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Don't Play with Fire Afghans

Just a humble friendly suggestion. Afghans should not play with fire but neither should Pakistan. The blowback has affected you both. Horribly.
You are right but you forgot to mention India and other countries that are also supporting proxy groups in Afg against its neighbors.
You are right but you forgot to mention India and other countries that are also supporting proxy groups in Afg against its neighbors.

Pakistani state is a bunch of angels not picking favorites in Afghanistan
The irony is we bitchin bout our cousins.

You commenting about one of your enslavers.

Your sincerely,
The Barbarian Invader

That was brutal, you slaughtered him like a r0ach.:D

So you people are the sole thekedars of the Afghans here? And no one else reserve right to voice their opinion..

Yes we are. What are you gonna do about it except b1tchin? Which is what you guys are good at b1tchin in every forum around the world.
considering even the afgans have begun to challenge pakistan.....things must be getting out of hand with the pakistan army.
I dont see much " Ummah" here


Why not? Afghans are our Muslim brothers that are needlessly antagonistic against us (well their govt). Even Afghans say the same. Pakistanis are our Muslim brothers but we don't like Pak govt/Army bc they oppress us blah blah.

Regardless of how much few inferiority complex stricken losers cry, the fact remains that Muslim world has a special brotherly bond because of our shared religion, values, cultural aspects, and even language (Arabic is language of prayer ALL OVER Muslim world for example.)....We are a Ummah (family) at the end of the day....despite our internal conflicts.

Western world is also a lose-knit family and always saw themselves as such...even while they were slaughtering each other on industrial scale and aligning themselves with non-Western powers against their own Western cousins. You think when German and French soldiers were literally butchering each other, they were no longer 'Western people'?? Regardless of our own conflicts, Muslims remain a Ummah. An Afghan would marry her daughter to an Iraqi Muslim but not to an Afghan parsi. Figure out "why"?

West and Islam are global civilizations and hence this is normal behavior (brotherhood yet conflict within). Localized, backward, and dominated weak cultures like india (hindus) won’t get it. indians on this thread an example :omghaha:

considering even the afgans have begun to challenge pakistan.....things must be getting out of hand with the pakistan army.

Nah, not much of a challenge. We don't really go hard on Afghans since they are in no position to actually challenge.

We do however humiliate and beaten indians militarily if they ever decide to raise their frustrations against us. This happened few months ago when they tried to take 'revenge' for their 45 slaughtered soldiers. We humiliated them and they backed off immediately


Pakistani state is a bunch of angels not picking favorites in Afghanistan
Did I deny that???!!!!!
I just reminded the indian that they have also been a part of the dirty game in Afghanistan for a very long time like your country!!!!!!
Did I deny that???!!!!!
I just reminded the indian that they have also been a part of the dirty game in Afghanistan for a very long time like your country!!!!!!

America washed its hands off after the cold war.

Some idiot in pakistan thought it is a good idea to nurture Taliban and shelter clowns like Osama bin laden
And State of Afghanistan
America washed its hands off after the cold war.

Some idiot in pakistan thought it is a good idea to nurture Taliban and shelter clowns like Osama bin laden
A whole book on idiocy could be written about the american adventure in Afghanistan. I better not waste my time on that..have a nice day!!!
Regardless of how much few inferiority complex stricken losers cry, the fact remains that Muslim world has a special brotherly bond because of our shared religion, values, cultural aspects, and even language (Arabic is language of prayer ALL OVER Muslim world for example.)....We are a Ummah (family) at the end of the day....despite our internal conflicts.


Shia- Sunni, Iran - KSA. Kuwait- Iraq are some examples of ' brotherly bonds, values etc " that come to mind.

Western world is also a lose-knit family and always saw themselves as such...even while they were slaughtering each other on industrial scale and aligning themselves with non-Western powers against their own Western cousins. You think when German and French soldiers were literally butchering each other, they were no longer 'Western people'??

Westerners do not claim to be Ummah

Shia- Sunni, Iran - KSA. Kuwait- Iraq are some examples of ' brotherly bonds, values etc " that come to mind.

Yeah, global civilizations have conflicts within themselves.

Have you never read basic history or wars of Europe (which were ten times bloodier than anything Muslim world has seen)??

Hell, there are wars within religions (Catholic vs Protestants)....Hell, even backward and weak hindus fought themselves. Hindu kings attacked other hindu kings and kingdoms. So? :lol:

Westerners do not claim to be Ummah

They do. Westerners see themselves as a part of a broader civilizational family, especially after the rise of Islamic civilization around them

Learn basic history first before making a mockery outa yourself? :lol:


You wish Muslims weren't an Ummah and were just like other weak religions like hinduism or today's Christianity....Oh well :) Despite our internal problems, Muslims always see each other as brothers/family and even YOU know this fact (and that's part of the reason why Hindutva hates indian Islam as well).
Yeah, global civilizations have conflicts within themselves.

Have you never read basic history or wars of Europe (which were ten times bloodier than anything Muslim world has seen)??

Hell, there are wars within religions (Catholic vs Protestants)....Hell, even backward and weak hindus fought themselves. Hindu kings attacked other hindu kings and kingdoms. So?

So.. ?

The subject here was Ummah.

None of the examples quoted claimed to ' Ummah' or its equivalent.
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