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Done! Vietnam completes TPP bilateral negotiations with US, Japan; finishes talks with all parties

You don't get it.

TPP is to entice countries to get special access to US market and US investment but to prevent local companies from developing and challenging US corporations.

It will force a permanent dependency on the US which will increase political leverage of the US on the country.

The aim of any sovereign country is to develop their own companies and brands and reduce foreign dependency.

TPP will increase barriers to entry for local companies which will stunt the development of local brands and local technologies.

China will not be subject to harsh American imposed rules and will be free to develop its brands and technologies.

TPP will eliminate future competition to Chinese brands in the global market. This is a net benefit to China.
Except Vietnam, other TPP nations are just US's vassal states, so US simply dont care if those states can survive or not. No need to mention about them, they are just TPP victims

As for Vietnam, if Japan agree to shift its auto-factories from none TPP-Thailand to Vietnam, then, its good enough for us to survive and get rich already :)

Of course, we have been used to this, you know, I like sanction and restriction more, you know why?

As China economic problem, yeah, we are facing it, China will collapse? wait and see, you have wait for more than 10 years, :coffee:

As to TPP, it is high-level agreement, maybe it is trap, first, it serve America, she is the banker in the game, you know, if want earn money in casino, you should be good in gambling and keep clear, maybe this is not good metaphor, be careful, :coffee:
Yeah, maybe China will survive, but will remain weak as Russia now, and thats all US-VN need. :)
Everyone have different motives. In Vietnam's case, they want to escape being in China's shadow like they were for 99% of their existence. Others like Japan and Philippines are already fully invested in the American/west led hegemonic world order, so any disturbance to that feels like a threat to them. As for Taiwan, they are the other part of China split into its own little part (technically the civil war between PRC and ROC is not over) after losing control of the mainland so there is still resistance against PRC, thus they want American support. Did I miss anyone?
ha ha ha ...you are almost correct. even an outsider such as the US ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius once says: Vietnam is trying to find out what it wants to be, but one thing is certain: it does not want to be chinese.
Yeah, maybe China will survive, but will remain weak as Russia now, and thats all US-VN need. :)
Hehe, not survive, just better or not, weak? sorry, that's not you can decided, even USA can't, even American and American allies are not optimistic at American ability, but you vietnam are.

And, Vietnamese very like dragging Amercia in, you like american very much, you know, for you Vietnam, the hardest thing is that, you are so close to China, even America can't change this:coffee:
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It is simply because VN is so poor, that this kind of development can be considered survive and rich.
VN get nothing to lose in TPP
But for most countries with already some industries, they will face the competition from US high tech companies.
They will lose jobs, markets.
That is why most countries have concerns regarding TPP..

Except Vietnam, other TPP nations are just US's vassal states, so US simply dont care if those states can survive or not. No need to mention about them, they are just TPP victims

As for Vietnam, if Japan agree to shift its auto-factories from none TPP-Thailand to Vietnam, then, its good enough for us to survive and get rich already :)

Yeah, maybe China will survive, but will remain weak as Russia now, and thats all US-VN need. :)
Typical Ah Q mentality.

Vietnamese speak Mon/Khmer language, Han Chinese speak Sino-tibetan language. We belong to different race in Asia. Han Chinese invaded in to Ou Luo (Van Lang) country of Vietnamese in the past. We kicked you back to China over thousand year. The story is finished.

Apply your logic Han Chinese' father is Mongolian or Manchurian.:sarcastic:

You can keep denying all you want.

Vietnamese have Chinese blood running through your veins.
Thank you for being honest here. We Vietnamese already knew all along why you PDF Chinese commenters are so upset about things like TPP and always comment on US-Asian relations that has nothing to do with China (why would you care about VN-US TPP negotiation?). Its not because you cared about Viet Nam or the global trade dynamics, etc. It doesn’t matter for you guys if TPP is good or bad for Viet Nam.

So why do Chinese PDF members keep commenting? the answer is simply in the red part of your quote, you guys are hateful and can’t accept the fact that many of your neighbouring Asian countries choose to cooperate and have better opinion of the US and other countries than they do with China. And you are hateful and can not accept this reality because you have a misconception that China should be the center of Asia, or even the world, and to see your neighbouring countries cooperate with someone else and have better opinions of someone else is embarrasing and frustrates you. Reality does not align with our dream.

Hence, you guys resort to insults and personal attacks against countries that do decide to cooperate with the US or other countries. Whenever there are threads about US-VN relationship, US-Japan relationship or US-other Asian countries, you guys are always there ready to attack and insult. We can clearly see it is derived from your jealousy and frustration.

It is for the same reason when some members post an achievement of their country or something positive about their country, chinese members will always be quick to jump in the thread and downplay it and talk how China can do better. These behaviour comes from jealousy and a sense that China should be the center of attention here, not Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. It is understandable here on PDF as Pakistan is your friend and you want praise and attention from your friend, this is why I never post anything positive about Vietnam, for the sake of your sensitivity.

I understand your frustration. I will say this, China can one day in the future be the center of attention just like what you are dreaming of. First you just need to change your behaviour. Not a difficult task to do. You don’t need to think hard about your geo-strategic plan, economic plan to achieve this dream. You just need to change change your behaviour and mentality and things will become easier, it is actually quite simple..

I think you need to lay off the armchair psychology stuff buddy! You're not coming off as smart as you think you are.

For the record, I don't feel jealousy or resentment towards Vietnam. Pity would be the best word to describe my sentiments of Vietnam. The country has gone through many recent hardships and its people suffered greatly.

