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Double standards': Erdogan blasts Europe's silence on Bangladesh leader's execution

Because they are not hanging criminals, but innocent people at the behest of their masters. Such a silly comment was NOT expected from you.

Zero evidence produced in the Kangaroo court. Al Jazeera should be of help to you.
I am just trying to say the same masters try hard to seprate Bangladeshi muslims to rest of the world and Mr. Erdogan's descion just fullfil their agenda.We should comunicate with the leaders of the oposition to launch campaign againt this. If countries like Pakistan or Turkey try to influence them directly Bangladeshi people feel threaten and may support current Govt. Egypt already angery with both countries Turkey and Pakistan on same issues its not our job let the people of Bangladesh to protest against the Govt.
Sorry for my ambiguous post i should explain it before.
I won't forget how some Pakistanis here said Iran shouldn't interfere in 'internal' matters of Saudi Arabia by condemning Al-Nimr's execution. Now they are in 'respect to Erdogan' and 'respect to Turkey' mood for doing the exact same thing. That's what happens when you look up to someone regardless of his/her actions. And you are exposed in situations like this. Not everyone has a weak memory.

Meanwhile, Erdogan's position on execution of Al-Nimr:

Turkey's Erdogan says Saudi executions 'internal legal matter'

This double faced hypocrite ain't fooling anybody.
That's our Sunnis brother in clear picture hypocrite and heptagon standards not only double or quadruple once they are in plain GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE every thing they do is absolutely right and blessed by Allah any Egomania clearer than that!!!!!!!!!.
I am just trying to say the same masters try hard to seprate Bangladeshi muslims to rest of the world and Mr. Erdogan's descion just fullfil their agenda.We should comunicate with the leaders of the oposition to launch campaign againt this. If countries like Pakistan or Turkey try to influence them directly Bangladeshi people feel threaten and may support current Govt. Egypt already angery with both countries Turkey and Pakistan on same issues its not our job let the people of Bangladesh to protest against the Govt.
Sorry for my ambiguous post i should explain it before.

Well as far as Pakistan is concerned, IF our leaders had balls, they would send the 5 million+ Bengalis back to Bangladesh. That would put Hassena & her cronies in their place. The Rohingya crisis was enough to show the world, who Hassena and cronies master is.
Well as far as Pakistan is concerned, IF our leaders had balls, they would send the 5 million+ Bengalis back to Bangladesh. That would put Hassena & her cronies in their place. The Rohingya crisis was enough to show the world, who Hassena and cronies master is.
Sir u r absolutly correct but if we also use provocative measures then we loose love and support from Bangladeshi people and pls must understand their national identity is more important then religious one see what happend in 1971 when their benghali idenity was on stake. We should understand that this is Bangladehi internal dirty politics and believe me this is the end of Haseena's political carrier. Let the Bangladeshi people descide what they want. and for sure through proxies we can do lot better rather than direct action. remmber 25 million Jammatiye there.
Persian's and Indian's, I don't care what you people think or say, we are with Pakistan and that's it. Cry here a river now.
and we are with our twin brother Turkey with our flesh and blood whenever they need we aill be there for our Turkish brothers.

@Indus Falcon
Sir Bangladeshi people are 100% converts and their Bangali identity is more important than religious one..they are not like us we Pakistani are mixed race.
ha ha,this guy never seems to amaze us..

Possible reason of his love for these mass murderers may be similar position which turkey is facing..


EU is calling Killing of Armenians in 1915 a "Genocide",it may be a counter pressure to remove this tag from Turkey's forehead.

Turkey itself is facing a tough situation,thats why the situation screwed Erdogan.or it may be a game to find a partner(i.e. Pakistan) to combat this pressure.who knows..

Do you know what is double standard???

This is....


Yes Mr. Thinnest Skinned President,you're an example of it.
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About Iraq, I have heard the same lame story over and over again. Iraq has a sovereign gov that is again fighting the same fuckheads, fruits of Saudi ideology, and every single decision they have made, we have respected that. Go ask Iraqi gov officials and come back to me.
They will never accept it at all since their goal is genuinely sectarian and it works for favor of the big fat shaikhs who want dictator regimes in the region.

Iran is an excuse to keep Iraq in chaos.

today our problems our leaders politicians who give soooo much of a credit to these gulf and turkey regimes.


It can be hurt non-muslims to hear ERDOĞAN's words but get used to hear muslim leaders voices.I am sure in the future others will follow him.He only opens the way.
In Turkey we say if we talk too much about a thing it becomes real.You will make him sultan if you go on to say sultan for underestimate.It may be surprise for you but there are too many peoples agree with him all around the world.Your words doesnt change this reality.
I won't forget how some Pakistanis here said Iran shouldn't interfere in 'internal' matters of Saudi Arabia by condemning Al-Nimr's execution. Now they are in 'respect to Erdogan' and 'respect to Turkey' mood for doing the exact same thing. That's what happens when you look up to someone regardless of his/her actions. And you are exposed in situations like this. Not everyone has a weak memory.

Meanwhile, Erdogan's position on execution of Al-Nimr:

Turkey's Erdogan says Saudi executions 'internal legal matter'

This double faced hypocrite ain't fooling anybody.

These Arab's and their sympathizers Like Turkey in the Muslim world are biased towards any modern and liberal Muslim Government around the world. BD is one of the few Muslim countries which is still not impacted by these radial people rather BD is focussing on its own economy and Politics...Turkey is simply using BD situation to convey message to Muslim nation that hoes does he care about Sunni Muslims ....You will never see such kind of statements from Turkey when anything more drastic happens in Arab nations...

I do not blame Pakistan either...They always stand with everyone wherever Anti Indian interest is involved..Be in Iran or in BD...They will preach you and BD something when it ipacts their national interest..
Get used to a new assertive Turkey which sets the agenda and raises awareness on certain issues world wide. Your butthurtedness will not change it. Reis Erdogan's words impact the 4 corners of the world today, this is the new reality you must deal with. We just reclaim our rightful position to unite, strenghten and defend AHLU SUNNAH world. this is reliving our historic responsibility as the bearer of this glorious flag
We had millions of puppets in Bangladesh and we never knew it :D

Not millions but handful of them (war criminals and collaborators) and they are deceiving and dividing the country. So its our national agenda to get rid of them. Pakistan and sympathizers can cry a river. BD is united in this and there wasnt any reaction from any of the big opposition parties. Even these nuisance jamaatis were not in the streets. And other Islamic parties in BD hate this IS Moududis btw.
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