Well, what you said might be true. But then again, so what?
This is geo politics, and its a dirty game. If you dont have the capabilities/will/otential to play it, then you have only yourself to blame not others. Since other powers will always try and miantain their influence/hold over the countries they have under their control. We might not like it, it might be immoral but unfortunately thats how it has been for centuries and thats how it will be as long as humans inhabit mother earth.lol
So India using dirty tricks to keep its neighbours under its control/influenceis all but normal to me.
Afterall each country ought to look after its interests BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.
Unfortunately for you small poor south Asian countries, China wouldnt want to start another unncessary confrontation with India in its own neighbourhood since it has farrr bigger challenges in SCS/East Asia against far bigger power like the U.S/Japan/some ASEAN countries, plus China also has a policy of non interference in other countries internal affairs, The hell they dont even interfere in their immediate neighbour Vietnam intrna affairs even though they have a much more bitter dispite/hatred.lool So if south Asian countries are waitin for China to act as their patron, then im afraid they will be dissapointed when push comes to shove. You are still better off looking up to the U.S/U.K/France/Western powers, since these countriesall havea long experience/history of involvement in great games all over the globe. Though to be honest, i dont see even these powers intervening much, we dont really have much interests in S.Asia, as the region has no natural resources nor wealth.
So south asian countries will be better off uniting and taking a common stance if they want to have any chance of standing up to S.Asia biggest power India.