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-JI is too posh to win an election.

-PTI supporters are braindead, and while I like PTI, especially Ali Muhammad Khan, idk what's their future as a party.
But currently, they are the only viable ready-made option we have.

If you read the article, JUI-F in Punjab is made up of literal anti-Shia terrorist militia groups that have supported PMLN instead of JUI-F for the last 20 years.
These groups started the whole sectarian conflict in Pakistan.
LEA's and Shia militants assassinated them all

PMLN is no longer a valid option for me. Leaders like Dar, Nawaz, and Maryam are not the kind of people I want in charge

Honestly, I have developed a liking for TLP. There's something about them that attracts me, and I can't pinpoint why. Maybe they represent the older generation Punjabi-centric values. They don't pander to non-Muslims like ethnos. All their rallies are mostly in Punjabi, they keep mustaches because it's part of our cultural values unlike proper islamists, and they regularly talk about our saints, their contributions, and their poetry. They are the only politicians who talk about the sacrifices of partition victims and what they gave up.
In a nationalist sense, as in it's important to do right by them and get our shit together. They have a history of standing against the establishment, (they faced a brutal crackdown, he was in jail for months, his brother and workers were tortured, house raided under pti administration FYI at the behest of establishment)

However, they need to focus on actual policies, the economy, and national development alongside Islamic values. They should be more diplomatically conscious, so they don't show up as a far-right Islamic fundamentalist party in Wikipedia searches.

I come from an urban Punjab (not lower middle class where they're popular) background, and TLP is not an option in my family or surroundings, rightfully so.
I'd like to see them change their approach and become a center-right Islamic-leaning party, similar to JI but with a TLP touch
What would be perfect is a coalition in Panjab between all religious parties there.
Bro most mullah parties are just faujeet parties in disguise. Look at TLP, they do chimp outs on the directive of someone else.

What made you think TLP under late Khadim Hussain Rizvi was establishment's proxy?

Khadim sb & TLP workers/supporters went through severe persecution during era of establishment's then love child Imran Khan. ---- Had they were military's touts, they wouldn't have gone through arrests, tortures & fake cases etc.

KHR once said in an interview (about rangers/army giving 500 per head to TLP workers in ISD) that he didn't know from where rangers came & why did they give money.
It was most probably establishment's trick to malign KHR & to send a signal to PMLN's govt that establishment is still against them. 1 teer, 2 shikar.

You are 100% wrong about TLP of KHR.

TLP of his son SHR seems like a little bit off colour.

Look at Munafiq Tatti Kussmani, he hasn't said anything about 11K prisoners or IK in jail.

idk why you hate Taqi Usmani. Sure, he hasn't said anything about IK's arrest but he didn't said any word about persecution of TLP under IK. It means he is a sort of neutral -- w.r.t. politics -- molvi just like Tariq Jameel.
Leave these sort of neutrals alone on their own in their comfort zone. As general Hameed Gul said, only dead are neutrals.
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