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Does India need Secularism?



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May 27, 2013
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What is this thing called 'Secularism'?

Why does India need Secularism?

What advantages Secularism offers to Indic Society compared to No-Secularism?

There was No Secularism before 1947, Why Indian society cannot live without secularism? Arguments by the proponents of secularism claim that India will break off without Secularism.
What is this thing called 'Secularism'?

Why does India need Secularism?

What advantages Secularism offers to Indic Society compared to No-Secularism?

There was No before 1947, Why Indian society cannot live without secularism? Arguments by the proponents of secularism claim that India will break off without Secularism.

What do you want? Hindu state?
What is this thing called 'Secularism'?

Why does India need Secularism?

What advantages Secularism offers to Indic Society compared to No-Secularism?

There was No Secularism before 1947, Why Indian society cannot live without secularism? Arguments by the proponents of secularism claim that India will break off without Secularism.

Ask yourself. You will get all the answers.
What is this thing called 'Secularism'?

Why does India need Secularism?

What advantages Secularism offers to Indic Society compared to No-Secularism?

There was No Secularism before 1947, Why Indian society cannot live without secularism? Arguments by the proponents of secularism claim that India will break off without Secularism.

Secularism is humanity - the worlds made of multi racial, multi ethnic, multi religious, multi cultural people - a great country is one that recognizes and celebrates this diversity.
What is this thing called 'Secularism'?

Why does India need Secularism?

What advantages Secularism offers to Indic Society compared to No-Secularism?

There was No Secularism before 1947, Why Indian society cannot live without secularism? Arguments by the proponents of secularism claim that India will break off without Secularism.

1.) Every successful nation today is secular country. Building a nation on religion is simply backwards and will cause problems.

2.) Secularism ensures that minorities are protected

3.) Secularism ensures social peace, which is incredibly important because India has +300 million non Hindus!

4.) There was no India before 1947

5.) Secularism is simply the best way to ensure that people can live together peacefully.
1.) Every successful nation today is secular country. Building a nation on religion is simply backwards and will cause problems.

2.) Secularism ensures that minorities are protected

3.) Secularism ensures social peace, which is incredibly important because India has +300 million non Hindus!

4.) There was no India before 1947

5.) Secularism is simply the best way to ensure that people can live together peacefully.
Though I want secularism. .in the interest of knowledge india was present before 1947 as a cultural unit for thousands of years.

And what makes you think those non hindus cannot be converted back?
What do you want? Hindu state?


A state that doesn't let vote bank dictate the rule of law.

A state where no politician can allow massacres of host communities while appeasing non-Dharmic communities.

A state where ALL people of ALL religions and faiths follow common CIVIL CODE like those followed in Singapore and other such smart countries.

A state where there is NO RESERVATION for physically fit, young citizens of any caste, creed or community and instead is reserved for those who are differently abled... that too not more than 5% of any category.

A state which is able to protect the integrity and honour of women and is able to severely punish the guilty without being a hostage to terror-supporting Human Rights groups.

A state which recognizes the Dharmic core culture as the national identity which automatically tolerates organized religions with respect so much so that people of both groups respect and love each other as countrymen.

A state that does not appease unstable radical nations for votes at the local front from radical traitors in the name of 'SECOOLARism'.


That's the kind of state we want:

Strong, proud, decisive, progressive and yet culturally aware of its roots.

A state that doesn't let vote bank dictate the rule of law.

A state where no politician can allow massacres of host communities while appeasing non-Dharmic communities.

A state where ALL people of ALL religions and faiths follow common CIVIL CODE like those followed in Singapore and other such smart countries.

A state where there is NO RESERVATION for physically fit, young citizens of any caste, creed or community and instead is reserved for those who are differently abled... that too not more than 5% of any category.

A state which is able to protect the integrity and honour of women and is able to severely punish the guilty without being a hostage to terror-supporting Human Rights groups.

A state which recognizes the Dharmic core culture as the national identity which automatically tolerates organized religions with respect so much so that people of both groups respect and love each other as countrymen.

