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Dr Shakeel Afridi, charged with murder


Sep 18, 2011
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PESHAWAR: A Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA find Osama bin Laden has been charged with murder in a case related to a teenage boy who died after the doctor performed surgery on him for appendicitis in 2006, his lawyer said on Friday.

The new case raises further doubt about whether Shakil Afridi, who is being held in prison pending retrial on a separate charge, will ever be freed as US officials have demanded. The case has caused friction between Pakistan and the US, complicating a relationship that Washington views as vital for fighting the Taliban and al-Qaida, as well as negotiating an end to the war in neighboring Afghanistan.

The murder charge stems from a complaint filed by the deceased teenage boy's mother, Nasib Gula, who said Afridi was not authorized to operate on her son because he was a physician, not a surgeon, said the doctor's lawyer, Samiullah Afridi. The boy died from complications following the surgery, which took place in Pakistan's remote Khyber tribal area, the lawyer said.

The lawyer, who is not related to his client, said the case had no merit because too much time had passed since the incident. The trial has been scheduled for mid-December, he said.

The doctor is currently being held in prison. He was convicted of "conspiring against the state'' in May 2012 and sentenced to 33 years in prison. His conviction was related to allegations that he gave money and provided medical treatment to Islamic militants in Khyber, not for helping the CIA track down bin Laden. The doctor's family and the militants denied the allegations.

A senior judicial officer overturned the prison sentence and ordered his re-trial in August, saying the person who sentenced the doctor was not authorized to hear the case.

Afridi's situation has sparked widely divergent views inside and outside of Pakistan.

In the US and other Western nations, Afridi was viewed as a hero who had helped eliminate the world's most wanted man. The doctor ran a vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA in an attempt to verify the al-Qaida leader's presence at the compound in the town of Abbottabad. US commandos later killed bin Laden there in May 2011 in a unilateral raid.

Pakistani officials were outraged by the bin Laden operation, which led to international suspicion that they had been harboring al-Qaida's founder. In their eyes, Afridi was a traitor who had collaborated with a foreign spy agency in an illegal operation on Pakistani soil.

Pakistan doctor who helped CIA find Osama bin Laden charged with murder - The Times of India
He compelled to this charge.
whole nation was lying 10 years that OBL not in pakistan after that this doctor leaked out both OBL resident as well as nation's lie. DNA of this doctor might be different.

The story goes as he didn't even know who he was videotaping, he just went in without an idea of who the family and the individual was and only came to know much later when OBL was killed there.
We f*cked up. He (and family) should have been taken to the U.S. BEFORE the UBL raid went down. You just knew that after Pakistans duplicitous acts were exposed that they would lash out with some bogus charge.:usflag:

Just like Dr. Aafia? o_O
We f*cked up. He (and family) should have been taken to the U.S. BEFORE the UBL raid went down. You just knew that after Pakistans duplicitous acts were exposed that they would lash out with some bogus charge.

Yeah right just like Malala and Dr. Afia Siddique!!!

U Americans should be last people in Earth to say this:pop:

Also it was Yr NY times who first reported btw him and his contributions that how we came to know abt him, so it means yr not serious on him anyways!!!
At least Malala got out of that dump. Siddique is a terrorist wanna-be. She's where she NEEDS to be. Like I said, we should have known Pakistan would pull something f@cked up after we exposed them as the back stabbers that they are.
Back stabbers???????? Thisccoming from Americans some of the most two faced double speaking forked tongued twats in the world who have screwed over countless innocent people and countries for their self interest is actually a quite a complement

Right and wrong is a very selective thing for the Americans

Doctor sahib should hang by the balls for working for a foreign country
He is partly responsible for the worsening of the polio epidemic in Pakistan.

Not to mention dealing with foreign security agencies to make a quick buck.
This guy needs to be handed life, no mercy.
He is partly responsible for the worsening of the polio epidemic in Pakistan.

Not to mention dealing with foreign security agencies to make a quick buck.
This guy needs to be handed life, no mercy.

If true then incarcerate him for those offenses, why bring up trumped charges instead? why is GOP afraid of calling him a traitor if they think he is one and why not try him for treason?
We f*cked up. He (and family) should have been taken to the U.S. BEFORE the UBL raid went down. You just knew that after Pakistans duplicitous acts were exposed that they would lash out with some bogus charge.:usflag:

Indeed it was your f*cking mess.... like always.
You should have run back ground check... before hiring.
If true then incarcerate him for those offenses, why bring up trumped charges instead? why is GOP afraid of calling him a traitor if they think he is one and why not try him for treason?
Imagine someone being tried for helping kill OBL.. Kind of blatantly removes the veil of denial from the face of Pakistan.. Doesnt it. So its going to be trumped up charges only...Makes Pakistan looks silly.. As if anyone outside of Pakistan is buying this cock and bull story :)
Imagine someone being tried for helping kill OBL.. Kind of blatantly removes the veil of denial from the face of Pakistan.. Doesnt it. So its going to be trumped up charges only...Makes Pakistan looks silly.. As if anyone outside of Pakistan is buying this cock and bull story :)


Figured as much.
Imagine someone being tried for helping kill OBL.. Kind of blatantly removes the veil of denial from the face of Pakistan.. Doesnt it. So its going to be trumped up charges only...Makes Pakistan looks silly.. As if anyone outside of Pakistan is buying this cock and bull story :)

He has been charged for helping terrorists not for helping OBL kill ;)
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