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Doom for Indian and Australia from a resurgent China in the Biden era

How can India manufacture for the world if it can't even manufacture for itself? There are no semiconductor fabs, display fabs, electronics production, aerospace production, machine tool production, fine chemical production, etc. in India. Even for infamous Indian IT and pharma, your computers are imported from China, your phones are imported from China, your APIs are imported from China, even your pens are imported from China.
You pretty much summed it up. And what most Indians aren't able to get in their heads is that just like jobs were lost in India, they were lost in the West as well. Employment was going to increase in India as western companies were investing and shifting production there.
Say goodbye to this dream of yours. These Western companies will now take back their production to their respective countries to deal with their own job crises as the author of the article states. Funny how Indians think that America would further outsource production to India, when it is facing the biggest job crisis of its entire history.
Then they say: "wE wILl pROdUCe OuR SelvES"
Please. just please, India imports almost everything from China even in the IT sector.
You pretty much summed it up. And what most Indians aren't able to get in their heads is that just like jobs were lost in India, they were lost in the West as well. Employment was going to increase in India as western companies were investing and shifting production there.
Say goodbye to this dream of yours. These Western companies will now take back their production to their respective countries to deal with their own job crises as the author of the article states. Funny how Indians think that America would further outsource production to India, when it is facing the biggest job crisis of its entire history.
Then they say: "wE wILl pROdUCe OuR SelvES"
Please. just please, India imports almost everything from China even in the IT sector.
The period of outsourcing and globalization has ended. Automation, covid and populism upended that.
How dare you speak of bravery when India's history is a history of cowering, first behind Mother Britain then behind Mother Russia and now behind Uncle Sam?
Like I said you people won't understand what Bravery is. All you can do is bully, debt trap, threaten etc.
2020 Wuhan Virus operation of yours has irreversibly damaged PRC image forever, don't worry it wasn't good anyway before that.
A Biden administration will be more hawkish and aggressive than Trump, watch..

Lol, unless he wants to start WWIII.
Like I said you people won't understand what Bravery is. All you can do is bully, debt trap, threaten etc.
2020 Wuhan Virus operation of yours has irreversibly damaged PRC image forever, don't worry it wasn't good anyway before that.
Lol.. self delusion. India shall go attack italy as they have the virus in Sept 2019 but never even bother to inform u. :lol:

You shall thank China for brave enough first to let the world know of this virus. :enjoy:
Lol, unless he wants to start WWIII.

Lol.. self delusion. India shall go attack italy as they have the virus in Sept 2019 but never even bother to inform u. :lol:

You shall thank China for brave enough first to let the world know of this virus. :enjoy:
There were nations around the world who based on observing your nations behaviour must have thought "Thank God!! I don't have a rogue neighbor like China. Poor India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietman, Philippines etc are all being bullied by this nation". But you made sure to change that opinion too :rofl: by releasing a virus and making sure all the nations who didn't even share a border with you are screwed up
There were nations around the world who based on observing your nations behaviour must have thought "Thank God!! I don't have a rogue neighbor like China. Poor India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietman, Philippines etc are all being bullied by this nation". But you made sure to change that opinion too :rofl: by releasing a virus and making sure all the nations who didn't even share a border with you are screwed up
Lol.. they are happy with China around. They just join China RCEP and one belt one road. What bully? Japan just let Huawei bid for their 5G. Taiwan is not a nation but province of China.

I know u are desperate to smear China spread virus but fact is italy themselves admit virus exist In sept 2019. So who is the one spreading? Maybe India since your infection rate is so high. :lol:

Fear helps animals avoid dangerous situations. India is like the deer in the headlights. That is why it didn't run in 1962 and stayed for the slaughter.

How can India manufacture for the world if it can't even manufacture for itself? There are no semiconductor fabs, display fabs, electronics production, aerospace production, machine tool production, fine chemical production, etc. in India. Even for infamous Indian IT and pharma, your computers are imported from China, your phones are imported from China, your APIs are imported from China, even your pens are imported from China.

