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dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

He would had bit it if he came into power with clear mandate with majority of the seats. For now, PMLN doesn't had that. PTI have way more seats than PMLN yet their PM is not at the office. To make tougher decision, you need to have clear electoral mandate first. This is precisely why, early general elections would had been the right choice and than who ever forms the government later on, could had made tougher decisions.
I agree that PLMN made a mistake of taking the government now. Imran decided to threaten the opposition into backing down with an unreasonable fuel subsidy. Opposition did not back down and simply went on to do what opposition parties try to do in any coalition government set up. To bring down the government and are now dealing with the landmines left by Imran. The biggest causality here is Pakistan's economy. Both sides have not given it a thought, but PDM cannot continue that way any longer.
I agree that PLMN made a mistake of taking the government now. Imran decided to threaten the opposition into backing down with an unreasonable fuel subsidy. Opposition did not back down and simply went on to do what opposition parties try to do in any coalition government set up. To bring down the government and are now dealing with the landmines left by Imran. The biggest causality here is Pakistan's economy. Both sides have not given it a thought, but PDM cannot continue that way any longer.
Remind me of land mines left behind by your favorite Pmln govt in 2018
You are right to question the monetary policy of PLMN. I don't support PLMN. I only try to question some of the more questionable accusations against them by PTI warriors :D
Fuel subsidy by Imran Khan was given from the budget approved until June 2022. Sure IMF didn't like it but it was pre approved. New govt can cancel it anytime
@Norwegian curious if you have information about Pakistan's net reserves right now? Your graph always end in 2018 :undecided:

Fuel subsidy by Imran Khan was given from the budget approved until June 2022. Sure IMF didn't like it but it was pre approved. New govt can cancel it anytime
.. and I think that they will. They have to do so to complete the IMF program that Imran himself sought for :agree:
To bring down the government and are now dealing with the landmines left by Imran.
Same landmines would had been left by PMLN infact way more. Year 2018 was testimonial to that where they even made 0 income tax for the salaried class.

P.S. had there be no vote of confidence move by the opposition of that time, IK would had not subsidized petrol prices. In short, it was opposition who created all this mess.
@Norwegian curious if you have information about Pakistan's net reserves right now? Your graph always end in 2018 :undecided:

.. and I think that they will. They have to do so to complete the IMF program that Imran himself sought for :agree:
I don't have the data but they should still be in minus considering high import bill and debt repayments
Same landmines would had been left by PMLN infact way more. Year 2018 was testimonial to that where they even made 0 income tax for the salaried class.

P.S. had there be no vote of confidence move by the opposition of that time, IK would had not subsidized petrol prices. In short, it was opposition who created all this mess.
Yes, so at the very least we have to admit: Imran has looked after his political interests over larger well being of Pakistan's economy. In doing so, he has proved himself to be similar to PLMN at least on that front :undecided:
Yes, so at the very least we have to admit: Imran has looked after his political interests over larger well being of Pakistan's economy. In doing so, he has proved himself to be similar to PLMN at least on that front :undecided:
Fuel subsidy given by Imran Khan was for June 2022. After that it was over. It was temporary relief
Fuel subsidy given by Imran Khan was for June 2022. After that it was over. It was temporary relief
Yes, but you know that it is politically unpopular to roll back subsidies on fuel. Let's wait for Shahbaz to prove his mettle :cheers:
stock market closed at -641 points today.
IK would had not subsidized petrol prices. In short, it was opposition who created all this mess.
Bravo. Har cheez bakion ki ghalti lekin imran is holierr.

Bro he put himself first not pakistan. Fuel subsidy was criminal. Khan should be shot for it and shehbaz should be castrated for not increasing the prices.

At the end of the day the only collateral damage is the Economy and 220 million people will suffer.
Bravo. Har cheez bakion ki ghalti lekin imran is holierr.

Bro he put himself first not pakistan. Fuel subsidy was criminal. Khan should be shot for it and shehbaz should be castrated for not increasing the prices.

At the end of the day the only collateral damage is the Economy and 220 million people will suffer.
What criminal when this pdm was threatening to bring vote of no confidence in the name of inflation,it was expected of govt of that time to give people some relief. Wasn't the same opposition who is now govt used to cry their lungs out even with the increase of Rs 2 of petrol prices.

P.s. this imported govt got 2 chances to reverse PTI govt decision to remove the subsidiary so far but they didn't do it as well. This is more criminal in my opinion.

It's really funny to see patwaris believe that it's their right only to provide subsidiaries while what ever others did, was crime. Keeping dollar artificially low from 2013-2017 was right so as petrol prices during that era.
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