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Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf

People are extremely ill informed . All cases against AQ Khan was recorded way back, during Benazir era and during Nawaz govt. These cases were hand over to Mushi right after his military takeover. Investigation about these cases never been done in Pakistan. His agent was caught in Dubai, who point the finger at AQ.

Not only that but our Libyan and Iranian "Muslim Brothers" pointed fingers at him. The reason, he was trying to pull a fast one on them --selling them old technology for new money - we will remain Pakistanis to the core ;-)

The Libyan and Iranian evidence pushed GoP to take action otherwise what he was doing on the sidelines as far as his personal and offical businesses is concerned -- everyone knew about it.

No Pakistani individual, Father of the Bomb or otherwise is above Pakistan - this thing should be the corner stone of our discussion on this gentleman:pakistan:
No Pakistani individual, Father of the Bomb or otherwise is above Pakistan - this thing should be the corner stone of our discussion on this gentleman

I agree, i dont know how a nuclear armed Iran is in the strategic interest of Pakistan?

Kowtowing after 1 call----talk is cheap---everybody can talk the talk----.

Please consider yourself in Musharraf's place---you are the millitary dictator of pakistan---walk us throug as to what you would do and how would you navigate us through that tumulous time.

I would never even think considering my self to be in his place as i m not backstabber dishonest fool or some punk who would make a nation up side down just to stay in power have this moron not taken over pakistan in 1999 i can bet a million dollars pakistan would have never said yes to U.S

I came across alot of people supporting Mush and all of them living out of pakistan the impression goes as ya all want people of pakistan to suffer why don't you bring your little azz back to pakistan n start your so call support for the great dictators so 1 could understand the real logic of your support
I also stated that if A.Q. Khan is innocent than why not pro Sharif judiciary declare him innocent?
Why Sharif not ask for his reinstatement?
I find it so laughable that in a corrupt to the core country like Pakistan, people have a hard time believing that AQK actually sold nuclear technology for money.
I would never even think considering my self to be in his place as i m not backstabber dishonest fool or some punk who would make a nation up side down just to stay in power have this moron not taken over pakistan in 1999 i can bet a million dollars pakistan would have never said yes to U.S

I came across alot of people supporting Mush and all of them living out of pakistan the impression goes as ya all want people of pakistan to suffer why don't you bring your little azz back to pakistan n start your so call support for the great dictators so 1 could understand the real logic of your support


How are you today? azz I stated earlier---talk is cheap---. If you say something, then tell us what you would do under those circumstances----and you don't want to---because you have absolutely no clue as to what could be done except for having millions of pakistanis killed in a war----pakistan's assets destroyed----america and india taken charge of pakistan---.

It is not neccessary to be living out of pakistan to make that judgement call---but some of us who do----a few of us have a different perspective as well.

You just beingf an atypical critic----you want to critiscize a decision but you do not have an alternate course of action. Now as for my little azz comment from youi----I would respond----either put up or ---- --. If you cannot come up with an alternate scenario---then please---learn to listen, observe and absorb----maybe---you might learn something.
Not only that but our Libyan and Iranian "Muslim Brothers" pointed fingers at him. The reason, he was trying to pull a fast one on them --selling them old technology for new money - we will remain Pakistanis to the core ;-)

I really didn't know anything about this; Plz someone provide me sources here. I have read lot about this scandal but still I may be faulty...
Not only that but our Libyan and Iranian "Muslim Brothers" pointed fingers at him. The reason, he was trying to pull a fast one on them --selling them old technology for new money - we will remain Pakistanis to the core ;-)

The Libyan and Iranian evidence pushed GoP to take action otherwise what he was doing on the sidelines as far as his personal and offical businesses is concerned -- everyone knew about it.

No Pakistani individual, Father of the Bomb or otherwise is above Pakistan - this thing should be the corner stone of our discussion on this gentleman:pakistan:

r u really a kid , we have such a strong network around our scientist and nuclear thing tht was under so much strict surveillance tht world cant get to your nuclear thingy so it would be immature to say tht Dr AQKhan was doing any side business , if he gave anything it cant be without informing gov............

and look who is talking ,Musharaf the man coz of him we are standing on this point now ........

How are you today? azz I stated earlier---talk is cheap---. If you say something, then tell us what you would do under those circumstances----and you don't want to---because you have absolutely no clue as to what could be done except for having millions of pakistanis killed in a war----pakistan's assets destroyed----america and india taken charge of pakistan---.

It is not neccessary to be living out of pakistan to make that judgement call---but some of us who do----a few of us have a different perspective as well.

You just beingf an atypical critic----you want to critiscize a decision but you do not have an alternate course of action. Now as for my little azz comment from youi----I would respond----either put up or ---- --. If you cannot come up with an alternate scenario---then please---learn to listen, observe and absorb----maybe---you might learn something.

but there is sumthing called self respect ,which tht man didnt have he accepted all the terms just to stay in power and he did what his masters say to him..........:tdown:

How are you today? azz I stated earlier---talk is cheap---. If you say something, then tell us what you would do under those circumstances----and you don't want to---because you have absolutely no clue as to what could be done except for having millions of pakistanis killed in a war----pakistan's assets destroyed----america and india taken charge of pakistan---.