I may sound hawkish for war at times but I would prefer China does not fight with any of its neighbours. Asian countries getting along, without Western interference, is what all Asian countries should strive for. Why would any Asian country want to continually live under white men's rules? And let them dictate their destiny?

TPP is designed to make USA and Western companies much richer and the weaker Asian TPP signatories benefit only slightly and get richer much more slowly. If Vietnam feels this is their best route for economic development, then they're welcome to follow it. However, let's not hide the fact that they are bowing before white men for investment and protection.

If you want to go on one of your pseudo-Freud analysis of what I just said, then you're welcome to, as I know I am comfortable in my beliefs and where I fit in as a proud Asian.
You can't change history.

What you call Vietnamese people are actually Chinese people living in the land you call Vietnam.

There is no such thing as 'Vietnamese' people.

You are a byproduct of the Chinese race and are part of the greater Chinese civilisation.

That's why Vietnamese and Chinese get married a lot because both are culturally very similar.

You cannot be different from Chinese when your entire history is derived from China.

China bred you, fed you, taught you, cared for you, loved you, spanked you, loved you again, spanked you again, protected you.

China don't even want any appreciation from Vietnam, because its an obligation for China to protect Vietnam against foreign invasions.

China is like a father, Vietnam is like a son. Even though there might be fights between father and son, the father has a duty to protect the son. Son might hate the father, but the father don't care.

China-Vietnam fights are like family fights. But when foreigners invade Vietnam, China will do anything in its power to protect it as it did in the Vietnam war.

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam are all part of the greater Chinese civilisation.

You can hate your father (China) all you want but you have your father's (Chinese) blood running through your veins.
how about it: you consider Vietnam as like most other countries in the world?
I think you need to lay off the armchair psychology stuff buddy! You're not coming off as smart as you think you are.

For the record, I don't feel jealousy or resentment towards Vietnam. Pity would be the best word to describe my sentiments of Vietnam. The country has gone through many recent hardships and its people suffered greatly.

I may sound hawkish for war at times but I would prefer China does not fight with any of its neighbours. Asian countries getting along, without Western interference, is what all Asian countries should strive for. Why would any Asian country want to continually live under white men's rules? And let them dictate their destiny?

TPP is designed to make USA and Western companies much richer and the weaker Asian TPP signatories benefit only slightly and get richer much more slowly. If Vietnam feels this is their best route for economic development, then they're welcome to follow it. However, let's not hide the fact that they are bowing before white men for investment and protection.

If you want to go on one of your pseudo-Freud analysis of what I just said, then you're welcome to, as I know I am comfortable in my beliefs and where I fit in as a proud Asian.

Heh so cute, now you’re saying you are writing out of pity for Viet Nam? Let’s see, before you wrote this post, you thumbed up the following troll post:

Unlimited supplies of banana will flood the TPP members from Vietnam. Finally Vietnam will be a superpower in exporting bananas. :lol:

So don’t try to pretend that you are speaking out of pity lol. Your behaviour is more like a troll or sourgrape rather than “pity”. I’m just telling my opinions and observations. Everyone can see you guys’ attitude. As a friend of Chinese people, I’m just expressing my views and perspective because it is kind of embarrassing seeing the behaviours of 90% Chinese members in this section. This section used to be good but now it is embarrassing, eventhough you guys think you are doing a good job.
It is simply because VN is so poor, that this kind of development can be considered survive and rich.
VN get nothing to lose in TPP
But for most countries with already some industries, they will face the competition from US high tech companies.
They will lose jobs, markets.
That is why most countries have concerns regarding TPP..
Only VN dare to stand up against US imperialist, we fought hard for our independence and for the right to gain the control of SCS(east sea) while others (including China) accept US's rule over their territories (CN surrender TW, Senkaku to US,Japan), so now, we deserve to get what other nations (who bow down to US) can not have :)
This is answer for Chinese trollings. US ambassador is more educated than Chinese forumers.

asking you to clarify what Vietnam's proposal for the TPP is is trolling? lol heck i doubt any of you Vietnam forumers even know what it is and you folks are jumping up and down. lol
That doesn't answer the question.
I don´t study TPP in details, but Basic of the trade pact is an open market, aka pure capitalism. as for VN, the government must allow establishing of independent labor unions, reducing state ownership, loosen restrictions on the economy, and privatisation of SOEs. plus, reducing import tariffs, respecting IP, protecting enviroment and other western Standards (e.i. food security). as we are the least developed (and poorest) Country, VN has more time to adopt the rules than other countries such as Japan and Singapore.

the US doesn´t demand democracy. so a color revolution is not on the horizon.
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asking you to clarify what Vietnam's proposal for the TPP is is trolling? lol heck i doubt any of you Vietnam forumers even know what it is and you folks are jumping up and down. lol
WHy do we need to know the details when we can quit TPP if we see no benefit ??

Without VN, the purpose to contain China by TPP will never suceed :)
Hannah Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahaha hahhahahah hahhahahah hahahhaha hahahhahaha hahahhaha hahahahah hahahhaha hahhhahha hahahahha hahhahahha hahahhaha hahahhahah hahahhhahha hahahahhaha hahahahhah hahahahahaha.........

Hahahaha US want human rights...... So colour revolution is near you once TPP in active......
This dude seriously has lowest IQ in here, he can never say anything make sense, looking his responding is like 2 years old mind. These type of moron typical seen in Khmer PolPot oversea, there is strong correlation of this guy as Khmer polpot oversea.
you can vietnamese, pls check media in vietnam.
I can't understand Vietnamese yet. Since you are doing business with America on TPP. It should be in English too for us viewers too. Please kindly translate.

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