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Dont-give-me-death-I-was-brainwashed-like-a-robot: Kasab

Dear Indians,

You would have to request some pakistani members (not all) to switch off their denial mode before you start your conversation with them. That would save you time and energy.

Thank you.

Hang Kasab.
Y'all should release the poor guy....

....from a bomber,

....strapped to a 1,000 lb PGM

......over his training camp. :devil:

What are you talking about? many innocent south indians will die along with him if you will try to do this.

To hang him is a better option.
Geo news false reporting on ajmal kasab exposed.

From 3:50 to 4:40

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Dear mr Don or whatever they call you sir if pakistanies ever want to be happy & prospours they should first get their house in order than finding silly conspiracy theories & living in a virtual world atleast try to be alittle considarate of others feelings too
What about numerous proofs given. pakistani toothbrush , clothes,phone call intercepted to pakistan ,voice matched with their handlers, geo tv investigation,david headly confessions

Who knows in village areas bhagwan may be used as it is a lighter word.the guy also no where looks like a pakistani
Worthless thread, that MF do no deserve our attention. Must be hanged and thrown in sea to feed fishes.

Regarding denial of Pakistani members....
- He is Pakistani - Proved and presented by CREDIBLE Pakistani media
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani Prime minister
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani President
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani foreign minister
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by whole world
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani Govt.

Still in denial mode :no:
The panel has been stuffed with cash to not hang Kasab by the CONgress for sure.. So that they can play their politics. It is so visible.
He was brainwashed to hate and lie . This training won't go away just because he got captured. I think his hanging should be delayed further so that he realizes God, if there is one, is not with him. Let him face the wrath of our people for some more time.
Dont Give me death i was brainwashed like robot. He failed to mentioned ur agencies name in it.

First training him and now delaying his death penalty.He will never be hanged coz he is ur man and even if they hang him , its will be just be putting dust in the eyes of Indian public coz in actual they will never kill there own agent.

It was all of the topidrama in which they were pretty much sucessful in blaming and targeting Pakistan.

As far as our primeminster or president telling the world that kasab was Pakistani ,i think they are the same people to recognise OBL operation while there was nothing like OBL in pakistan. We all know the BS Americans did just to drag Pakistan down.

Come up with sumthing crediable .
Dont Give me death i was brainwashed like robot. He failed to mentioned ur agencies name in it.

First training him and now delaying his death penalty.He will never be hanged coz he is ur man and even if they hang him , its will be just be putting dust in the eyes of Indian public coz in actual they will never kill there own agent.

It was all of the topidrama in which they were pretty much sucessful in blaming and targeting Pakistan.

As far as our primeminster or president telling the world that kasab was Pakistani ,i think they are the same people to recognise OBL operation while there was nothing like OBL in pakistan. We all know the BS Americans did just to drag Pakistan down.

Come up with sumthing crediable .

- He is Pakistani - Proved and presented by CREDIBLE Pakistani media
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani Prime minister
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani President
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani foreign minister
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by whole world
- He is Pakistani - Accepted by Pakistani Govt.

Still in denial mode
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