A state that does not appease unstable radical nations for votes at the local front from radical traitors in the name of 'SECOOLARism'.


That's the kind of state we want:

Strong, proud, decisive, progressive and yet culturally aware of its roots.

In short you want real secularism, as in its proper interpretation:- a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations in policy framing and administration. AND not the Congress's doctrine which has been labeled FALSELY as secularism. IF so join the club and then forget about it. An uniform civil code is the directive principle of our constitution, the same constitution which is the paramount law of the land above the bible, quran, bhagvad gita and everything else, BUT we still don't have an uniform civil code.
@tvsram1992 Please tell me that was a rather malignant attempt at sarcasm.
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1] Every successful nation today is secular country. Building a nation on religion is simply backwards and will cause problems.

On religion.

Yes you're right.

Because organize religion are different from Dharmic culture.

Hindu, Buddh, Sikh, Jain etc are not organized religions. They don't have prophets claiming absolute truth, but instead the teachers were made holy by people's idiocy. For Hindus there was no founder and no founding date and it has been ancient.

Buddh philosophy emerged as a result of corruption, lust for power and too much violence present then, to teach people to lead happy, peaceful and a life without greed.

Sikh philosophy emerged as a result of violent injustice faced by people of that part of land, which needed a martial reorganization to oust the invaders in the north.

Neither Siddhartha Gautama nor any of the Buddhas before him or even Guru Nanak ji ever claimed to be specially chosen by divinity. They only spread the message that the ancient Indian culture always spread;

The ancient Hindus used to call: "loka samastha sukhino bhavantu" in Sanskrit.

which in English means:

Let the entire world live with peace, harmony and happiness".

2.) Secularism ensures that minorities are protected

What minorities?

Because of secularism, today the Hindu community and their sister faiths like us and the Sikhs have become hostage in our own homeland.

3.) Secularism ensures social peace, which is incredibly important because India has +300 million non Hindus!

Secularism has caused more riots than peace. Everytime some crazy mutawa screams islam is in danger, it is always the Hindus and Buddhists who have got killed and harassed under the guise of secularism.

First it started with Gandhi and later it continues to date in Assam and in J&K.

Secularism has only given pain, death and despair to the Dharmic communities as a whole.

4.) There was no India before 1947


'Socialist, secular republic' of India was a creation of the colonials and self-ashamed dopes aka the party that we all know today.

India was Bharatvarsh (in Sanskrit) the land of culture, riches, glory, knowledge and peace. Where the majority Hindus ruled the country in different chiefdoms and smaller kingdoms, referring to the entire landmass as Bharatavarsha.

Many Sanskrit scriptures refer to this word LONG before Europeans came out of their caves.

Bharatavarsha was a land where Buddhists when came out as a distinct branch, were (though initially suspected and disliked) protected, assimilated and encouraged.

This was the land where there were knowledgeable vivadas (or debates) between Buddhists and Hindu scholars in renowned universities like Nalanda and Takshashila.

Our system of ruling was that of the ancient word Chakravartin where one main emperor presided over many smaller kings who were like modern-day Chief Ministers.

An example of this governance was the Mauryan empire to whom we (modern day Sikkim state) acted as a tributary state. Despite the spread of Buddhism by Ashoka (although a very weak interpretation of what Buddhism is actually), Hindu culture was an integral part of the practise.

This form of governance not just existed in our country but also in ancient Buddhist/Hindu ruled Vietnam (Champa kingdom), Kambojadesha (Cambodia) and Ayuthaya (Thailand), Malaya and Majapahit empire (Malaysia and Indonesia of today).

So don't say we never existed before 1947.

It is a common myth spread by socialists and JNU jholawalas who owe their founding to the colonials to weaken our country's cultural backbone.

5.) Secularism is simply the best way to ensure that people can live together peacefully.

Kashmir, Assam, Kerala (PFI), Nagaland, Manipur (NSCN/M, Baptist Church etc) West Bengal (TMC's demographic invasion and encouragement of illegal Islamic migration).....

You want more such situations of demographic warfare?

If yes, then secularism, the way it is preached and practised currently in the country, is the way...
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