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Don’t rely on US and Japan, you’ll lose: Chinese daily warns India over Doklam standoff

More warnings from the CHINEASE


my god ARE they actually going to do anything

THE PAKISTANIS have their pope corn & chickn halal meat ready ready to watch THEIR DADDY destroy and humiliate INDIA.

yet MORE adverts NO MOVIES :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

china LOOKING VERY confused
How many warning threads its been?

Can @mods collate all of them and merge?

Unbelievably, the commies have a complete ministry called "propaganda ministry" which is responsible for spreading the so called "gloriousness of the commie empire" - the bhuke nange's of south asia who depend on aid for their living (and who have no self respect of their own) have bought the commie propaganda hook, line and sinker and believe that the chinese are the next best thing to have happened to the world after their God....they actually believe that the "factory workers" and their show piece army are invincible and the "superpowers' of the world - not knowing that if tomorrow the west puts restrictions on chinese exports, then more than half of the chinese population would starve to death.

Its still unbelievable to the chinese's cheerleaders that India will stand up against their master - because for the slaves - their whole existence and their future is dependent on how the chinese tackle India or as an extension - the US. because, for them, china is their Messiah.:lol:
Unbelievably, the commies have a complete ministry called "propaganda ministry" which is responsible for spreading the so called "gloriousness of the commie empire" - the bhuke nange's of south asia who depend on aid for their living (and who have no self respect of their own) have bought the commie propaganda hook, line and sinker and believe that the chinese are the next best thing to have happened to the world after their God....they actually believe that the "factory workers" and their show piece army are invincible and the "superpowers' of the world - not knowing that if tomorrow the west puts restrictions on chinese exports, then more than half of the chinese population would starve to death.

Its still unbelievable to the chinese's cheerleaders that India will stand up against their master - because for the slaves - their whole existence and their future is dependent on how the chinese tackle India or as an extension - the US. because, for them, china is their Messiah.:lol:

Well psyops is a real tactic. Done by almost all the nations. Look at the PR done by Modi for example. So no harm no foul.

But this is getting out of hand.
Well psyops is a real tactic. Done by almost all the nations. Look at the PR done by Modi for example. So no harm no foul.

But this is getting out of hand.

Getting out of hand?

Imagine the pressure exerted by the commies by sending fishing boats and trawlers up to the shores of tiny nations like Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei etc and preventing them from mining and fishing in their own SEZ's by ramming their boats - and on top of that, trying to convince the international community that in fact, they themselves are the victims - and when the International court gives the ruling - they dishonor it and threaten the tiny nations with dire consequences if they seek outside help.

They tried the same stunt with tiny Bhutan and the dowg chowers are pissed that India got the better of them....if it gets out of hand...then so be it.
State-guided Chinese daily Global Times today issued yet another threat that if India doesn’t withdraw its forces from Doklam, China may get prepared for a military confrontation and resolve the conflict through non-diplomatic means. The paper reminded India as to how it had underestimated Beijing in 1962 and cautioned not to repeat the ‘same mistake’.

Global Times’ strongly-worded editorial came a day after Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj told the Parliament that there was no question of pulling Indian forces back from the Doklam territory unless China does the same. Swaraj also stated that all other countries support India’s stand on the current stand-off. However, the Global Times writes that, “She (Sushma Swaraj) was lying to the parliament.”

The Global Times also termed India’s act on the border as incursion. It said: “First, India’s invasion of Chinese territory is a plain fact. New Delhi’s impetuous action stuns the international community. No other country will support India’s aggression. Second, India’s military strength is far behind that of China. If the conflict between China and India escalates to the intensity where their row has to be resolved through military means, India will surely lose.”

The Chinese daily also refused to agree on the withdrawal of forces from the both sides, an idea that Sushma Swaraj put forward to begin the diplomatic talk. The editorial said: “India should abandon the fantasy of a long-term standoff at Doklam.

