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Does Pakistan stand good against India?

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We always have fought Indian efforts to become the south asian wild bull , no matter how much India spends on its defense budget it no longer is a worry for Pakistan.

We are modernizing our military at a fast rate in our own right & always will be a force to be reckoned with. Indian dream of becoming the south asian wild bull will remain a pipe dream.

Jealousy is a sin, hasad insan ko kha jata hai..
India is doing good,, we have to look at ourselves..
Jealousy is a sin, hasad insan ko kha jata hai..
India is doing good,, we have to look at ourselves..

What jealousy hundreds of millions on less than half a dollar a day.
Answer is simple "just try"

people even fight with sticks and kitchen stuff... to overcome a Nation, you will require to kill its will to fight...

and this is the will that ruled indian subcontinent for a 1000 years...
Stupid thread. Military development comes with the development of the economy of the country. Its nothing new. India's economy is advancing so they can afford these developments in the military. If pakistan's economy suddenly becomes robust, they will also start to have very sophisticated weaponery.
We can defend ourselves, india does not have the guts to attack us.
Spot on! Indian politicians don't have the balls to attack Pakistan. So until they grow them and have stem cell surgery to grow back bones, India can have all the fancy toys it wants but these will be wrapped in cotton wool and kept for dispalay purposes only!! :azn:
Pakistan's surrender of 90,000 soldiers in front of indians is the biggest among any surrender in the world till date...
It speaks alot... No need to argue
Another same topic with no conclusion...... just ll flame both sides.
yes we knew you are huge in population and weapons but still we did not care to pick a fight

Pakistani are brave peoples they can fight without weapons which is not true for american, indian or Isreal soldiers who rely on their weapons and missiles

Sorry shaktimaan..... Jackal is coming...:no:
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