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Does Pakistan Army has Mountain Divisions (or atleast Brigades) ?

Waffen SS

Aug 16, 2009
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Guys, I need an answer to a question.

Do we have dedicated mountain divisions (or brigades)


The NLI (Northern Light infantry) is a dedicated mountain warfare unit.

Another question.

Does a mountain division differs from an ordinary infantry division in two aspects:
1. It is stripped-off of its heavy weaponry and vehicles.
2. It has specialized training for the foot soldiers for mountain warfare.

True or not ?

For your queries:

1. NLI is not a dedicated moutain warfare unit. Before becoming a regular regiment, NLI batallions used to be rotated within NA and Kashmir but now they are rotated like others.

There is no designated mountain division (as in its name) but those deployed in those areas and others who expected to be involved in those areas have equipment and training to suit their objectives.

The Pakistan army follows the British pattern. For infantry, they have standard war establishments for normal operations which are modified for special situations. when units are moved to mountain areas their establishments are modified for the area where they are to serve.

Mountain artillery, animal transport units however, because of their specialized nature, have their own establishments.
Yes Pakistan does. The Force Command Northern Areas (FCNA) is essentially a division sized formation specialized in mountain warfare. There are certain international obligations due to which the FCNA is not called a division but in reality it is a division.
Yes Pakistan does. The Force Command Northern Areas (FCNA) is essentially a division sized formation specialized in mountain warfare. There are certain international obligations due to which the FCNA is not called a division but in reality it is a division.

the term mountain div to indentify such formations is not used in the PA. and yes FCNA is trained in mountain warfare.

quite a few NLI units are fighting in FATA
the term mountain div to indentify such formations is not used in the PA. and yes FCNA is trained in mountain warfare.

quite a few NLI units are fighting in FATA

Yes you are right. I was just speaking to the relative equivalency of FCNA with a mountain division.
Mountainous area cant be protected with regular infantry, there must be a special commando training for them and that training must taken at mountains... I wonder how they train?

And special equipment needed for them also, how is the condition?
Mountainous area cant be protected with regular infantry, there must be a special commando training for them and that training must taken at mountains... I wonder how they train?

And special equipment needed for them also, how is the condition?

google 'cherat' this is where mountain warfare trg takes place
Army High Altitude School

Army High Altitude School was established at Rattu (Northern Area of Pakistan) in December 1987. This institution trains troops in High Altitude and Mountain Warfare operations including skiing. During summers students are also given a chance of climbing 19000 feet altitude on various peaks.

check out the link, it has very good information.
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