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Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf

After Israel it is India to whom US have exported ready made nukes.
failed Indian tests seriously tilted the balance of regional power to Pakistan's favor.
Therefore, bailout of India was mandatory.

Handing over nukes to Iran and Korea amounts to handing them to individuals.

Indian Tests of fission device in 74 and 98 was successfull,no one ever expressed any doubts about that.Doubts was regarding the thermonuclear tests which was later clarified.So in response to pak tests in 98,usa gave us nukes and we transported it back to 74 with our time travel device and tested?This is one of your best delusions i have seen in this forum,keep it up batman.

It has nothing to do with Musharraf---I know about A Q Khan's issues indirectly, before most of you on this board were born---before Musharraf came into the limelight---does it make me any better---no---just makes me as someone who had a little inside information.

What Musharraf stated is rigt---A Q had a carte Blanche---in his hey day---he was a god----.

What Musharraf is telling you is---people wake up and open your eyes and listen with an open mind---A Q is not what he portrayed himself to be.

A Q can rhetorically deny all this---but technically he cannot---it is material science---it is there for people to see the process---.

And there is no metallurgist in the world who is the pioneer to a nuclear program anywhere in the world.

Stop worshiping people----please don't create people with bigger imagegs than GOD and bigger following than GOD.

This hero worship of A Q Khan shows----how incompetent my nation is---how much dearth of real talent is out there in the country---for they are running around to make somebody bigger than lifem, give him an image bigger than god---out of ETHNIC SUPERIORITY---.

Some pakistanis make him look like the SUPER HERO from the indian movie---.


Outsiders don't understand pakistan's system---paks worshipped A Q----he was a god---nobody dare say anything to him---nobody had any authority to check his stuff---he had created such a hold on the adminstration through PEOPLE POWER that nobody dare touch him.

To my indian colleagues, it is not a matter of reasoning that no other govt would allow such a thing to happen---because reasoning are flawed at times and you can only reason with what you know, what you have read or see or what you may assume or presume it to be, based on your experience and heresay.

Let me ask you indian friends---if Zardari as who he is was an indian---would you allow him to be your president----I guess not---you know why---because you are different than us in that sense. People like Zardari can never be at the pinnacle of indian politics---they may be at a lower level---.

It is about time that paks started listening and understanding what is being said rather than a knee jerk reaction.:pakistan:

Never believe without thinking or proof. Try to think and you will know that Musharraf was a person who open national secret only for personal reasons and we can't say that a person who was the president of a country open his mouth against Pakistan, he is abnormal and he must have to consult with psychiatrist.

Real thing is this that at the time of Bhutto Musharraf offered A.Q Khan to divide all finance into pockets and away from developing Kahuta but A.Q Khan denied to do so. In fact Musharraf in his old career ever was against Pakistan's Nuclear Program. He has no right to talk against the person who served his life for Pakistan. And if he understands himself as responsible person than he has to close his lips and open only for the favors of country.

