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Don't aggravate problems on border, China tells India


Aug 14, 2013
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Don't aggravate problems on border, China tells India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI/SHANGHAI: China on Saturday urged India not to aggravate problems on the border shared by the two nations, a day after the Indian president toured a disputed region and called it an integral part of the country.

The two countries, which fought a brief border war in 1962, only last month signed a pact to ensure that differences on the border do not spark a confrontation.

However, President Pranab Mukherjee's visit to Arunachal Pradesh that China claims as its own provoked a fresh exchange of words.

"We hope that India will proceed along with China, protecting our broad relationship, and will not take any measures that could complicate the problem, and together we can protect peace and security in the border regions," China's official news agency, Xinhua, quoted Qin Gang, a spokesman of the country's ministry of foreign affairs, as saying.

"Currently China-India relations are developing favourably and both sides are going through special envoy meetings and amicable discussions to resolve the border dispute between our two countries."

Mukherjee was on a routine visit to Arunachal which has been part of the Indian state for decades, and where India has regularly been holding elections.However, China has of late grown increasingly assertive and questioned New Delhi's claims over the territory, calling it instead South Tibet.

Mukherjee told members of the state's legislative assembly it was "a core stakeholder in India's Look East foreign policy" that intends to link the country's northeast with South East Asia.

"We seek to make our neighbours partners in our development," Mukherjee said in Itanagar, the state capital. "We believe that India's future and our own best economic interests are served by closer integration with Asia."

China lays claim to more than 90,000 sq km (35,000 sq miles) disputed by New Delhi in the eastern sector of the Himalayas, while India says China occupies 38,000 square km of its territory on the Aksai Chin plateau in the west.
CCP should come out of delusions , there is a legitimate govt. In arunachal which recognizes AP as an integral part of India. If this nonsense from Beijing continues India will revert back from one china stance and will help Tibetans to free themselves from oppressive clutches of brutal communist regime.
In next few decades India is find itself confronted by resurgent and aggressive China ...Only way to counter China is by strengthening its own position ....

Might is right in international politics ....

In that sense only way to counter Chinese aggression is by garnering strength for itself .

India must not forget that China will not let these deliberately created issues settled....

Boundary settlement with China looks impossible .

This is going to be one of those perennial problem that India will to carry over in future unsettled ....

CCP should come out of delusions , there is a legitimate govt. In arunachal which recognizes AP as an integral part of India. If this nonsense from Beijing continues India will revert back from one china stance and will help Tibetans to free themselves from oppressive clutches of brutal communist regime.

India 's restrain and penchant to lay low is being misused ...

Chinese government has seen how incompetent have been Indian government ...

and it is because of this reason it can dare to do this ...
If we see the recent moves of Japan, Vietnam,south Korea and India. there is an arc in the formation with one commonality .i.e to defend against Chinese ccp aggression.

Chinese are in delusions that they can take on Asian nations one by one. But the fact is countries are co operating to defend against china both economically and militarily.
Chinese agression on Japan is benifitting India to become a manufacturing hub and to become a strong economy.
In the near future china has to deal with the anti china block that is in the formation in Asia.
Even Russians who have boundary disputes with china do not trust chinese and china is aloneand deluded at this moment.

Hey not only got distracted from their economic growth but also lost the good will for any nation to invest with recent bullying tactics.
In next few decades India is find itself confronted by resurgent and aggressive China ...Only way to counter China is by strengthening its own position ....

Might is right in international politics ....

In that sense only way to counter Chinese aggression is by garnering strength for itself .

India must not forget that China will not let these deliberately created issues settled....

Boundary settlement with China looks impossible .

This is going to be one of those perennial problem that India will to carry over in future unsettled ....

India 's restrain and penchant to lay low is being misused ...

Chinese government has seen how incompetent have been Indian government ...

and it is because of this reason it can dare to do this ...
No wonder.. they will even claim.. mars Jupiter Venus as theirs very soon..!!! the country is run by one crack of a party..!!!
India should make a coalition of the willing with US, Japan, Indonesia and all other neigbhors who have problems with China and make a quick finish to this. This is never going to stop otherwise. The spoils should be divided equally.
India should make a coalition of the willing with US, Japan, Indonesia and all other neigbhors who have problems with China and make a quick finish to this. This is never going to stop otherwise. The spoils should be divided equally.

when it comes to defense of nation ....no country should be completely reliant on other countries ...

However when it comes to China ...India will have to adopt multi-pronged approach .

One of the approach will be to build formidable coalition of like minded countries to counter Chineses aggression ....

It is for this reason India's Look east policy is crystallizing ...

But given India's long standing dislike against joining or forming any military alliance against any country .....Self reliance and self empowerment is India's main option ...

I personally feel " we should 'hope' for the best but 'prepare' for the worst "

India should prepare for all out confrontation with China on its own strength ....
India should make a coalition of the willing with US, Japan, Indonesia and all other neigbhors who have problems with China and make a quick finish to this. This is never going to stop otherwise. The spoils should be divided equally.

As I said before India needs to undertake multi pronged approach to 'China' problem ...

Developing military might sufficient to dissuade China from engaging into armed confrontation is key - Our Agni programme , SSBN programme is a right step in that direction ...

Developing conventional capabilities , establishing mountain strike corps , raising army strength along China border , establishing border infra structure are all parts of that strategy to counter China .

at diplomatic front growing Indo-Japanese ties as well as growing relations with South China sea countries like Vietnam , Philippines are also facets of this larger strategy ....

China poses existential threat to India - and developing plausible defenses against possible Chinese aggression should be national priority .

Our planners are aware of this problem very well .
All this posturing has got nothing to do with Arunachal Pradesh, its more to do with the Japanese Emperor and his delegation on a 7 day trip to India.

Its China's way of showing its displeasure over the growing India-Japan strategic partnership.
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bala oops bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla done
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