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Dood, where’s my milk, asks Karachi


Jan 24, 2008
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KARACHI: Thirty-seven rupees is what you should be paying for one litre of milk at the shop in Karachi. At least that’s what the Sindh High Court judges have ordered. But in reality, you are more likely to end up paying seven rupees more, or Rs 44.

Justice Musheer Alam and Justice Safdar Ali Bhutto said Saturday that till April 17, milk will be Rs 37 per litre. However, the city government has been unable to so far enforce this price. For his part, EDO Revenue Matanat Ali promised the orders would be carried out and that magistrates would be booking shopkeepers who defied the order.


The milk price war is not new. And in fact it is perhaps one of the most confusing fights to make it to court. That’s because so many people are involved with so many different claims:

The Dairy Farmer or wholesaler says that fodder has become more expensive for his buffaloes. He wants to sell milk for Rs 35 per litre after a one rupee profit.

There are 14 essential input items, of which the crucial four are bran, khulli, husk and green fodder, which all cost.

This leaves anyone else down the chain a margin of two rupees within which to squeeze their profit. After all, the proper price is meant to be a maximum of 37 rupees.

This creates problems for the retailer who wants to sell at Rs 44, not Rs 37.


Yes, actually, about 0.4 million litres of it from the aptly named Bhains Colony, a wholesale market in Landhi, with more from Thatta, Mirpur Sakro and Shikarpur.

Milk from the interior of Sindh is cheaper.

Retailers also operate cattle pens and link prices to fodder for buffaloes.

During Ramadan, for example, when milk and yoghurt are at their peak demand, the city needs about 0.75 million litres.


It is virtually impossible for the city government to police shopkeepers across Karachi and make sure they charge people only 37 rupees.

For their part, they have hauled off hundreds of retailers and put them in the slammer and slapped them with a 5,000-rupee fine. The men just get out and go back to business as usual.

Another danger is that shopkeepers will water down their milk for the consumer so they can sell it for the official 37 rupees but not make a loss.

Where does this leave the consumer? As they say, it’s no use crying over spilt milk. Dood beh jaey to us pe kya rona?:angry:

.:: SAMAA - Dood, where?s my milk, asks Karachi
crooks i tell you, they should follow what the government has said. It would make more sense to sell it at 37 rs, it boosts business and customers end up buying something else.

P.S: did u know, people were actually making fake milk in pakistan, and selling it to companies like habib.
How do you make fake milk and another thing is that when will our capitalists have a competetive market than a cooperative market?

had they competed someone is bound to gain advantage.
My cousin works for Tang, he told me that, in thier research dept they hardly have any PhD!! And for those who make fake Tang, have 3-5 PhD's!!! lol!!
How do you make fake milk and another thing is that when will our capitalists have a competetive market than a cooperative market?

had they competed someone is bound to gain advantage.

They used khaad to make milk:tsk:, but after a while, companies started testing the milk.
I thought Pakistan was the 5th largest producer of milk in the world. Wasn't there enough milk for each and every of the 172 million Pakistanis living in Pakistan?

Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of cotton, fifth largest producer of milk, sixth largest producer of wheat, 11th largest producer of rice, 16th largest in meat and has fourth largest coal reserves. However, its exports increased 11 per cent annually for 60 years. With new technology and focusing on value addition, Shah said, the country would double its exports in five years. The TDAP will work on development of institutes and machinery that would produce skilled people, who would work for the betterment of the trade. The college of fashion and design in Karachi will award four year separate degrees in five categories of textile, leather, jewellery, furniture and ceramic designing.

TDAP gets approval for developing 12 projects
crooks i tell you, they should follow what the government has said. It would make more sense to sell it at 37 rs, it boosts business and customers end up buying something else.

P.S: did u know, people were actually making fake milk in pakistan, and selling it to companies like habib.
Its not a right price cap. When the milk costs about 35 rps/ltr right out of the dairy farm how can the retailer sell it for 37rps?

Imagine if the retailer got full 2 rps profit and there were no logistics and middle men involved, that would still mean if he sells 500 liters thats a 1000 rupee profit. Its not practical.

And 500 liters is an impracticality, he won't hit 100 liters on most days.

missed the 2 rs profit, when i was readin.

but u also have to take the factor, the amount of water they add to the milk.
Yes they can make fake milk.

i have a cousin who is an Chemical Engineer. He knows the process, i'll get it for you people.

An uncle of mine works for a milk company. He has told us strongly not to take milk in tetra packs. i'll come up with the details later, just let me contact him again for clarifications.
Yes they can make fake milk.

i have a cousin who is an Chemical Engineer. He knows the process, i'll get it for you people.

An uncle of mine works for a milk company. He has told us strongly not to take milk in tetra packs. i'll come up with the details later, just let me contact him again for clarifications.

i have seen people make it, felt like beatin the crap out of em...1 more thing pakistani milk, is way better than canadian milk. It tastes way better.

