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Donald Trump: Israel will be destroyed unless I’m elected


Feb 21, 2012
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Donald Trump: Israel will be destroyed unless I’m elected
On campaign trail, Republican nominee says an emboldened Iran ‘highly threatening’ to Jewish state after nuclear deal
BY JTA AND TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF September 7, 2016, 1:10 am 12

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event September 6, 2016 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP)
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that if he is not elected, the Iran nuclear deal will destroy Israel.

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Last year’s sanctions-relief-for-nuclear-rollback deal “is going to destroy Israel — unless I get elected,” Trump told Cleveland area labor leaders on Monday, according to The Columbus Dispatch. “Then Israel will be just fine.”
In Virginia, meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., defended the Iran deal and dismissed Trump’s concerns about Israel as insincere, saying the Republican’s strategy for Israel was to “pat them on the back and tell them good luck.”
Clinton, as secretary of state in President Barack Obama’s first term, helped shape the negotiations and said she will uphold the deal, although she has suggested that she will be more stringent in enforcing it than the Obama administration.

Unlike many of his rivals during the Republican primaries, Trump has not said he would scrap the agreement, but he has criticized the agreement, saying it was a bad deal. He has also said he would first consult with his national security advisers.

On Tuesday, addressing a town hall in Virginia Beach, Virginia, a town with a substantial military population, Trump again attacked the deal, but did not directly answer a question posed by one of his national security advisers, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, about what he would do about it.

Trump said the deal had rendered Iran a “world power” whereas it had been a regional power previously. “The deal is one of the worst negotiated deals I have ever seen,” he said.

“They’re highly threatening to the State of Israel, they’re so bad for Israel,” he said of Iran, blaming Clinton and Obama for empowering the Islamic Republic.

Speaking the same day in Wilmington, North Carolina, Kaine ridiculed Trump’s confident claims that he would protect Israel.

“Thanks in part to the global sanctions coalition that Hillary Clinton assembled, and negotiations that she initiated, President Obama ultimately achieved a historic agreement that put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program without firing a single shot,” Kaine said. “But we have no idea how Donald Trump would handle Iran – and frankly, neither does he.”

Kain noted that Trump last year said he would be neutral when it came to negotiating Israeli-Palestinian peace – Trump has since said he would favor Israel – and contemplated making Israel pay for its US defense assistance.

“Israel is our strongest partner in the region,” Kaine said. “Trump’s plan was to pat them on the back and tell them good luck. That’s no way to treat an ally, that’s no way to treat a friend.”
All of them are same shit ! No worries :D
Some more wacko than others i liked Bernie and Jill though they spoke on workable solutions instead of right wing populist measures
Some more wacko than others i liked Bernie and Jill though they spoke on workable solutions instead of right wing populist measures

All of them are same clowns !
I am surprised he did not say that the sun wont shine if he is not elected:)
I am surprised he did not say that the sun wont shine if he is not elected:)

That can be tested the next morning but this theory will have to wait a the very tleast till the elections to even start to be tested........
Hilary and Trump, different toilet but the same shi*. The main agenda will remain the same regardless of who's elected. They will both continue to kiss Zionist ***, the *** kiss ballot will then be counted and the President announced.

Presidents are selected not elected.
Trump's thinking that Hillary will be like a wimp in politics. A: that's not true. B:it was people like me who put the air-bombardment option back on the table when Iran's leaderships refused full nuclear inspections way too stubbornly and for too long..
That resulted in : Ayatollah stays in power and the Green Movement in Iran keeping a very low profile, and Iran now enjoying new civilian transport aircraft (probably at a discount (for a lesser price than normal)).
He is just a political tool of CIA. Hillary will win and she will be first female president (yay for feminists) and that she is Muslim lover (yay for Muslims, peace is restored). And America will come out great again, as usual.

Then there will be news in Indian media that Indian public shoud learn from Americans on secularism and what not :blah::blah:
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