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Donald Trump will announce decision on Iran deal on Tuesday

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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US president Donald Trump announced on Twitter on Monday afternoon that he would reveal to the world what his decision on the Iranian nuclear deal would be tomorrow.

“I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm”, he told his 51.6m followers on the social media site, bypassing as ever the usual protocols for the announcement of such important policy choices:

I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2018
The president gave no subsequent indication of what direction his thoughts were going in, following the tweet which was retweeted more than 11,000 in the hour following its posting.

Earlier in the day, in a potentially related development, the hawkish British foreign secretary Boris Johnson, who has expressed his admiration of Mr Trump repeatedly, made a last-minute pitch to save the Iran nuclear deal on Monday by appearing on the president’s favourite Fox News television show, urging him not to throw out "the baby with the bathwater".

In a somewhat combative interview, Mr Johnson was asked why it was left to President Trump to demand a stronger deal and why Britain had not negotiated better terms with Iran in 2015.

"Yeah, well, so should America (have), to be totally fair, you know? We were all in it," Mr Johnson told the Fox & Friends morning show.

"But yes, the president has a legitimate point. He set a challenge for the world. We think that what you can do is be tougher on Iran, address the concerns of the president and not throw the baby out with the bath water – not junk a deal – because as I’ve said, ‘Plan B’ does not seem to be particularly well developed at this stage."

Mr Johnson said there have been 400 inspections in the past two years and the International Atomic Agency has confirmed that Iran is in compliance. In a later argument with Sky News, Mr Johnson again argued that there was no back-up plan.

“There are going to be considerable risks at the moment that the United States will walk away, that there could well be a collapse of the deal. And what happens then? The Iranians just go for a bomb. And how do we stop them? What’s our Plan B?” Mr Johnson asked.

Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action backed by backed by Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US Obama administration in 2015, crippling international sanctions were eased in return for a commitment from Iran not to pursue a nuclear bomb.

The US president has threatened to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal by the May 12 deadline, however, demanding that European signatories "fix the terrible flaws" in it or he will re-impose sanctions on Iran eased under the accord brokered before Mr Trump took office.

An annulment could tip the scales in favour of Iranian hardliners looking to constrain the relatively moderate president's ability to open up to the West.

On Monday, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani said Iran would "fiercely resist" efforts to weaken the country or limit its influence in the region or internationally. Iran has previously complained that it is not reaping the rewards despite complying with the deal.

"If they want to make sure that we are not after a nuclear bomb, we have said repeatedly that we are not and we will not be," Mr Rouhani said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

"But if they want to weaken Iran and limit its influence whether in the region or globally, Iran will fiercely resist".

Mr Johnson was due to hold talks with vice president Mike Pence and US national security adviser John Bolton on Monday, but he was not scheduled to meet Mr Trump.

Fantastic to be back in Washington for talks with my American friends on a huge range of issues. You can read my @nytimes piece today at https://t.co/ASRlUFhIIs
— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) May 7, 2018
The foreign secretary also appealed to the US through an op-ed piece published in The New York Times. While he admitted the 2015 agreement was not perfect, he said there was no better alternative.

"At this delicate juncture, it would be a mistake to walk away from the nuclear agreement and remove the restraints that it places on Iran," Mr Johnson wrote in the Times on Sunday.

He argued that inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency have been granted extra powers to monitor Iran's nuclear facilities, "increasing the likelihood that they would spot any attempt to build a weapon".

"I believe that keeping the deal's constraints on Iran's nuclear programme will also help counter Tehran's aggressive regional behaviour. I am sure of one thing: every available alternative is worse. The wisest course would be to improve the handcuffs rather than break them," he wrote.

British, French and German diplomats have reportedly been working for weeks behind the scenes with US counterparts to save the deal.

.@SebGorka: "I just want to know now after this report came out about Kerry colluding - this is collusion, this is real collusion - when are FBI agents with guns drawn going to raid his house?" pic.twitter.com/Zfqf5dPfwJ
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 6, 2018
Former US Secretary of State John Kerry's "shadow diplomacy" with a top-ranking Iranian official has raised questions about whether Mr Kerry's interference is patriotic or indefensible.

Mr Kerry and Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif have met twice in about two months to discuss salvaging a deal they negotiated, the Boston Globe reported.

Ex-White House adviser Sebastian Gorka said the meetings, if they occurred, could be considered "collusion".

"When are FBI agents with guns drawn going to raid his house?" Mr Gorka tweeted.

There's a 99% chance he'll say something very dumb and a 1% chance he'll say something somebody else told him to say.

Or he may actually just not say anything useful since he seems to occassionally make such claims and then not actually follow through.

Ultimately, I wouldn't be surprised if it's something that makes Netanyahu happy(which would be bad for everybody else in the region). Saudi Arabia might also be pleased, depending on how far it goes, seeing as Iran is their rival.
There's a 99% chance he'll say something very dumb and a 1% chance he'll say something somebody else told him to say.

Or he may actually just not say anything useful since he seems to occassionally make such claims and then not actually follow through.