It is not neccessary to be living out of pakistan to make that judgement call---but some of us who do----a few of us have a different perspective as well.

You just beingf an atypical critic----you want to critiscize a decision but you do not have an alternate course of action. Now as for my little azz comment from youi----I would respond----either put up or ---- --. If you cannot come up with an alternate scenario---then please---learn to listen, observe and absorb----maybe---you might learn something.[/QUOTE

What's even the point of saying now what n which alternative should have been better when 1 of the worst black history have been written by this moron who sold a single pakistani for 500 U.S bucks ..

You and all the Overseas pakistanis wants to live in one of the best democracies in the world enjoying every bit of it but u want people of pakistan to live under dictators don't really understand why?go to pakistan n then make such statements....
r u really a kid , we have such a strong network around our scientist and nuclear thing tht was under so much strict surveillance tht world cant get to your nuclear thingy so it would be immature to say tht Dr AQKhan was doing any side business , if he gave anything it cant be without informing gov............

and look who is talking ,Musharaf the man coz of him we are standing on this point now ........

Mr Malhi,

Please kindly----Aamir Hussein is a professional---so show some respect---.

Here is a repeat---my uncle was one of the pioneers of nuclear program---he was at one time Principal of the Reactor school as well---you know principal of a college---but this was the nuclear reactor school---you understand what that means---teaching Msc physics graduates nuclear physics and maintaing and managing a reactor---kabish---okay---you do---.

I also know about the security detailed to him---so please don't tell me about the security---I also know how some of the members higher up manipulated the security----I also remember that pak scientists would get suit cases full of dollars in the 70's and sent out to go shopping---and you know what---nobody dare ask for any reciepts---these nuclear scientists of pakistan were pakistani cowboys.

Somebody should ask the question to Dr Bashiruddin Mahmood--what he did with some of the funds---if he can't maybe auntie Kaifi would tell---oh I am sorry---auntie K is his wife---he is a very pious man now.

And then there was Dr AQ---king amongst the kings---for all practical purposes he could be termed as the defacto president of pakistan---I would just leave it at that.
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How are you today? azz I stated earlier---talk is cheap---. If you say something, then tell us what you would do under those circumstances----and you don't want to---because you have absolutely no clue as to what could be done except for having millions of pakistanis killed in a war----pakistan's assets destroyed----america and india taken charge of pakistan---.

It is not neccessary to be living out of pakistan to make that judgement call---but some of us who do----a few of us have a different perspective as well.

You just beingf an atypical critic----you want to critiscize a decision but you do not have an alternate course of action. Now as for my little azz comment from youi----I would respond----either put up or ---- --. If you cannot come up with an alternate scenario---then please---learn to listen, observe and absorb----maybe---you might learn something.[/QUOTE

What's even the point of saying now what n which alternative should have been better when 1 of the worst black history have been written by this moron who sold a single pakistani for 500 U.S bucks ..

You and all the Overseas pakistanis wants to live in one of the best democracies in the world enjoying every bit of it but u want people of pakistan to live under dictators don't really understand why?go to pakistan n then make such statements....


My good man---there comes a time in life where you have to say---sir I apologize---there are a few things beyond my comprehension---even though I am very nationalistic and full of zeal---pi-ss and vinegar---maybe I don't get it all---it is just beyond my grasp---.

Mr Malik---truly you have reached that stage in your argument awhile ago---so please---do the unpredictable and accept that you have been in error---there is no shame in accepting your shortcomings---you have no clue what Musharraf could have done differently.
I agree, i dont know how a nuclear armed Iran is in the strategic interest of Pakistan?

It is not. Specially when we look at Iran in context of Indian relations with them and our own Saudi tilt.
I would never even think considering my self to be in his place as i m not backstabber dishonest fool or some punk who would make a nation up side down just to stay in power have this moron not taken over pakistan in 1999 i can bet a million dollars pakistan would have never said yes to U.S

I came across alot of people supporting Mush and all of them living out of pakistan the impression goes as ya all want people of pakistan to suffer why don't you bring your little azz back to pakistan n start your so call support for the great dictators so 1 could understand the real logic of your support

Malik Sahib:

While I respect your tirade -- you did not answer the question put to you by Khan Sahib-- what would you have done differently on the eve of 9/11 when the sole remaininig super power was attacked and the trail led to our backyard or shall I say our fifth province?????

It would be quite refreshing if once in while we back up our outbursts with some real alternatives - it will help this debate and who knows you can have some converts.

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Shame on u, These pics r taken from India not from Pakistan (Balochistan). Look at the bill boards behind the people.

In above pic Indian terrorist was killed and his jacket is taken off by security man. Wt u wana prove ?
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