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Don't Play with Fire Afghans

Seriously man? Your minds are really messed up as you people believe in BS, invaders, barbarians, 1000 year rulers:lol:
Not as messed up as you , atleast we don't believe that drinking cow urine cures cancer , we don't beleive that marrying frogs brings rain , we don't believe that monkeys , cows , rats and snakes are gods , we don't marry girls to dogs .... who does all that , lemme think , you people :D
Afghans are unfortunate people. Their geopolitical position has become an affliction for them.
This adviser to Afghan president Ashraf Ghani used to celebrate murderer of Pakistan's first PM Liaquat Ali Khan

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Yesterday Taliban killed his family members and he is crying for them

Perfect example of playing with fire and expecting it won't burn you
We should distinguish between this elite of Afghanistan, which is funded and paid by external sources, this is against Pakistan, and the common people of Afghanistan, who do business with Pakistan, who have businesses in Pakistan, and these guys are pro Pakistan, and these are the guys due to which USA and India are still unable to put dent to Pakistan till this day.
Let's support these guys, give them more business, more education and much more. They are almost Pakistanis.
I consider every Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri, and Pashtoon on the face of this earth as Pakistani.
We should distinguish between this elite of Afghanistan, which is funded and paid by external sources, this is against Pakistan, and the common people of Afghanistan, who do business with Pakistan, who have businesses in Pakistan, and these guys are pro Pakistan, and these are the guys due to which USA and India are still unable to put dent to Pakistan till this day.
Let's support these guys, give them more business, more education and much more. They are almost Pakistanis.
I consider every Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri, and Pashtoon on the face of this earth as Pakistani.

Hussain this is highly dis-respective comment specially about Afghan women I request you to plz delete
I have reported the post so mods will take care but hopefully,he would follow through your advice.
Seriously man? Your minds are really messed up as you people believe in BS, invaders, barbarians, 1000 year rulers:lol:
Nah nah budy..this is what written by Muhammed bin wasim , Shah abdali and mughal emperor barber Mirza and until zafar Shah.. until then you betrayed your muslim masters 1958..this is history books tell us. Not by Indian who think cow pee is best treatment of cancer....lol
We should distinguish between this elite of Afghanistan, which is funded and paid by external sources, this is against Pakistan, and the common people of Afghanistan, who do business with Pakistan, who have businesses in Pakistan, and these guys are pro Pakistan, and these are the guys due to which USA and India are still unable to put dent to Pakistan till this day.
Let's support these guys, give them more business, more education and much more. They are almost Pakistanis.
I consider every Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri, and Pashtoon on the face of this earth as Pakistani.


The afghans have declared themselves our enemies

When will we learn?

Hindus and afghans never trust either
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