My dad lives in pakistan, e never uses pack milks(just cause of fake milk), he always go to the village and get fresh milk n freezes it in bottles and takes it with him to lahore every week:lol:.
i have seen people make it, felt like beatin the crap out of em...1 more thing pakistani milk, is way better than canadian milk. It tastes way better.

My dad lives in pakistan, e never uses pack milks(just cause of fake milk), he always go to the village and get fresh milk n freezes it in bottles and takes it with him to lahore every week:lol:.
Not for me though... I can't take the stench. You should try out Dubai's dairy. As a kid I've been to many field trips to dairy farms. Super machines working on the cows in a super clean environment.

I once had chai, with milk directly off the cow at the Wagah border. That chai was really weird.
Not for me though... I can't take the stench. You should try out Dubai's dairy. As a kid I've been to many field trips to dairy farms. Super machines working on the cows in a super clean environment.

I once had chai, with milk directly off the cow at the Wagah border. That chai was really weird.

Well you are probably used to dubai's milk, we moved to canada in 2000, i was like 9, and still can not get used to the milk. The milk just tastes weird(makes me sick some times), guess too many chemicals.

As for chai, i usually drink maybe once in 2 months, but every time i go to pakistan i drink it every day there.

Have u tried boli, that stuff is really good.
Well for the tetra pack milk:

First the complete procedure:
The 'gowalia' collect milk from the villagers. It can be a man with one cow or a big shot having hundreds of cows from where he gets the milk.

Then it supplies it to the bigger gawalia who send it to the base of a milk company known as CHILLERS (big huge drums that store the milk and keep it cold) or there can be another possibility that this 'gawalia' is a purana papi (like Chauhdary Dairie, an old suppler around the area of Kassowal, Okara and surroudings) and owes a small company of milk supply, they have contacts with the milk companies and have their Chillers on lease with them, these people will deliver the milk directly to the company like Nestle or Haleeb.

Now coming towards the problem area:

When the 'gowolias' collect milk from the villages and delivers it either directly to the Chiller or the private collector he has to ensure that he deliver the exact amount of milk as agreed upon earlier. That mean that for example if i have agreed to provide 100 liters of milk daily then by hook or crook i have to provide the Chiller that amount or i m in trouble.

Now if the gawalia is unable to muster that amount of milk due to many reasons (the cow fell sick or the cow-holder had sold the milk to another party who has given him more money), he has to make-up the quantity.

What he will do is that he will add water, which ofcourse will lower the fat density ( the people at the Chiller the fat density and pay for the milk accordingly for example a milk having a X amount of fat density might be taken for Rs !@/liter and a milk of lower density would be taken for Rs 8/liter). To make up for this density thing the gawalia will add "pipas"(drums) (most of my Pakistani friends will get the word i m sure) of Ghee in the milk to make up the fat density.

Now when he has added that much amount of Ghee in the milk it's color turn Yellowish, to make the color white again they will add (now this is the weird stuff) Neela Thotha (Copper Sulphate-if i haven't forgotten my Chemistry class). It will change the color back to white. Though it is poisonous but the quantity add is is very small.

Now the next problem. Both the gawlia and the people on the Chillers has to supply a specific amount of milk to the company so even the chiller holders do the same. Usually the Chillers are leased out to interested people at a location central to an area where the milk is produced.

By now the fat content has been mafde up, but the Jhag (the foam) on the milk is missing. So what you do....you at shampoo to the milk so that it can be more foamy....oops...BTW i have my self seen cartons of Panteen and Head n Shoulder laying there and being added to the milk.

Last but not the least, if due to some reason the vehicle couldn't come to pick up the milk from the chiller or due to the less amount of milk available, the chiller holder have to keep the milk away from contaminating over night, because he cannot suffer the loss of screwing 5000 liters of milk overnight. Company like Nestle have their Chillers in working condition, but Haleeb as i knew 2 years back was not having such a guud system, so what you get, the person at the Chiller (not exactly the classical one-the home made type which don't work properly due to the exess amount of milk in it) will add KAFOOR (if im not wrong in its pronunciation and spellings-in short that thing that we use to preserve dead bodies) to keep the milk from getting sour.

Oh and i forgot to mention Kafoor is Haram in Islam!

After this the milk reaches the company where they claim they carry out UHT treatment and what all and what not, sure they are able to bring back the milk to such a condition where it can be digested by a human body without causing harm but still all that stuff is IN the MILK.
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I have seen people use fartilizer "white khaad", does that have copper sulfate in it?
I have seen people use fartilizer "white khaad", does that have copper sulfate in it?

i am not sure about it's configuration but for sure they add it. i missed that in my previous post. It is the Urea Khaad and the purpose i have to ask again my uncle ;)
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