Musharraf wanted to appear on currency notes
Monitoring Desk
ISLAMABAD: Former Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali disclosed that former president and dictator Pervaiz Musharraf wanted to publish his picture on the currency notes in place of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah but it was because of his refusal that it could not happen.
Jamali made this revelation during an interview with Hamid Mir in ‘Capital Talk’ of Geo News on Wednesday night.
Jamali said that he was not aware as to who had advised Musharraf to publish his picture on currency notes but he is of the belief that nobody can replace the founder of the nation. He said Musharraf gave a commitment to George W Bush in Camp David in 2003 for sending Pakistani troops to Iraq but he was not aware. When Jamali met Bush in White House he had informed the US president that he could not send Pakistani troops to Iraq without informing the parliament. After few days Musharraf had decided to dissolve the parliament just for sending troops to Iraq.
Sharifuddin Pirzada even had drafted the dissolution order but US Secretary of State Colin Powel had stopped Musharraf for dissolving parliament at the last minute.
While responding to questions of Hamid Mir, former prime minister also revealed that Musharraf was ready to handover Dr AQ Khan to US in 2004 and even an American plane had arrived in Islamabad for taking Dr Khan to the US but again he (Jamali) had blocked the move.
He said that Dr Khan is a hero of the Pakistani nation and he will remain a hero and “I had informed my cabinet that we can not hand him over to the Americans”. Jamali claimed that he had also blocked the privatisation of Pakistan Steel Mills, National Bank of Pakistan and sale of Roosevelt Hotel in US which is owned by PIA and these were the reasons of his differences with Musharraf.
He said that uniting all the factions of Muslim League is difficult but not impossible. Pir Pagaro gave him the mission to unite all the factions and he is not a candidate of any office in the party.
He clearly said that the PML-Q can not go along with PPP and ultimately he will be able to unite all the leagues. Nawaz Sharif and Ch Shujaat were together for almost fifteen years and to unite them again he was prepared to beg Mr Sharif with clasped hands, he said.
Jamali said, “I will do anything to save Pakistan as Pakistan is our identity and we cannot afford to lose it.” He said that flexibility is necessary in politics but People’s Party can not continue with anyone as they never continued with anyone in the past.
To another question, the former prime minister said first he will try to unite the Muslim Leaguers and then they will decide whether Musharraf will be acceptable in the Muslim League fold or not.
While talking about Nawab Akbar Bugti, he said Bugti was not a traitor. He gave his vote in favour of Pakistan in 1947 and now if Mushrraf says that after coming back he will repeat the act of killing Bugti, no one has the right to do it and media should ask Musharraf why he did it.
On the question about giving Rs110 million to Nawab Bugti, he said that it was an agreement between Bugti and Musharraf in January 2002. “I just gave him what he was promised by Musharraf,” he added.

He must have to be sentences because he is now threat for our national security and with him must be happened same like Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko
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Well AQ Khan was part of achievement and rest of real heros on the ground was overshadowed by his personality. Who been working way before he entered the business.
Plus his department was audit free and free to travel anywhere in the world. At the end Pak govt paying the price of his freedom, when he consider nobody is watching him,but US and Briitish agencies were watching and tracking his connections. Then bubble burst in Dubai when his agent expose him.
Its not Pakistani govt, its his own agent who broke the cover in Dubai and expose AQ Khan name.
sorry to interfere gentlemen, but i think the short sightedness of pakistani leaders are responsible for the current pakistan's mess. after quaid-e-azam jinnah, i dont think you have any visionary leader who could think about for 20-30 years. all the leaders cashed the current gains not looked beyond that and that keep back on hunting them.
We had one more: Ayub Khan

We have a Chief of Army Staff who is well deserving and who brought honor to the Nation and success on military fronts. Certainly, he is Gen. Kyani who is loved by all.. Now compare this stature with that of Musharaf and you will find a mindless person who would do what the Nation observed in 9 years of his rule. Krap!
Brother, keep in mind that the current leadership is even worse. He was better than Zardari at least.

Nawaz sharif had given in to the USA's pressure and withdrew forces from kargil.
Musharraf had given in to the USA's pressure and joined WOT.

To me both are disgrace to Pakistan, both acted upon on their personal interests. Iqtadaar.
Lots of Pakistani give priority to their personal interests. Why only blame these two?

Nawaz is a bigger idiot among these two. Who adviced him to pay a visit to USA when Pakistan was at war?

Musharraf's case was different. Americans threatened our nation of dire consequences after 9/11. Musharraf (being a leader and also COAS) had responsibility. He took the right decision and saved Pakistan. What would have you done, if you were in his shoes in such a situation?

To me AQ Khan is a hero, what he did, he did to increase his country's strenght.
Call it a Muslim Bomb, then what AQ Khan did, he did to increase the Ummah's strenght.

I agree, No more discussion on off topic subject.
Agreed here. However, the word 'ummah' would be less appropriate. You can say that he played an important role in improving Pakistan's security.

Regarding Nuclear Proliferation:-

The other (self declared more responsible) nuclear powers also don't have a very clean record in case of Nuclear Proliferation. So why all the heat on A. Q. Khan?