Ultimately, I wouldn't be surprised if it's something that makes Netanyahu happy(which would be bad for everybody else in the region). Saudi Arabia might also be pleased, depending on how far it goes, seeing as Iran is their rival.
Regardless of what people can think about Trump he is the US president with all what that entails..I hope you understand! This is not a stupid person by any means, otherwise he could not make it to the US presidency of the most powerful, advanced and strongest nation of the world.. He might act dump.. but one should read about "Bahlool" in the one thousand and one nights.. to understand that the most intelligent can act in such ways for everyone to take him for a naive and innocent person..and mostly dumb, while he is manipulating them to achieve his aims.. be it sleeping with some of the Sultan's wives or pushing for someone to be in a high position that he can easily manipulate for political, economical or military ends..

As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned it has stated officially that it did not want Trump to dismiss the deal with Iran.. but its only concern was with curbing Iran's interventions in its Arab neighbouring countries.. and meddling in their internal affairs..which is totally different from the Nuclear deal issue..
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There's a 99% chance he'll say something very dumb and a 1% chance he'll say something somebody else told him to say.

Or he may actually just not say anything useful since he seems to occassionally make such claims and then not actually follow through.

Ultimately, I wouldn't be surprised if it's something that makes Netanyahu happy(which would be bad for everybody else in the region). Saudi Arabia might also be pleased, depending on how far it goes, seeing as Iran is their rival.

Oh I think we all pretty much know exactly what he's going to say and do. He's going to rip up the deal and he might even actually physically do it, just like that gumbasta curmudgeon clown Rudy Gulliani did the other day while smiling with his decrepit chicklets. He's gonna try to pull the same, bully tactic he did with North Korea except Iran will probably handle it a lot differently. They won't call him a "Dotard" or anything like that. They'll just politely say that he can stick his issues with the JCPOA where the son don't shine.

Regardless of what people can think about Trump

He's a homar kebire awi! lol.


This is not a stupid person by any means,

He most likely has the IQ of an asparagus, SC bro.

otherwise he could not make it to the US presidency of the most powerful, advanced and strongest nation of the world

That's the beauty of this country, ma bro. Even a donkey can become president as long as he's wealthy and a star and his opponent is not as popular as she thought she was.

He might act dump..

and mostly dump

Dumb, my brother. :-) And he is dumb as a door knob! loool

As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned it has stated officially that it did not want Trump to dismiss the deal with Iran.. but its only concern was with curbing Iran's interventions in its Arab neighbouring countries.. and meddling in their internal affairs..which is totally different from the Nuclear deal issue..

Indeed. Saudiya has a good stance about this situation, contrary to what many goofballs might think.
Oh I think we all pretty much know exactly what he's going to say and do. He's going to rip up the deal and he might even actually physically do it, just like that gumbasta curmudgeon clown Rudy Gulliani did the other day while smiling with his decrepit chicklets. He's gonna try to pull the same, bully tactic he did with North Korea except Iran will probably handle it a lot differently. They won't call him a "Dotard" or anything like that. They'll just politely say that he can stick his issues with the JCPOA where the son don't shine.

He's a homar kebire awi! lol.


He most likely has the IQ of an asparagus, SC bro.

That's the beauty of this country, ma bro. Even a donkey can become president as long as he's wealthy and a star and his opponent is not as popular as she thought she was.

Dumb, my brother. :-) And he is dumb as a door knob! loool

Indeed. Saudiya has a good stance about this situation, contrary to what many goofballs might think.
He is bold and offensive.. I prefer that to sneaky Obama..whom I thought good of him in the beginning and found him very eloquent..

Thanks for the correction.. it sounds the same:lol:

He acts like a bahlool..these kind of people are usually smart, not in the common sense, but in the Machiavellian sense.. and that is dangerous..

As far as Iran is concerned some say it is better off with the US pulling out of the deal, because the latter can not put pressure on the Europeans anymore if they want to do business in Iran.. and Russia said openly that it will share everything with Iran.. but again ignoring the US influence in this world is not something easy..
Regardless of what people can think about Trump he is the US president with all what that entails..I hope you understand! This is not a stupid person by any means, otherwise he could not make it to the US presidency of the most powerful, advanced and strongest nation of the world.. He might act dump.. but one should read about "Bahlool" in the one thousand and one nights.. to understand that the most intelligent can act in such ways for everyone to take him for a naive and innocent person..and mostly dumb, while he is manipulating them to achieve his aims.. be it sleeping with some of the Sultan's wives or pushing for someone to be in a high position that he can easily manipulate for political, economical or military ends..

As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned it has stated officially that it did not want Trump to dismiss the deal with Iran.. but its only concern was with curbing Iran's interventions in its Arab neighbouring countries.. and meddling in their internal affairs..which is totally different from the Nuclear deal issue..

