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Done! Vietnam completes TPP bilateral negotiations with US, Japan; finishes talks with all parties

This dude seriously has lowest IQ in here, he can never say anything make sense, looking his responding is like 2 years old mind. These type of moron typical seen in Khmer PolPot oversea, there is strong correlation of this guy as Khmer polpot oversea.

a moron like you like to talk much. If you keep quiet everyone would not said you dumb or deaf. Khmer PolPot that right, i poke your mom butt phone.
As I said, it is because you have nothing to lose..
Once you get richer with some property, you will have the same feeling with us..
Worried about losing your property...
This will happen soon, as VN is developing fast..

Only VN dare to stand up against US imperialist, we fought hard for our independence and for the right to gain the control of SCS(east sea) while others (including China) accept US's rule over their territories (CN surrender TW, Senkaku to US,Japan), so now, we deserve to get what other nations (who bow down to US) can not have :)
a moron like you like to talk much. If you keep quiet everyone would not said you dumb or deaf. Khmer PolPot that right, i poke your mom butt phone.

LOL! feilong, please take a chill pill and go play outside. You will get a heart attack soon. You look like a fool right now. :omghaha:
Good for Vietnam. Now they are one-step closer to color revolution! As soon as Vietnam government loses control, China and Cambodia can make our move.

is Khmer Rouge your duddy ? Chine need one more culture revolution to wipe out corroupt CPC from China.
:lol: you really think this a proud achievement?

The essense of TPP is an official contract for the economically weaker countries to sell themelves as serfs for life, because its domestic industries of all kinds will have no chance of being independent ever again under this contract. It is another form of colonialism in fact. On the contrary it is the most advantagous thing an economically poweful country could do. That's a major reason USA is so eager to push it.
Congrats to Vietnam! After TPP, China's economy will crash! @NiceGuy

Nice, hope to see JP shifting its auto factories from none TPP nation Thailand to VN soon....VN will get rich and have lots of money to buy more warship, fighter to protect our East VN sea (SCS) :)
why would Japan move its production from Thailand to Vietnam?
why would Japan move its production from Thailand to Vietnam?
Coz Thailand is not TPP member, if Japan use Thai products for its cars, then Japan will not get free tax trading when exporting car to TPP nations like US-Canada-Ausssie etc..
Coz Thailand is not TPP member, if Japan use Thai products for its cars, then Japan will not get free tax trading when exporting car to TPP nations like US-Canada-Ausssie etc..
THis is easy to solve. Just lower the car part tax to zero, and everything looks like TPP without being condition-imposed by TPP. On TPP there are many conditions that may looks like Colonial era requirements. Vietnam lacks of those experience may not understand how similar they are.
THis is easy to solve. Just lower the car part tax to zero, and everything looks like TPP without being condition-imposed by TPP. On TPP there are many conditions that may looks like Colonial era requirements. Vietnam lacks of those experience may not understand how similar they are.
Why is Thailand not part of the TPP negotiation?
THis is easy to solve. Just lower the car part tax to zero, and everything looks like TPP without being condition-imposed by TPP. On TPP there are many conditions that may looks like Colonial era requirements. Vietnam lacks of those experience may not understand how similar they are.
Nope, thats not 'easy' as you say. Base on TPP rules, the companies in TPP nations can sue TPP Govt. if the Govt. violate the rules. Japan Govt. dont wanna be sued and dont wanna pay a heavy price for it, so they (Japan) will have to say bye bye to Thailand soon :)

Why is Thailand not part of the TPP negotiation?
Seems like all Chinese here dont have any Global vision to understand how to play the Global game . Vietnam is the second most important TPP nation in the purpose to contain and weaken China. Vietnam wont join TPP if Thailand is TPP member coz foreign investment will keep pouring into Thailand instead of VN, and we will get No benefit from it.