Remember too that India cannot even make bullets.
Cannot make winter clothing for their soldiers

And most of all, don't know or cannot make toilets in India and Indian women and girls must shit and pee
in the fields and behind the bushes.
:pleasantry: :pleasantry::pleasantry:
I thought so. Your article is total garbage based on whims and fantasies. One has to be a total idiot to come up with such load of crap.

amazing, do you have a better point of view ?

A Biden administration will be more hawkish and aggressive than Trump, watch..

Why would he be more hawkish, the people who can aid in revitalizing the western economies. He will go all the way back as possible to ensure economic growth. If that means giving up South China Sea , India and parts of Australia Biden will happily pay this price

As someone who was instrumental in getting finance jobs outsourced to India, let me teach you basics. Costing/ pricing is the only criteria. India, with huge english speaking/ finance literate population, is not something that they can replace. Replacing will result in drastic reduction in their cost competitiveness. They get better qualified guys for the same job at 1/20 th the price. The more USA gets into stress, the more Covid-19 situations , it will reduce its cost more and more and thus more jobs to India . It suits India.

Now Modi has, in the guise of the current silly border skirmish, cut the umbilical chord which Congress I had created vis z vis China. Manufacturing in India would boom in next 5 years. Chinese cheap imports had killed Indian manufacturers earlier Nd now AGAIN India will produce for India....in the first phase and for the World gradually. You guys will learn what happened to you after 10 years when China, like East India Company, will totally kill your manufacturing.

You will not know the poison you have embraced. Cheeni ( Sugar) is slow poison.

From someone who hires IT and finance resources I can tell you that there is extreme pressure from people who vote in our elections to ensure they get these easy low paying jobs then Indians. They all speak local western languages including English.

evidence is Trump’s polices on reducing h1b visa’s. Biden and other western leaders would go even further and force these back offices jobs in the Western heartlands to repurpose the jobless factory workforce to back office work. This requires upgrade of the infrastructure/ 6g internet where Chinese companies are the most economical option.

This is the writing on the wall

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I entirely agree with you. Trump punched. Biden will put on silk gloves and then knock your teath out while smiling ...
Yep, the Obama-Clintonites are back, as are the Bush'ites.

Trump actually did pretty well foreign policy wise, too bad he couldn't tame his bluster and bombast style which people talked about a lot more than what his policies actually did on the ground.

He'll be missed, or maybe we'll see one last flourish in 4 years time. He's still a very powerful man as leader of the republican party with 96% approval or something, as much as some of them might like to, they can not discard him as a defeated candidate and move on if he chooses to remain in the game.
Yep, the Obama-Clintonites are back, as are the Bush'ites.

Trump actually did pretty well foreign policy wise, too bad he couldn't tame his bluster and bombast style which people talked about a lot more than what his policies actually did on the ground.

He'll be missed, or maybe we'll see one last flourish in 4 years time. He's still a very powerful man as leader of the republican party with 96% approval or something, as much as some of them might like to, they can not discard him as a defeated candidate and move on if he chooses to remain in the game.

Trump or someone like Trump will be back, mark my words.
Trump or someone like Trump will be back, mark my words.
Let's hope so.

amazing, do you have a better point of view ?


Why would he be more hawkish, the people who can aid in revitalizing the western economies. He will go all the way back as possible to ensure economic growth. If that means giving up South China Sea , India and parts of Australia Biden will happily pay this price

From someone who hires IT and finance resources I can tell you that there is extreme pressure from people who vote in our elections to ensure they get these easy low paying jobs then Indians. They all speak local western languages including English.

evidence is Trump’s polices on reducing h1b visa’s. Biden and other western leaders would go even further and force these back offices jobs in the Western heartlands to repurpose the jobless factory workforce to back office work. This requires upgrade of the infrastructure/ 6g internet where Chinese companies are the most economical option.

This is the writing on the wall


Corporates dont work this way and America is no socialist economy. Your post as you posing as someone you are not as your basic funda is wrong. You replied like a wannabe and wishful soul.

In any case US Court yesterday overturn the visa rules of Trump. Come and visit this post after 6 months.

Right now business is flowing to India. Covid-19 has resulted in restrictions going away on data security and now Indian workers are wirjing from home...even remote parts of India.

Dont believe, I will share the data shortly. Sorry to bust your theories.

On manufacturing......India is moving fast as 8 type. You guys live in your wishful past.
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