China will by no means agree to the withdrawal of troops from both sides in order for talks to be held. Doklam is Chinese territory. The withdrawal of Indian troops must be a precondition for talks and China will not compromise on this stance.”

In what could be called a warning to New Delhi, it further said that “If Indian troops continue trespassing into China’s territory, what Beijing may do next is to get prepared for a military confrontation and resolve the conflict through non-diplomatic means.”

The Chinese mouthpiece also confirmed that what the People’s Liberation Army or PLA has been doing – deployment of troops and military drills – on the border is not for show. It said: “Now that the PLA has moved in on the China-India border, they will definitely not call back troops unless they recover the Chinese territory.”

Talking about grave military escalations, the paper said: “China cannot afford to lose an inch of territory. If New Delhi remains stubborn, India should get prepared for all possibilities from a potentially grave escalation of tension in the future.”

Boasting about China’s military capabilities, the Global Times wrote that the PLA’s mobility and logistics capability could not be matched by that of its Indian counterpart. “PLA troops may appear in any area beyond the line of actual control that was previously controlled by India. The China-India border area may become a stage where China showcases the achievement of its long-term military development and reforms,” it further stated.

The Global Times calls the military strength compassion between India and China ‘extremely comical’. “They (India) bragged that India has more troops in the area but they fail to realize that the PLA’s strong capability to deploy troops can reverse the balance of power at the border within a day. The PLA’s long-range combat capability can also allow its troops in remote area to provide fire support to troops at the border,” it said.

Support that India has from the United States and Japan, China thinks, “is illusory”. It said: “India should by no means count on support from the US and Japan because their support is illusory. If India fancies the idea that it has a strategic card to play in the Indian Ocean, it could not be even more naive. China does hold a lot of cards and can hit India’s Achilles’ heel, but India has no leverage at all to have a strategic showdown with China.”

Talking tough on delay in withdrawing the Indian troops, it wrote: “That the later India withdraws troops, the greater the risk that it will face from a military counteraction and the more clout it will lose politically. China’s military pressure on India will increase every day and India will end up losing face and be totally disgraced.”

By: Business Today
I think we went in right direction. In this entire world there is one country who is totally selfish and cannot be trusted at all. You can never make friends with chinese period. These are least trustable people and country in the planet.

Then give warnings in 2023.Till than stop farting.
Ignore him, buddy, he is really a Pakistani in a false flag.

Getting out of hand?

Imagine the pressure exerted by the commies by sending fishing boats and trawlers up to the shores of tiny nations like Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei etc and preventing them from mining and fishing in their own SEZ's by ramming their boats - and on top of that, trying to convince the international community that in fact, they themselves are the victims - and when the International court gives the ruling - they dishonor it and threaten the tiny nations with dire consequences if they seek outside help.

They tried the same stunt with tiny Bhutan and the dowg chowers are pissed that India got the better of them....if it gets out of hand...then so be it.
Yes, they are the land grabber and bully of the area.
Feel sorry for Chinese people ,they can't even tell the CPC ,STFU as these warnings are making them look stupid .
I can smell this strong fear from the indians in this thread. Lol
We are really scared .:-).
I know you guys are not doing anything on the ground other than issuing warnings ,which no one in Delhi seems to give any fk.
Ok, wont rely.
Now would you grow some balls and attack already, we are in your territory stripping you naked for more than a month now.
So Indian troops are in the confirmed China territory but not dispute land, agree now? Then it is simpler.

Unlike the tiny India, China is one of the P5. It means every move of China matters globally and it should be very cautious due to its responsibility. India has no such power therefore no such burden. Mature one doesn't easily kick *** into a stupid kid, but never expect the patience will be infinite. Keep taunting like 8 and the adults will finally provide a lesson. Looking forward to it. Don't let me down, Doval.
Capacity expansion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway under way


Watch out, Indian. :D:D
Capacity expansion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway under way

Ultimate spells need a while for casting. Indians don't know this because they have no ultimate spells.8-)
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