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Does Pakistan stand good against India?

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Singh Balwinder


New Recruit

Jun 6, 2011
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What do Pakistanis think?Indian defence just keeps getting stronger and stronger day by day...every 2 week or so there is some big news..huge purchases and DRDO and ISRO vastly improving our domestic arms industry.
What do Pakistanis think?Indian defence just keeps getting stronger and stronger day by day...every 2 week or so there is some big news..huge purchases and DRDO and ISRO vastly improving our domestic arms industry.
brother everyone knows it...why are you belittling them with the same old topic........
We can defend ourselves, india does not have the guts to attack us.
Guys if US can invade our terrirtory,violate airspace,kill our soldiers and make us look weak in front of the entire world but this dosent mean that we cant stand up and protect ourself from India
your army thought same in 1971 ...

yes we knew you are huge in population and weapons but still we did not care to pick a fight

Pakistani are brave peoples they can fight without weapons which is not true for american, indian or Isreal soldiers who rely on their weapons and missiles
Lol why are you people so concerned about us? No need to be so obsessive. Live and let live. We can defend ourselves. But next time don't back out like you guys did in 2008. Amazing how a small nation of 180 million has made a huge nation of over a billion lose their sleep and forced them to spend billions of dollars on arms.
Comparison is not possible due to many factors. India is Bigger in Men, Money and Material. Indeed, Pakistan was never close to India with obvious reasons in conventional war. It was always 3 or 4:1. Now both Quality and Quantity wise India moving way ahead. NUKE gave psychological support to Pakistan. But It's merely a Psychological. It's just that many countries don't show it. Do you believe Countries like Japan, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Australia don't have Nuke ? Of course they have, but Why will they show it ? Not required. Russia have Nuke Since many decades, What's Use ? Zero. Billions of $ already Wasted till date.

One should also not do comparison. India is Spending close to 100 Billion Dollar in next few years. Of Course, Pakistan can't match it even 25%. But that is not important. India is only doing for Protection and not for Offence. I don't think GoI really wants War. If Possible, Then it would already happened. People are emotional and Country comes first. But that is not how country works as per PM known for deep knowledge of Economics.

Pakistan priority should be to develop the nation with Strong Economy, International Acceptance, Stable Government and Elimination of Terrorism. if these things will be done, Then Pakistan will be powerful country and No country is interested in going against Powerful Country as more benefit is possible in Business. Best Example is India and China. No Matter what, Both have compulsion to grow.

I still remember sometime back Imran Khan said " India can defeat Pakistan very badly in development in next few years without going into war, India Just need to increase the budget every year". That tells also.

I personally feel, Pakistan should focus on it's economy rather than Arm-Race. Not good for Pakistan in Long run. India will have no impact in either case. If there is no War in Next 20 Years, Then India will Win in big way and Pakistan will lose.

And once again saying. India defence is only for Defence and not for Offence. I can say with my conviction, India's PM (BJP or Congress) don't have guts to go into War. Both are more bothered about Economy and Peace. Sad but true lol. So, It's fact. All are done, for Defence Only. Thats why name is Defence and Not Offence. :cheers:
yes we knew you are huge in population and weapons but still we did not care to pick a fight

Pakistani are brave peoples they can fight without weapons which is not true for american, indian or Isreal soldiers who rely on their weapons and missiles

Spend 1000 years with hindus in India with peace and now we need a war with India since 63 years, why is that so, does a war with india suits us plz think about it???
This case also applies to indians why hate Pakistan???
Troll thread.......
We always have fought Indian efforts to become the south asian wild bull , no matter how much India spends on its defense budget it no longer is a worry for Pakistan.

We are modernizing our military at a fast rate in our own right & always will be a force to be reckoned with. Indian dream of becoming the south asian wild bull will remain a pipe dream.
We will defend our nation, from indian extremist hegemony
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