There are many stupid people who reach pinnacle of power. Trump is actually a symptom of the ills the American politics and its society is facing.
There are many stupid people who reach pinnacle of power. Trump is actually a symptom of the ills the American politics and its society is facing.
Well, the guy was an American business Icon, and a very shrewd businessman.. may be that is why he was chosen by the Americans to lead them in one of the worst economic crisis they were going through.. and he has succeeded in alleviating their fears and has improved the economy as well as unemployment went to its lowest in years just very lately.. So he might be stupid in politics (I won't bet on that!).. but he is good to the US and its interest.. this is my rational thoughts about him.. since I know first hand that he is a market maker in business and a doer.. and he is trying to apply his expertise in politics.. that might sound stupid somehow, but if his politics are based on the economical interest of the US.. then he is not that dumb as some might think.. But then when the American interests conflict with other countries interests, the matter gets more complicated,, and we hear talk of war, sanctions and what have you.. all this talk is mostly used as pressure on others to further the US interests..And to speak the truth, which population won't like to have someone leading it who can fix it economic, social and political ills..An then comes to mind the hegemony factor of the US's military power that is used as a weapon or card on its own to further the US interests worldwide.. it is a card not many nations possess and the US was very naive in using it in Afghanistan and Iraq.. Trump himself talked about loosing $7 trillion there for no avail.. and that leaving Saddam there would have made the ME more stable than it is now.. so the guy is quite rational sometimes and pragmatic most of the time..
Well, the guy was an American business Icon, and a very shrewd businessman.. may be that is why he was chosen by the Americans to lead them in one of the worst economic crisis they were going through.. and he has succeeded in alleviating their fears and has improved the economy as well as unemployment went to its lowest in years just very lately.. So he might be stupid in politics (I won't bet on that!).. but he is good to the US and its interest.. this is my rational thoughts about him.. since I know first hand that he is a market maker in business and a doer.. and he is trying to apply his expertise in politics.. that might sound stupid somehow, but if his politics are based on the economical interest of the US.. then he is not that dumb as some might think.. But then when the American interests conflict with other countries interests, the matter gets more complicated,, and we hear talk of war, sanctions and what have you.. all this talk is mostly used as pressure on others to further the US interests..And to speak the truth, which population won't like to have someone leading it who can fix it economic, social and political ills..An then comes to mind the hegemony factor of the US's military power that is used as a weapon or card on its own to further the US interests worldwide.. it is a card not many nations possess and the US was very naive in using it in Afghanistan and Iraq.. Trump himself talked about loosing $7 trillion there for no avail.. and that leaving Saddam there would have made the ME more stable than it is now.. so the guy is quite rational sometimes and pragmatic most of the time..

American political system is very corrupt. Structurally it is a very good system but due to special interests, it has become a system which only serves special interests like pharmaceutical companies, banks, military industry and AIPAC.

The last special interest is actually haunting the American foreign policy so much that Americans are hated everywhere. Which interests of America does wars in Middle East serve exactly? Americans are fighting Israeli wars. Israel gets a direct benefit by getting Middle East countries destroyed around it. This chaos and leaderless land masses around Israel extends its security zone.

There is no difference between Obama and Trump in terms of internal as wel as foreign policy although they came from different parties. Due to politics serving special interests, a layer of political establishment is created and sustained that only serves the status quo. Even if Trump really wanted out of Syria, look at how he has been played by establishment. So bring any person to White House, the net effect will be net zero.
American political system is very corrupt. Structurally it is a very good system but due to special interests, it has become a system which only serves special interests like pharmaceutical companies, banks, military industry and AIPAC.

The last special interest is actually haunting the American foreign policy so much that Americans are hated everywhere. Which interests of America does wars in Middle East serve exactly? Americans are fighting Israeli wars. Israel gets a direct benefit by getting Middle East countries destroyed around it. This chaos and leaderless land masses around Israel extends its security zone.

There is no difference between Obama and Trump in terms of internal as wel as foreign policy although they came from different parties. Due to politics serving special interests, a layer of political establishment is created and sustained that only serves the status quo. Even if Trump really wanted out of Syria, look at how he has been played by establishment. So bring any person to White House, the net effect will be net zero.
Are you talking about the deep state?
Great news that crippling sanctions are back.

Any regime that chants for the deaths of nations and erects clocks counting down to the destruction of Israel should never be trusted.

Iran will find it very hard now to create so many wars with the crippling sanctions.
Isreal and Saudia Arab will be celebrating today while there will be lots of anger in Iran.
We(our generation) are lucky to live under great visionary leaders like them. :smitten:
So wher are the persian who screamed for trumpet back in the days?
Well Iranians should have known from history US was never to be trusted. From the previous oil monopoly of exploitation, shahs imposition, mosadeq's removal, support of Saddam etc etc and list goes on. I said it from day one, this deal was not worth the paper it was written on and Iran as history shows, will get hit again and again by US.
Simple, start the centrifuges and go forward end of story.
Well Iranians should have known from history US was never to be trusted. From the previous oil monopoly of exploitation, shahs imposition, mosadeq's removal, support of Saddam etc etc and list goes on. I said it from day one, this deal was not worth the paper it was written on and Iran as history shows, will get hit again and again by US.
Simple, start the centrifuges and go forward end of story.

part our country have mindset of seks slave and see USA and super power as master ... so , no amount of talking and deviance and history fact can change their opinion ...
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