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Does this happen in India?

There is no "brahmanist caste system", there is only a christian caste system imposed on the Hindus. The very word caste comes from the christian Portuguese word "casta" which means RACE.

Christian british then forcibly imposed this Racist "Caste" on Indians by twisting the Varna and Jaati system in India.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 text 13

According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me.


You are seriously mocking innocent women who worship even the statue of a living creature ? I would praise their devotion and respect for Life and all living creatures. I would anyway choose them over you. Twice on Sundays.

Christians and Muslims were at the forefront of Slavery in India. Almost all the slave traders were christans and muslims.

First it was the Islamic invaders who introduced slave trade in India. Then the christian Dutch, the british and the Moors took over.

St. Thomas christians were the slave traders.

Here is real data. 39% of slave sellers were Europeans. 38% of slave sellers were local Indian St. Thomas Christians ("Asian Christians"). 5% of slave sellers were Muslims("moors").


When the islamic invaders introduced slavery in India, Shivaji was the FIRST ever king known in history to issue such an anti slavery declaration. Yet, he is nowhere acknowledged. While Abraham Lincoln who cooperated halfheartedly with abolitionists is frequently hailed as father of anti slavery and freedom.

Slavery was abolished in USA on January 1, 1863. Shivaji issued his anti slave trade declaration on 26th August 1677.

When Shivaji conquered Karnataka in 1677 from Muslim Kings, he issued the following order "In the days of Muslim rule,you were allowed to buy and transport slaves. Now I am the master. You can't buy or transport slaves. My soldiers will catch you. You must follow compulsorily"


why are going berserk ? I just pose a question if that happened in India ? I thought they were praying to the dustbin , sorry for the mistake ... Kanga ROO mata ki jai
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 text 13

According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me.


Gita mentions VARNA, i.e. Categories of people who make up society, based on their GUNA i.e. Nature.

Nowhere doe it says that those are the work ascribed to them. It talks about human nature that makes up human society.

For e.g. Kshatriya is someone who is physically aggressive in nature. To inevitable he goes into a profession that has more to do with physical violence. Army, Police, paramilitary, sports etc.

why are going berserk ? I just pose a question if that happened in India ? I thought they were praying to the dustbin , sorry for the mistake ... Kanga ROO mata ki jai

Too bad you cannot handle the truth.
Gita mentions VARNA, i.e. Categories of people who make up society, based on their GUNA i.e. Nature.

Nowhere doe it says that those are the work ascribed to them. It talks about human nature that makes up human society.

For e.g. Kshatriya is someone who is physically aggressive in nature. To inevitable he goes into a profession that has more to do with physical violence. Army, Police, paramilitary, sports etc.

that another lie spread by Sanghi saffron brigade, Bhagavad Gita clearly states varna or caste system as the world knows it, is not based on guna but birth, sample this

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18:47

It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Prescribed duties, according to one's nature, are never affected by sinful reactions


Too bad you cannot handle the truth.

say that when you look into the mirror
that another lie spread by Sanghi saffron brigade, Bhagavad Gita clearly states varna or caste system as the world knows it, is not based on guna (nurture) but birth (nature) sample this

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18:47

It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Prescribed duties, according to one's nature, are never affected by sinful reactions


Krishna is quoting that to arjuna who is a Kshatriya who refuses to do his duty to fight and instead wants to do some other job.

Also isn't quoting religion against forum rules ? I am going to report this. Let the mod's take the call.
Krishna is quoting that to arjuna who is a Kshatriya who refuses to do his duty to fight and instead wants to do some other job.

Also isn't quoting religion against forum rules ? I am going to report this. Let the mod's take the call.

precisely, that what the BG teaches one cant change varna even if the guna doesnt not fit in with the varna as you have pointed out uisng the e.g of Arjuna.

How is correcting sanghi lies be against forum rules ?
precisely, that what the BG teaches one cant change varna even if the guna doesnt not fit in with the varna as you have pointed out uisng the e.g of Arjuna.

How is correcting sanghi lies be against forum rules ?

One can't change varna because its based on your NATURE. One cannot change one's varna any more than one can change one's NATURE.

One however can change one's behavior and one's profession, those choosing a profession that is in violation to your true nature is a sure recipe for a life of misery.

I will leave it to the mods to decide if this is against forum rules. I am reporting this again. Third violation as per my record.
已将此文与“莫迪波”、“奶牛是唯一能吸入再呼出氧气的生物” 一同加入收藏夹:

看到这种级别的迷惑行为基本上都可以判定发生在印度,不需要怀疑( • ̀ω•́ )

Only English is allowed on this forum. Kindly put a translation and replace the Chinese
There is no "brahmanist caste system", there is only a christian caste system imposed on the Hindus. The very word caste comes from the christian Portuguese word "casta" which means RACE.

Christian british then forcibly imposed this Racist "Caste" on Indians by twisting the Varna and Jaati system in India.

You are seriously mocking innocent women who worship even the statue of a living creature ? I would praise their devotion and respect for Life and all living creatures. I would anyway choose them over you. Twice on Sundays.

Christians and Muslims were at the forefront of Slavery in India. Almost all the slave traders were christans and muslims.

First it was the Islamic invaders who introduced slave trade in India. Then the christian Dutch, the british and the Moors took over.

St. Thomas christians were the slave traders.

Here is real data. 39% of slave sellers were Europeans. 38% of slave sellers were local Indian St. Thomas Christians ("Asian Christians"). 5% of slave sellers were Muslims("moors").


When the islamic invaders introduced slavery in India, Shivaji was the FIRST ever king known in history to issue such an anti slavery declaration. Yet, he is nowhere acknowledged. While Abraham Lincoln who cooperated halfheartedly with abolitionists is frequently hailed as father of anti slavery and freedom.

Slavery was abolished in USA on January 1, 1863. Shivaji issued his anti slave trade declaration on 26th August 1677.

When Shivaji conquered Karnataka in 1677 from Muslim Kings, he issued the following order "In the days of Muslim rule,you were allowed to buy and transport slaves. Now I am the master. You can't buy or transport slaves. My soldiers will catch you. You must follow compulsorily"


OK let us assume that caste is due to muslims or chrisitians. But then what is preventing from brahmins and allied castes in giving up their privileges ? its been 70 years since independence - why is almost every priest in mainstream temples still brahmins ? why are inter caste marriages so low as proportion.
You can pretend as much as you like but the trick of blaming it on muslims while preserving and stretching caste system as long as they can is a fascist playbook trick.
Just when you think India cannot surprise you anymore...surprise!!
I find is surprising then everyone is surprised.

India, the land of surprises
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