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Doval’s dirty war by Shahzad Chaudhry

Well I have always believed that the 'Battle of Kashmir' is being fought in Afghanistan since 4 decades now. My lame understanding of warfare in Indo-Pak theater is as follows:

  1. Our military establishment completely knows it that a 'toe to toe' war won't get them Kashmir. The time of high testosterone ridden sword fighting days are long gone. A 5'4" tall guy at a right distance with right weapon/tech can easily take care of a '6 foot tall martial race warrior'.
  2. The strategy that Pak military used against the USSR and USA/NATO is the 'one stop solution' for fighting a bigger enemy aka India. After the soviets gone from Afghanistan, it was being applied in Kashmir. Such as use local, imported and Kashmiri fighters to grind down India and remain defensively entrenched at LOC/International border, in case India decides to go 1965 way of pushing Pakistan.
  3. 9/11 screwed it up for Pak military. No wonder they hate Al Qaeeda who brought USA and later India in our backyard.
  4. Indian security establishment knows the point 2 very well. So they cozy-up with Americans and the anti-Afghan elements.
  5. Pak security establishment knows very clearly that as long as Americans are in Afghanistan and anti-Afghans are standing tall with Indian support in our back yard, not just the Kashmir dream is over but a lot of territorial integrity issues will arise (e.g., Durrand line). What Pak military establishment aims to do in Kashmir, it will be paid in return by India via Afghanistan. So the 'Battle of Kashmir' has to be won in Afghanistan.
  6. Now IF (it is a very big & fat & important IF) the Americans leave Afghanistan, a couple of years are going to be very painful for Pakistan and for of-course Afghans in general as well. Once it is over, our military establishment is going to settle a long list of scores with focused concentration of resources towards India and it won't be limited to Kashmir. Thanks to BJP & RSS, there will be ample opportunities in main land India for them at the cost of Indian Muslims and provided by the Indian Muslims.
  7. Finally, I personally believe that other than the current jingoism, India wants to make LOC a border but it is too much of a loss for Pak military and their wish to settle 1971. So the game is on and it is a game of nerves, patience and strategy :)

Good analysis..

Afghanistan problem must be solved quickly so all attention can be focused on Kashmir..
Once Taliban take over in Afghanistan, all indian sanctuaries will be destroyed leading to near elimination of indian terror proxies i.e BLA and TTP.

Once , that is done.. Focus on Kashmir and India will be undivided and focused.

I have to agree with the author. We have been very focused on Afghanistan and some internal elements causing trouble that base in Afghanistan but I am glad that theatre is soon going to be over...

So I guess from now on terrorist attacks in Pakistan will not be blamed on RAW or NDS.
This is a proxy war India cannot win.

Wait and watch. Lets see how it unfolds. The internet preserves everything you feed it. Come back here to this post in 10 years and check again, if Pak exists or is broken into 4 countries.
So what exactly is he proposing here ? Ramping up jihadist infiltration and support to local militants on the Indian side, cause total chaosand drag it back to the 90s ?

good luck.
nah train muslims dalits naxlites gives sikhs what they want why send our own people when yours are ready to kill for slaughtering cow, burning churches raping nuns destroying and insulting masjids and golden temple..

good luck.
Wait and watch. Lets see how it unfolds. The internet preserves everything you feed it. Come back here to this post in 10 years and check again, if Pak exists or is broken into 4 countries.

You've been saying that for the past 70 years but we're still here. :lol:

Regardless, in such an event India would have much more to deal with on its plate. Without the Pakistani apparatus, Islamists will be much more keen on attacking Indian positions to kick-start ghazwatul Hind, and don't be naïve enough to think that you will be able to sustain such assaults without casualties or that none of them will be able to infiltrate into India to cause acts of terror akin to what happened in Mumbai. Not to mention the fact that our nuclear weapons would then be controlled by much more aggressive actors.
It seems that the us indian combined strategy is to keep the expenses low in Afghanistan but keep Pakistan engaged. if us is helping India like this then Kashmiri blood is on us hands.
You've been saying that for the past 70 years but we're still here. :lol:

Regardless, in such an event India would have much more to deal with on its plate. Without the Pakistani apparatus, Islamists will be much more keen on attacking Indian positions to kick-start ghazwatul Hind, and don't be naïve enough to think that you will be able to sustain such assaults without casualties or that none of them will be able to infiltrate into India to cause acts of terror akin to what happened in Mumbai. Not to mention the fact that our nuclear weapons would then be controlled by much more aggressive actors.
Yes but are not the same. Broken one by two. Similarly, it will be one by four now.
Not to mention the fact that our nuclear weapons would then be controlled by much more aggressive actors.

Lol, that is nothing but an empty threat and the threat of nuclear war only works on Pak civilians and Is used by Pak army to milk the govt of more money.
As long as Bajwa is here, Pak will remain defensive and reactive.
Yes but are not the same. Broken one by two. Similarly, it will be one by four now.

Lol, that is nothing but an empty threat and the threat of nuclear war only works on Pak civilians and Is used by Pak army to milk the govt of more money.

71 occurred 50 years ago in east Pak separated by over 1000 miles from Pak. Get over it.

In 2020 alone, you lost 1000 sq km of territory to China and your PM couldn't even name China for its aggression. He even lied on national tv...na hamai seema ma koi gussa ha..
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Yes but are not the same. Broken one by two.

No we're very much the same, the Bengal was to us as it was to the British. Losing it is saddening, but nothing to shatter us. Best not live off of half a century old victories when the current dynamics are significantly different. Pakistan now has nuclear weapons and the numeric gap between our militaries is significantly smaller than it was in 1971 when India invaded East Pakistan with 15 times as many soldiers and largely relied upon the several month long work of Muslim Bengalis (because apparently Hindus can't get the job done on their own).

Similarly, it will be one by four now.

Akhand Bharat has already been shattered into more than four nations now lol (if it even ever existed, hahaha).

Lol, that is nothing but an empty threat

You really do have a short circuited brain, over 100,000 Hindus/Sikhs died in Mirpur and Rajouri alone during the First Kashmir War due to the bloodlust Pakistanis had over what the Maharaja did. Push us and you'll see what happens next time, especially when the constraints of a conventional force's professionalism are lifted.
No we're very much the same, the Bengal was to us as it was to the British. Losing it is saddening, but nothing to shatter us. Best not live off of half a century old victories when the current dynamics are significantly different. Pakistan now has nuclear weapons and the numeric gap between our militaries is significantly smaller than it was in 1971 when India invaded East Pakistan with 15 times as many soldiers and largely relied upon the several month long work of Muslim Bengalis (because apparently Hindus can't get the job done on their own).

Akhand Bharat has already been shattered into more than four nations now lol (if it even ever existed, hahaha).

You really do have a short circuited brain, over 100,000 Hindus/Sikhs died in Mirpur and Rajouri alone during the First Kashmir War due to the bloodlust Pakistanis had over what the Maharaja did. Push us and you'll see what happens next time, especially when the constraints of a conventional force's professionalism are lifted.
Ok lets see. We all know what Pak is doing and how its economy is doing. Wait and watch, lets c how this pans out.
Dude if you have forgotten let me remind you the Taliban need money and weapons and if India can provide them that, you know whom they will attack.
With the help of Pakistan, when Taliban will make government in Afghanistan, Taliban will have no issue of money. and That money will be for them with the help of Pakistan.
But Pakistan is losing at a much more important front, Pakistani people are turning against Pakistan.
Ok lets see. We all know what Pak is doing and how its economy is doing. Wait and watch, lets c how this pans out.

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