So, Uncle Sam need to say bye bye to Thailand coz he needs Vietnam to contain China for him :)
Nope, thats not 'easy' as you say. Base on TPP rules, the companies in TPP nations can sue TPP Govt. if the Govt. violate the rules. Japan Govt. dont wanna be sued and dont wanna pay a heavy price for it, so they (Japan) will have to say bye bye to Thailand soon :)

Seems like all Chinese here dont have any Global vision to understand how to play the Global game . Vietnam is the second most important TPP nation in the purpose to contain and weaken China. Vietnam wont join TPP if Thailand is TPP member coz foreign investment will keep pouring into Thailand instead of VN, and we will get No benefit from it.

So, Uncle Sam need to say bye bye to Thailand coz he needs Vietnam to contain China for him :)
perhaps you are right. but how many times VN chose the right path in the past? We will see how our different choices go as the story unfold.

Why is Thailand not part of the TPP negotiation?
Our leaders, democracy or dictator, choose no TPP. I don't know exactly why.
Cooperating with USA will definitely make Vietnam richer and stronger. The Vn southerner knew this long time ago. Before 1975, Saigon is richer than any city in South East Asia. Because the geopolitics of Vietnam is too important, If US want to contain China and separate China with ASEAN, they have to increase their influence in Vietnam.
Arrogant Chinese always look down Vn and cannot recognize the importance of strategic position of Vn. It's time for Vn to seek the best ally on earth, USA. Anyway, Vietnam southerners and US are always good friends.
Cooperating with USA will definitely make Vietnam richer and stronger. The Vn southerner knew this long time ago. Before 1975, Saigon is richer than any city in South East Asia. Because the geopolitics of Vietnam is too important, If US want to contain China and separate China with ASEAN, they have to increase their influence in Vietnam.
Arrogant Chinese always look down Vn and cannot recognize the importance of strategic position of Vn. It's time for Vn to seek the best ally on earth, USA. Anyway, Vietnam southerners and US are always good friends.

perhaps you are right. but how many times VN chose the right path in the past? We will see how our different choices go as the story unfold.

Our leaders, democracy or dictator, choose no TPP. I don't know exactly why.

They just express the interest in joining round 2 which will like in next 3 or 4 years

Thailand has repeatedly expressed interest, in theory, in joining the TPP, though the Thai government has been assessing the costs and benefits of the TPP for Bangkok for at least three years. In theory, Thailand is better equipped to join the TPP than the Philippines. The country is likely to remain under authoritarian or pseudo-authoritarian rule for several years, so public sentiment about a trade deal would matter less, and the Thai economy is slightly more open than that of the Philippines. But Thailand’s contentious domestic politics have made it difficult for the Thai government to focus on anything other than drafting the new constitution, suppressing dissent, and ensuring the military’s sustained influence. With Thai politics in such turmoil, it is hard to imagine Bangkok focusing its energies on the TPP.

Source: The Philippines, Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan: Joining TPP? | bilaterals.org
Nope, thats not 'easy' as you say. Base on TPP rules, the companies in TPP nations can sue TPP Govt. if the Govt. violate the rules. Japan Govt. dont wanna be sued and dont wanna pay a heavy price for it, so they (Japan) will have to say bye bye to Thailand soon :)

Seems like all Chinese here dont have any Global vision to understand how to play the Global game . Vietnam is the second most important TPP nation in the purpose to contain and weaken China. Vietnam wont join TPP if Thailand is TPP member coz foreign investment will keep pouring into Thailand instead of VN, and we will get No benefit from it.

So, Uncle Sam need to say bye bye to Thailand coz he needs Vietnam to contain China for him :)

Wow, Congrat Viet to be an international Giant!
and thanks for teaching me the Global vision and how to play the Global game.
TPP is golden standard for Vietnam. Phillipines, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar will follow suit when they witness Vietnam benefit from TPP. Laos is for sure will join TPP in the future. CLMV member countries will follow Vietnam foot step since Vietnam plays leading role in this group.

Taiwan and SKorea expect to join TPP in the future since U.S. is the boss.

China lost the game already. China is being isolated in Asia, its 9 dash line and arrogant attitude contribute to that. Underestimate Vietnam will contribute to your doom. Vietnam is small country but never lack of genius - see how Vietnam contributed to the fall of French empire and ended U.S. influence in SEA? Now seat down and relax watch the show.
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