The beauty aspect of the argument needs to be further dissected as it may indicate towards other issues. If 80 men out of 100 say a woman is beautiful, you can tell with a lot of confidence that the woman is indeed beautiful. In the age of social media, we get to see opinions of people from all around the world about beauty of women of various ethnicities, typically you come across mentions of Asian women, Latina/Hispanic women, Russian women, Swedish women, middle-eastern women and others. I don't remember ever seeing any people talking specifically about Pakistani women or men. That claim seems to be a claim that originates from the Pakistanis themselves. Heck even an unpalatable example, albeit useful can be used here. If you search for escort websites on the internet you will see various filters such as ethnicity, complexion, height, bust size and many other. I have never seen a filter where you can select Pakistani, they are all categorized under Indian or South Asian. This kind of self boasting claim is consistent with other claims such as the "martial race" claim, a 2/3 times bigger hidden economy claim etc. All of them seem to originate from themselves without corroboration from any others, it's almost as though a lot of great secrets are hidden in the plain sight of the people of the world. This kind of claims don't determine the exquisite beauty of them or lack of it, their martial prowess or lack of it, their hidden wealth or lack of it. What it consistently demonstrates though is a tendency of unsubstantiated verbiage and boast, indicating towards severe lack of education, exposure, development and evolution of the society.