Anyway, our scientists should never get involved in such activities. Same goes for scientists in other nations.
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Musharraf hates AQ Khan always had. He's a scientist, he did what he was ordered to do, check his banks there is barely any money there, there are also no internation bank accounts or property as Musharraf confessed he had lied. This guy a scientist who just did what was asked of him and technically he did not break any laws as Pakistan is not a signatory to the NPT. Pakistan has ISI you don't thnk they would have noticed h was doing this if he wasn't doing this with the permission of Musharraf who had close ties with the branch.
Renumber Musharraf did anything for money, he even sold civilians. AQ Khan was not sold because people would have revolted. AQ Khan helped the country without we would still be trying to become a n-power

Here is his account of what happened without any pressure Musharraf
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People are extremely ill informed . All cases against AQ Khan was recorded way back, during Benazir era and during Nawaz govt. These cases were hand over to Mushi right after his military takeover. Investigation about these cases never been done in Pakistan. His agent was caught in Dubai, who point the finger at AQ.
one thing is sure
Dr Qadeer has a big mouth.
He is always projecting himself.
He talks as if no other person had any role in Pakistan nuclear program.

Great leaders always give credit to co workers specially under their command.
They dont take away their credit.
its so sad people worship AQ Khan as the 'father' of the bomb. Whilst this brilliant physicist goes unnoticed:


wise words from this great man:

"We were not just making the bomb, but building science and technology."

"We have to understand that nuclear weapons are not a play thing to be bandied publicly. They have to be treated with respect and responsibility. While they can destroy the enemy, they can also invite self destruction."

omitted his name just to see how many of aq khan's fanboys know him.
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There were other players in the role of pak nuk program but AQ Khan became the driving force, he made it possible within the amount of time it happened. Which is why the entire world looks to him as a the symbol of Pakistan N-power.

as for the credit he's taking... let him he's not perfect hes a man. Plus I think taking the credit is the only thing that keeping him alive. But he truly deserves credit as the type of reactors Pak used were a recent invention and only a select number of countries had the technology or know how to use them or make them... not even the US was using that method of enrichment.

Other people played a role but he played the biggest as for the people that were working on it before he came, they sure were trying but its complicated, and it was the equivalent of giving a chemistry set to a caveman.

Look over at Iran despite its works on enrichment and supposedly having copies of papers and design from AQ Khan the world is still predicting that it will still Iran 5 to 8 years to actually be capable of even trying to join the n-club. Even though once again they are thought to have the plans to make one for a decade if not more.
He only had some funds at his disposal and he was heading all local/foreign procurement ranging from simple nuts to machine tools for foundry workshop.

At least this was what he was doing in his last many years.
one thing is sure
Dr Qadeer has a big mouth.
He is always projecting himself.
He talks as if no other person had any role in Pakistan nuclear program.

Great leaders always give credit to co workers specially under their command.
They dont take away their credit.

but remember he is being hit by media and musharraf allegations, this man was jailed for several years after his achievement for his mother country, his words are the words of angry sentimental man, while musharraf enjoyed 10 years of presidential palace with full authority

aq is not a politician but a scientist, scientists makes things better politicians play games and make troubles..
If musharraf trying to set the record straight then he should also accept after 9/11 with only 1 call by dick cheney he peed in his pents n accepted everything

Mush is a real fool who can do anything to get his seat back
If musharraf trying to set the record straight then he should also accept after 9/11 with only 1 call by dick cheney he peed in his pents n accepted everything

Mush is a real fool who can do anything to get his seat back


Kowtowing after 1 call----talk is cheap---everybody can talk the talk----.

Please consider yourself in Musharraf's place---you are the millitary dictator of pakistan---walk us throug as to what you would do and how would you navigate us through that tumulous time.
Dr AQKhan is our hero.......The people who gave there lives are our heroes.so just give them there due.whatever work he did in the development of the nuclear bomb atleast he didnt fill his account and ran away to london and then make a political party to destroy whts left of Pakistan.
He is my hero and he will remain my hero forever coz one thing is clear he has given his life for my motherland and atleast he deserve to be called a hero.
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