinary indian knowing their stock is lesser.
The DNA problem won't go away and the indians know it.
I wonder if the Americans and Russians are a "lesser stock" too with Russians having some of the most beautiful women in the world.

Looks are not just subjective, but also likely to be largely irrelevant in many such cases. People who cheat on their spouses or engage in lustful virtual relationships do not do so entirely because some jannat ki hoor or swarg ki apsara has landed on their lap. They get a thrill out of it, just as people get a thrill out of dangerous driving. Playing dirty turns on many people. Handlers in espionage understand this psychology. Immature forumers don't.
Looks are not just subjective, but also likely to be largely irrelevant in many such cases. People who cheat on their spouses or engage in lustful virtual relationships do not do so entirely because some jannat ki hoor or swarg ki apsara has landed on their lap. They get a thrill out of it, just as people get a thrill out of dangerous driving. Playing dirty turns on many people. Handlers in espionage understand this psychology. Immature forumers don't.

Even if we leave out the "adventure and thrill of cheating" part and focus exclusively on the beauty part only, even then many people find women beautiful that others may find repulsive. I am very much sexually attracted to African black women (many people are) whereas Pakistanis don't find African women and people attractive. So I don't buy the theory that it's because "ugly gangus" were lusting over "beautiful Pakistani women". If that was so, what caused the American white men to fall for Soviet women and vice versa?
So I don't buy the theory that it's because "ugly gangus" were lusting over "beautiful Pakistani women". If that was so, what caused the American white men to fall for Soviet women and vice versa?

You cannot use this logic on certain people who refuse to grow even half a brain. Firstly, even if we gangus are an ugly lot, is it not possible that out of millions of women there are some attractive ones? After all these men are falling for women claiming to be Indians and the men are not doubting their nationality. Its not as if some Swedish blonde pretended to be Arti Sharma from Chandigarh. If Indians were so bankrupt of beauty and Pakistanis awash with it, it would be a such an easy giveaway, and our boys' antennas would have been on alert. But then, I have no patience to argue with such people. It is a good thing if most do not understand the real MO. It means less future supply of espionage handlers
Even if we leave out the "adventure and thrill of cheating" part and focus exclusively on the beauty part only, even then many people find women beautiful that others may find repulsive. I am very much sexually attracted to African black women (many people are) whereas Pakistanis don't find African women and people attractive. So I don't buy the theory that it's because "ugly gangus" were lusting over "beautiful Pakistani women". If that was so, what caused the American white men to fall for Soviet women and vice versa?

Americans and Russians are both members of the white european races. They are essentially the same race, the same dna and bloodline.
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